Kent State Survivors Seek New Probe Of 1970 Shootings

Kent State, 40 years on: the shredding of constitutional liberty still goes on | Comment is free |
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 6 hours ago
Kent State, 40 years on: the shredding of constitutional liberty still goes on | Comment is free | Kent State, 40 years on: the shredding of constitutional liberty still goes on To this day, military repression permeates the US. But as history has shown, resistance will always follow - - Share****47 - - - Comments (91) - William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn -, Friday 4 May 2012 11.14 EDT - Article history [image: Troops At Kent State] National Guard troops move in on a student protest at Kent State Ohio on 4 May ... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Kent State
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 7 hours ago
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Kent State: Kent State by Mike Klonsky Troops roll through Kent St. May 4, 197042 years ago today, following Nixon's invasion of Cambodia, National Guard troops fired on peaceful student anti-war protesters at Kent State University, killing four and wounding nine. We had become, as the Presidential Commission on Campus Unrest put it, “a nation driven to use the weapons of war upon its youth.” Today, as survivors of the Kent State massacre call for a new investigation into the shootings, the drums of war are beating again with Chicago the focus of an... more »
Kent State and Jackson State: Looking Back/Leaning Forward « Bill Ayers
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 13 hours ago
Kent State and Jackson State: Looking Back/Leaning Forward « Bill Ayers: Kent State and Jackson State: Looking Back/Leaning Forward by billayers Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers *May 4, 2012* Again and again we learn that war and empire abroad will find a way home. On April 30, 1970, Richard Nixon announced the US invasion of Cambodia, a sovereign nation the US had been secretly bombing for several months. It was a saturation campaign involving 120 strikes a day by B-52s carrying up to 60,000 pounds of bombs each. But in the common doublespeak of war, the president claimed: “This is no... more »
Remember when I was at the 92Y Tribeca? Of course you do!
The reader may recall that on April 4th, I was invited by the group BLK SHP, an innovative collective of entrepreneurs, to participate in their Voices for Education event at the 92Y Tribeca. I finally received a DVD copy of the event so I could tear my hair out as I watched myself. I’ve uploaded [...]

Get Schooled: Jemelleh Coes of Statesboro wins Georgia Teacher of the Year
From the state Department of Education tonight: Congrats to Georgia Teacher of the Year Jemelleh Coes and all the finalists.
Jemelleh Coes, a Special Education English Language Arts and Reading teacher from Langston Chapel Middle School in Statesboro, has been named the 2014 Georgia Teacher of the Year.
National Briefing | South: Georgia: Not Guilty Plea for Ex-Schools Chief
A not guilty plea was entered on Friday on behalf of Beverly Hall, a former superintendent of Atlanta Public Schools, who is charged in a conspiracy case that accuses educators of cheating on standardized tests.

Bound Together Library opens in Pocket
A new library opened in the Pocket neighborhood of Sacramento yesterday and it’s about the size of a birdhouse.
The Bound Together Library, located in the front yard of a home on Arabella Way between Pocket Road and Warbler Way, offers residents the chance to give a book and take a book as they please.
Following the concepts of the Free Little Library movement, the Bound Together Library was created by JasMin Khoe and Allison Yamaoto as their senior project in the McClatchy High School HISP Program.
Texas Plan Would Leave Burden of Racist and Classist Tests on the Poor
In an attempt to cool the political heat being felt from middle class parents across Texas who are fed up with the miseducative state testing system, state legislators are considering a plan that would allow children of influential parents to escape the annual ritualized abuse of high stakes tests. In situations where high test scores [...]

Initiated by dissatisfied Morgan Hill parents, a lawsuit that could vastly expand services for disabled students in California, and greatly increase the cost of educating them, is inching toward trial.
Lakeridge High goes unranked in national top schools list because test scores were too high
First Lake Oswego schools officials struggled to understand why Lakeridge High School wasn't ranked in U.S. News and World Report's annual list of the country's top high schools. Now they're struggling to explain the answer: Students scored too well on state tests.
Every NJ Teacher MUST Read This
You may want to send the kids out of the room before you click on this link: intellectual beat-downs like this can be frightening to small minds:
I was reviewing the past few days of news coverage on NJ teacher evaluations and came across the following quote, which was not-so-amazingly left unchallenged:Cerf said research shows test scores are “far and away” the best gauge of teacher effectiveness, and to not use test score data would be “very anti-child.”Here’s a reporters’ guide to follow up questions….Mr. Cerf… can you show me exactly what research comes to that conclusion? (this should
Under Secretary of Education to Address EdSource Symposium: Transforming Public Education: What’s Next for Students, Teachers and Schools
U.S. Under Secretary of Education Martha Kanter will give remarks at the 2013 EdSource symposium being help in partnership with the California State PTA on Saturday, May 4, at 1:15 p.m. PT in San Jose, Calif.
May 06, 2013
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and Michigan Governor Rick Snyder to Hold Series of Events in Detroit Area on Monday
U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Michigan Governor Rick Snyder will travel to the Detroit area on Monday, May 6, for a series of events highlighting local education reform and the importance of investing in efforts to prepare all students to be successful in college and careers, starting from a student’s earliest years.
May 04, 2013
Deputy Assistant Secretary John White to Give Commencement Address at Colorado Mountain College- Steamboat Springs
U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Rural Outreach John White will deliver remarks during the commencement ceremony at the Colorado Mountain College-Steamboat Springs Campus on Saturday, May 4, at 11:00 a.m. MT.
U.S. Department of Education to Host Google Hangout With African American Educators During Teacher Appreciation Week
The U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) Assistant Deputy Secretary for Innovation and Improvement, Jim Shelton and the Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, David J.