James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."

Racial Justice In Schools Starts With Teacher Cultural Competency, Not “NYPD” T-Shirts
Racial Justice In Schools Starts With Teacher Cultural Competency, Not “NYPD” T-Shirts: Racial Justice In Schools Starts With Teacher Cultural Competency, Not “NYPD” T-ShirtsSEPTEMBER 17, 2014 BY K12NN SITE ADMIN LEAVE A COMMENTBy Sabrina Stevens. She is executive director of Integrity In Education and a former teacher and now education activist.Though some may view the police as “community helper
9-17-14 Curmudgucation - Is Standardization a Virtue?
CURMUDGUCATION: Research + Politics = Bad NewsAt the Fordham's flypaper blog, Andy Smarick has some sobering news. Yes, Smarick is from the reformster camp, but what he reports this week is concerning to anybody who cares about education in this country.Smarick is reporting about the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the government agency responsible for gathering and sorting the va
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 9-17-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: L.A. UNIFIED STUDENTS CLAIM WALKOUT OVER HEAT; DISTRICT REPAIRING A/C + smf’s 2¢By Veronica Rocha, LA Times | Caption Heat wave | Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times The setting suns sets clouds aglow as they pass over the Los Angeles skyline. Franklin High student tweets about students walking out amid intense heat Old air conditioners are malfuncti
9-17-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: New Group Forms PAC to Fight Charter Takeover in NashvilleFrom the Tennessean:Parents in East Nashville are moving quickly to fight Director of Schools Jesse Register’s far-reaching plan to close low-performing schools, hand others to charter operators and let families in that area choose where their children will attend.Their request: Start over.Since Register unveiled his intenti
A snapshot you won't see in the media | New Politics
A snapshot you won't see in the media | New Politics: A snapshot you won't see in the mediaI’ve written about a new wave of reform in teachers unions that’s still under the radar of the corporate media and much of the Left press. It’s hard for these caucuses to get media attention, which is understandable when the outlets are owned by Rupert Murdoch or the like. They have no interest in publiciz
@TeachForAmerica Airlines: Fly Us! We Build Plane in Air | Cloaking Inequity
@TeachForAmerica Airlines: Fly Us! We Build Plane in Air | Cloaking Inequity: @TeachForAmerica Airlines: Fly Us! We Build Plane in Air“I fly a lot,” he says. “Let’s say you go to the airport and you have a choice of three different pilots. One has trained for 30 hours online, the second has five weeks in the summer, and the third has studied, become certified and has spent a year as an intern. Whi
Cali Education Headlines 9-17-14
Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team | CSIS – California School Information Services: Education HeadlinesEarly literacy program expands in the Salinas ValleyJust as in a library, students in the program check out a book each Monday and are expected to read to their siblings every day. September 17, 2014Hacienda La Puente Unified OKs design work on high school football fieldsThe Hacienda
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: New school supplies from the Pentagon. Deasy in L.A. grabs some M16s and grenade launchers.
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: New school supplies from the Pentagon. Deasy in L.A. grabs some M16s and grenade launchers.: New school supplies from the Pentagon. Deasy in L.A. grabs some M16s and grenade launchers.All San Diego schools got from the Pentagon was this one lousy armored vehicle.But the Wall St. Journal reports that LAUSD on the other hand, did much better. Supt. John Deasy has stock
Hard Times, Our Times | Bill Ayers
Hard Times, Our Times | Bill Ayers: Hard Times, Our TimesCharles Dickens published Hard Times in London in 1854, over 160 years ago. In the opening paragraphs, he describes – with raging fidelity – the first harsh lesson drummed into the heads of unsuspecting new teachers:“’Now, what I want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else,
9-17-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: It's Constitution DayConstitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution by thirty-nine brave men on September 17, 1787, recognizing all who, are born in the U.S. or by naturalization, have become citizens.Our Constitution still stands as our country's guide. I don't think that it's some kind of "in stone" document. I belie
9-17-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): Morning Read: Lawsuit challenges CTA’s power over duesMorning Read: Lawsuit challenges CTA’s power over dues Lawsuit challenges teachers’ compulsory dues A lawsuit working its way through the courts is striking at the core of the CTA’s power: its authority to automatically deduct hundreds of millions of d
10 Reasons why the city’s Preschool for All Proposition 1B is not a good idea | Seattle Education
10 Reasons why the city’s Preschool for All Proposition 1B is not a good idea | Seattle Education: 10 Reasons why the city’s Preschool for All Proposition 1B is not a good ideaOn face value, Initiative 1B appears to be a proposal with great promise but it’s the details, or lack thereof, that is of greatest concern to me.If Initiative 1B passes, then an implementation plan will be developed to crea
19 STATES ALLOW CORPORAL PUNISHMENT IN SCHOOLS ? YIKES ! | Teachers Fight Back: 19 STATES ALLOW CORPORAL PUNISHMENT IN SCHOOLS ? YIKES !leave a comment »I just heard a report that said 19 states in the U.S. allow corporal punishment in their schools. Wow! Can this be true ?All this came to light because of the media’s discussions about the Adrian Peterson situation. Where are these 19 states ?
#WeCantWait Photo Campaign Shows What's Missing in Underfunded Schools | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Education Reform for Equity and Opportunity
#WeCantWait Photo Campaign Shows What's Missing in Underfunded Schools | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Education Reform for Equity and Opportunity: #WeCantWait Photo Campaign Shows What's Missing in Underfunded SchoolsPosted on: Wednesday September 17th, 2014New York State owes its students billions in school funding it refuses to provide. Now, a powerful photo campaign from the Allianc
NYC Public School Parents: NYC Schools, Kids, Parents and Teachers will march in historic demonstration for climate action Sept. 21
NYC Public School Parents: NYC Schools, Kids, Parents and Teachers will march in historic demonstration for climate action Sept. 21: NYC Schools, Kids, Parents and Teachers will march in historic demonstration for climate action Sept. 21FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASECONTACT: Kate Finneran, Kate@Avaaz.org, 801-634-8811 DATE: 9/15/14
A Teacher Speaks Out | Taking Note
A Teacher Speaks Out | Taking Note: A Teacher Speaks Outby JOHN MERROW on 17. SEP, 2014 in 2014 BLOGS, TESTING, TEACHINGDear Friends and other readers,How do classroom teachers feel about standardized, machine-scored testing? Below is a letter from a young classroom teacher whose identity I am not revealing. This teacher, who has been teaching more than 6 years, fears retribution, apparently wi
Morning Wink 9-17-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-17-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for allDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Jersey Jazzman: Governor Christie Should Be Held Accountable for Failure in State-Controlled DistrictsJersey Jazzman says Governor Christie has complete control of education in four urban distri
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-17-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Jersey Jazzman: Governor Christie Should Be Held Accountable for Failure in State-Controlled DistrictsJersey Jazzman says Governor Christie has complete control of education in four urban districts in his state, and his appointees have haughtily introduced changes without community consultation or consent, sowing chaos and dissensi
9-17-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: Search For Historical Word Use In Movies With “Bookworm”I’ve previously written about several web tools that let you search for word usage in various places — books, the NY Times, Yelp — and then chart them out over the years. You can read about all of them here. There’s a new addition to that list — Bookworm. Despite its n
9-17-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Hooray for cartoonists.Dykes to Watch Out For cartoonist Alison Bechdel won the MacCarthur Award this morning. Hooray for cartoonists.2 by Fred Klonsky / 1h hide // saveLeadership.3 by Fred Klonsky / 2h 9-16-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacherFred Klonsky | Daily posts
9-17-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: MY TIP and IPC Story - by John Elfrank-DanaAP: The evaluator chooses if video will be used. (She points out rightly that the UFT gave the discretion of video to the evaluator instead of the evaluated. Way to go Mulgrew!)... JED Another gem from John. Isn't it great to be on F-You time?Warning – Kids don’t try this at your school. This teacher has one year to go before retirement.T
9-17-14 Wait What? - Malloy’s Fundraising Operation – “Offensive but not illegal”
Wait What?: Malloy’s Fundraising Operation – “Offensive but not illegal”As noted earlier this week in Wait, What? post entitled, Three cheers for campaign finance corruption in Connecticut!, Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy and his campaign operation has collected at least $3.5 million for his campaign by directing large campaign contributors to make donations to the Democratic State Central Committee
The Answer Sheet 9-17-14
Answer Sheet: Four Common Core ‘flimflams’Award-winning Principal Carol Burris of South Side High School in New York was once a supporter of the Common Core but came to be a critic after her state began to implement the initiative. (You can read some of her work on the botched implementation in New York here, here, here and here.) Burris was named […]400+ by Valerie Strauss / 5h The Answer Shee
9-17-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: LA Times Blames LAUSD School Board for Deasy’s Mistakes | Diane Ravitch's bloghttp://dianeravitch.net/2014/09/16/la-times-blames-lausd-school-board-for-deasys-mistakes/ LA Times Blames LAUSD School Board for Deasy's Mistakes Howard Blume of The Los Angeles Times has done a remarkable job of reporting about Superintendent John Deasy's huge problems in managing the school syste
9-17-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Cuomo Wants To "Bridge The Broadband Divide" At Same Time He Can't Pay For The Tappan Zee Bridge ProjectIt is becoming increasingly clear that Governor Andrew M. Cuomo is building a $3.9 billion dollar replacement for the Tappan Zee Bridge that has no funding source.Cuomo tried to get half a billion in loans from the EPA clean water fund for the bridge, but that at
MEW Editors Join Lawsuit Challenging Missouri Payments to Support Common Core | Missouri Education Watchdog
MEW Editors Join Lawsuit Challenging Missouri Payments to Support Common Core | Missouri Education Watchdog: MEW Editors Join Lawsuit Challenging Missouri Payments to Support Common CoreinShareGretchen Logue and Anne Gassel of the Missouri Coalition Against Common Core have joined Fred N. Sauer in filing a taxpayer lawsuit against Governor Nixon, Commissioner Nicastro, and other state officials.
PDK/Gallup Poll Says Americans Value Teachers and Want Teachers Supported, Not Punished | janresseger
PDK/Gallup Poll Says Americans Value Teachers and Want Teachers Supported, Not Punished | janresseger: PDK/Gallup Poll Says Americans Value Teachers and Want Teachers Supported, Not PunishedPosted on September 17, 2014 by janressegerToo often lately when I read about teachers and teaching, I am bothered because I suspect the writer has never taught in any kind of school. Even though I know that d
NEA - Annenberg study calls for new charter school standards to be implemented in policy
NEA - Annenberg study calls for new charter school standards to be implemented in policy: Annenberg study calls for new charter school standards to be implemented in policyNEA President Eskelsen García: ‘Standards and vigorous oversight are key to protecting charter school students and the public’s investment in public education”WASHINGTON - September 16, 2014 -A new report just released by the An
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm Love and the Mess at CPS
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm Love and the Mess at CPS: Rahm Love and the Mess at CPSGOOD READ...And at home I found a separate culture of intellectual achievement. This is the tradition of Carter G. Woodson, Frederick Douglass, and Malcolm X. It argues for education not simply as credentialism or certification, but as a profound act of auto-liberation. This was the culture of my childhood a
Lying with numbers in Newark | Bob Braun's Ledger
Lying with numbers in Newark | Bob Braun's Ledger: Lying with numbers in NewarkThe only audience that matters to CamiHere’s the core of the problem in Newark schools: Cami Anderson, Gov. Chris Christie’s agent in Newark, has the numbers that reveal how well or how poorly she is doing. No one else, including the city’s elected school board, has them. So she can make outrageous statements–like the f
Common Core As Child Abuse | PopularResistance.Org
Common Core As Child Abuse | PopularResistance.Org: Common Core As Child AbuseEDUCATE! EDUCATION, HEALTH, YOUTH By Stamford Advocate, www.stamfordadvocate.comSeptember 17th, 2014 Powered by Translate“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”Government and business leaders profess that today’s education policies will provide students with “21st-century skills.” If only thes
NYC Educator: Teacher Torture
NYC Educator: Teacher Torture: Teacher TortureThat's what a Queens chapter leader called the 80 minutes of PD most city teachers are subject to every Monday for the foreseeable future. Of course UFT leadership deems it a great victory, since there is now a committee that will sit around and figure out how to inflict plan this. The idea, of course, is that with teacher input everything will be much
Op-Ed: School District Consolidation Should Be Welcomed in New Jersey - NJ Spotlight
Op-Ed: School District Consolidation Should Be Welcomed in New Jersey - NJ Spotlight: OP-ED: SCHOOL DISTRICT CONSOLIDATION SHOULD BE WELCOMED IN NEW JERSEYCHRISTINE TODD WHITMAN | SEPTEMBER 17, 2014When it comes to local school districts, small isn’t beautiful -- it’s usually inefficient and expensiveFormer Gov. Christine Todd WhitmanIt was nearly 20 years ago that I called for a nonbinding refere
October 11th, be there: The Network for Public Education will hold an historic event | Seattle Education
October 11th, be there: The Network for Public Education will hold an historic event | Seattle Education: October 11th, be there: The Network for Public Education will hold an historic eventPUBLIC Education Nation will deliver the conversation the country has been waiting for. Rather than featuring billionaires and pop singers, this event will be built around intense conversations featuring leadin
Lawsuit challenges teachers’ compulsory dues | EdSource
Lawsuit challenges teachers’ compulsory dues | EdSource: Lawsuit challenges teachers’ compulsory duesSeptember 16, 2014 | By John Fensterwald | No Comments SHARE THIS ARTICLECOURTESY OF GREG SCHNEIDER (WWW.GREGSCHNEIDER.COM)Rebecca Friedrichs, lead plaintiff in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association.Vergara v. State of California, threatening teacher protection laws in California, has cons
empathyeducates – Is Justice Near for New Orleans Teachers Wrongly Fired After Katrina?
empathyeducates – Is Justice Near for New Orleans Teachers Wrongly Fired After Katrina?: Is Justice Near for New Orleans Teachers Wrongly Fired After Katrina?A teacher appreciation week banner from August 2005 remained in the library at George Washington Carver High School when it was photographed 14 months later. (The Times-Picayune archive)By Sue Sturgis | Originally Published at Facing South. A
NY Common Core Debate: Dissecting Pro-CC Petrilli and Martin | deutsch29
NY Common Core Debate: Dissecting Pro-CC Petrilli and Martin | deutsch29: NY Common Core Debate: Dissecting Pro-CC Petrilli and MartinSeptember 16, 2014On September 9, 2014, Intelligence Squared hosted a debate on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), which it entitled, Embrace the Common Core. The title is based upon the position that the organization assumes on the issue.In this post, I consid
Join The EduColor Movement, Part 1 of Many | The Jose Vilson
Join The EduColor Movement, Part 1 of Many | The Jose Vilson: Join The EduColor Movement, Part 1 of ManyIt’s been a few years since Arvind Grover, ed-tech specialist in NYC, and I looked around boutique education conferences and said, “Wow, these spaces need a lot more diversity.” When a few of us sat there and said we’d create a clearinghouse to rate the diversity of any conference we came across
Bill Maher Picked The Right District To Flip: John Kline chair of the House Education | Crooks and Liars
Bill Maher Picked The Right District To Flip | Crooks and Liars: Bill Maher Picked The Right District To FlipBy Howie Klein September 15, 2014 6:00 am - 54 Comments 213Share0 23Share1 342No matter what the villagers say, MN Rep. Keith Ellison and Blue America looked at the PPP Poll numbers and came to the same conclusion: this is a very winnable race.Friday night, Bill Maher ended his big-buzz Fli
Charter Schools’ Value-Added in Ohio |
Charter Schools’ Value-Added in Ohio |: Charter Schools’ Value-Added in Ohio On the 10th Period blog, an Education Policy Fellow at Innovation Ohio named Stephen Dyer wrote about charter schools’ versus traditional schools’ value-added. Click here to read the full blog post, and also to view Dyer’s illustrative graphs explaining the headline: that “Charter Value Added Grades [are] Not Much Better”
Nite Cap 9-16-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAP9-16-14 Ed Notes OnlineEd Notes Online: A Letter to Janella: Is Bergtraum Special?This is the second time in 4 years this chapter has managed to convince a Chancellor but NOT THEIR OWN UNION, that a principal is abusive... Elfrank-Dana, CL, Murry
9-16-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: A Letter to Janella: Is Bergtraum Special?This is the second time in 4 years this chapter has managed to convince a Chancellor but NOT THEIR OWN UNION, that a principal is abusive... Elfrank-Dana, CL, Murry Bergtraum HSHo hum, par for the course -- the UFT protecting principals over teachers for their pals at the CSA.I love John Elfrank-Dana -- He's so prolific I don't even have t
Student Voice in a Box: Final Release
Student Voice in a Box: Final Release: Student Voice in a Box: Final ReleaseThis is our final installment of Student Voice in a Box. We think that you’ll agree this week is our some of our best content yet.Ari Sussmann and the Student Voice CollaborativeThis week, Ari Sussman tells us about the Student Voice Collaborative and how to make impact on a schoolwide level. His stories are moving and the
1st Latina NEA President’s Concern: Testing, Teacher Pay and Undocumented Students « NewsTaco
1st Latina NEA President’s Concern: Testing, Teacher Pay and Undocumented Students « NewsTaco: 1st Latina NEA President’s Concern: Testing, Teacher Pay and Undocumented Students By Manuel De La Rosa, NewsTacoThe president of the nation’s largest teachers group visited the Rio Grande Valley in Texas as part of a two-day tour to discuss standardized testing, low teacher’s pay and undocumented childr
Charter v. Private School “Prepsters”: Manufacturing College-Ready Kindergartners
Charter v. Private School “Prepsters”: Manufacturing College-Ready Kindergartners: Charter v. Private School “Prepsters”: Manufacturing College-Ready KindergartnersSEPTEMBER 16, 2014 BY NANCY BAILEY 1 COMMENT“College Prep Begins in Kindergarten” is the motto for Cornerstone Preparatory School (a charter) in Memphis. HERE. A lot of charter schools advertise themselves as college preparatory schools
Russ on Reading: Can We Talk?
Russ on Reading: Can We Talk?: Can We Talk?I am channeling the late, great Joan Rivers today as I ponder the question that many education reformers have been asking: "Can we talk?"Lately you can't open a link to a pro-education reform blog without finding another reformster pleading for a civil conversation on education. My colleague and fellow founding member of the Guys with Beards and
Choosing Democracy: California Children Living Below the Poverty line
Choosing Democracy: California Children Living Below the Poverty line: California Children Living Below the Poverty lineNew Census Data Show That More Than One in Seven Californians -- One-Third of Them Children -- Lived in Poverty in 2013STATE'S OVERALL POVERTY RATE AND CHILD POVERTY RATE REMAIN HIGH DESPITE DECLINES SINCE 2011, HIGHLIGHTING NEED FOR POLICIES THAT BOOST WORKERS' EARNINGS SACRAMEN
Punk Rock Education Style | Crazy Crawfish's Blog
Punk Rock Education Style | Crazy Crawfish's Blog: Crazy Crawfish's BlogZesty Louisiana Education PoliticsPunk Rock Education StylePosted on September 16, 20140crazycrawfish:I really like this uplifting post about the current trajectory of the anti-deform movement and agree with the sentiment and assessment (and not just because of the shoutout to me.) :)Originally posted on Dad Gone Wild:In 1977
9-16-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Here's What Standing Up Can Do!Are you, too, a heroine or hero waiting to act?by Jim Horn / 27min 9-15-14 Schools MatterSchools Matter: To Chris Barbic: There Will Be No Civility for Child Abusers and Corporate Profiteers2 by Jim Horn / 8min 9-14-14 Schools MatterSchools Matter: Indy's John Harris Loflin and José Evans' Big Gig at International ED ConferenceBy Doug MartinBelow is,
9-16-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): Editorial: LA Unified schools won’t get better if leaders fightEditorial: LA Unified schools won’t get better if leaders fight Via LA Times | Editorial Board This would be a difficult period for Supt. John Deasy and the Los Angeles Unified School District even if he and the school board were intent on wor
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: The rats are having a field day at CPS
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: The rats are having a field day at CPS: The rats are having a field day at CPSDead rat, one of many at a Southwest Side elementary school having problems with rodents and roaches since janitorial services were privatized.Aren't the 476 custodians being thrown out of their jobs by Rahm and his Aramark subcontractors, represented by SEIU Local 1? Can't help but wonder,
Cali Education Headlines - FCMAT
Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team | CSIS – California School Information Services: Education HeadlinesTaft High coach, parents decry handling of hazing incidentThe head football coach at Taft Union High School, who was put on paid administrative leave after a hazing incident, complained at a crowded school board meeting Monday night that he’s been “stripped of something” he loves for
Obama pre-school grants have interest and skeptics :: SI&A Cabinet Report
Obama pre-school grants have interest and skeptics :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet: SEPTEMBER 16, 2014Obama pre-school grants have interest and skepticsby Kimberly Beltran(Wash., D.C.) Three additional states this week signaled their intent to apply for funding under the federal Preschool Development Grants program, bringing to 32 the total
Ricciotti: Teachers are not the enemy - Connecticut Post
Ricciotti: Teachers are not the enemy - Connecticut Post: Ricciotti: Teachers are not the enemyPublished 5:47 pm, Monday, September 15, 2014Fewer and fewer college graduates today are entering the teaching profession as teaching today is like working in a war zone. The war on teachers, which began when George W. Bushbecame president in 2000 and continues with the Obama administration, has taken it
Where we’ve been; what lies ahead | Parents Across America
Where we’ve been; what lies ahead | Parents Across America: Where we’ve been; what lies aheadAs the new school year begins, PAA has asked its chapters and affiliates to provide descriptions of the past year’s activities and what they’re planning for this year. We’ll be posting these descriptions a few at a time, starting with our Pennsylvania affiliates, Parents United for Public Education and Yin
Americans Want Teachers to Take a Bar Exam - The Atlantic
Americans Want Teachers to Take a Bar Exam - The Atlantic: Americans Want Teachers to Take a Bar ExamAccording to a new poll, the public is increasingly in favor of more stringent certification standards. But is the federal government prepared to pay for them?gwaar/FlickrIn a new poll out today, Americans say they want teacher preparation programs to raise the bar for entrance, provide longer trai
9-16-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Tuesday Open ThreadYesterday, Google and Mayor Murray surprised Highland Park Elementary with a major announcement about their request via DonorsChoose.org. Google "flash-funded" classroom requests from every teacher in King, Pierce and Snohomish counties who had made a request at DonorsChoose. From Seattle.gov:Google donated $338,000 for 388 projects re
9-16-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: A comic that perfectly demonstrates the potential downside of tech in the classroomI’m adding this Frazz comic strip to The Best Posts & Articles Highlighting Why We Need To Be Very Careful Around Ed Tech:3 by Larry Ferlazzo / 15min hide // saveTwo New iPad Resources That Look IntriguingHere are two new intriguing res
2014 PDK/Gallup PollPDK International
2014 PDK/Gallup PollPDK International: PDK/Gallup Poll46th Annual PDK/Gallup Poll of the Public’s Attitudes Toward the Public SchoolsView the results of the October 2014 PDK/Gallup PollView the results of the September 2014 PDK/Gallup PollAbout the pollDownload 2nd PDK/Gallup poll report released September 16, 2014Download 1st PDK/Gallup poll report released August 20, 2014Watch a recording of “Fi
#CommonCore Misinformation Being Spread by Principal and Teacher | Missouri Education Watchdog
#CommonCore Misinformation Being Spread by Principal and Teacher | Missouri Education Watchdog: #CommonCore Misinformation Being Spread by Principal and TeacherinShareSo what do you do when your educational professionals are outed as Pinocchio?The Play: Standardized Testing in a Minnesota School DistrictAct I: Day One of Standardized TestingScene:Parents opt children out of standardized Common Cor
9-16-14 All NEW Living in Dialogue - When Teachers Lose Rights, They Must Raise Test Scores or Go
Home - Living in Dialogue: When Teachers Lose Rights, They Must Raise Test Scores or GoBy John Thompson. I do not question the sincerity of most former Obama administration officials and other liberals who support Vergara v California and its spawn. Some have long and loudly blamed teachers for education underperformance, saying that it is our “low expectations” and not the legacies of generationa
Morning Wink 9-16-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-16-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for allDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Ohio: More Charters Failing than Public SchoolsStephen Dyer, education policy fellow at Innovation Ohio, has analyzed the latest state report cards. The state’s Governor, John Kasich, is pro-cha