James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."

Why Don’t More Men Go Into Teaching? - NYTimes.com
Why Don’t More Men Go Into Teaching? - NYTimes.com: Why Don’t More Men Go Into Teaching?AS Tommie Leaders, 22, approached college graduation last spring, his professors told him he would have no trouble getting hired. “You’re a guy teaching elementary, ” they said.Mr. Leaders, who earned his education degree from the University of Nebraska in June, started teaching fifth grade last month in Counci
NYC Public School Parents: Welcome back, parents (and teachers), and please let us know what your child's class sizes are this year
NYC Public School Parents: Welcome back, parents (and teachers), and please let us know what your child's class sizes are this year: Welcome back, parents (and teachers), and please let us know what your child's class sizes are this yearDear parents:Welcome back to another school year; I hope you all had a great summer. There is one big and potentially great addition to our schools this fall – ex
The Need For Courageous Leadership | Connected Principals
The Need For Courageous Leadership | Connected Principals: The Need For Courageous Leadershipby George Couros • September 6, 2014 • 0 CommentsA few years ago, I was astonished to see that Sweden turned over their country Twitter account to a different person that lived in the country for a week. Even though it was meant to be an “experiment” that lasted only two months, if you look at the account
Drop CPS’ reform strategy: CPS neighborhood school growth outpaces charters - Chicago Sun-Times
Drop CPS’ reform strategy: CPS neighborhood school growth outpaces charters - Chicago Sun-Times: Drop CPS’ reform strategy: CPS neighborhood school growth outpaces chartersWhen mayor Rahm Emanuel recently heralded a small gain on the average Chicago Public Schools elementary “MAP” test results, I knew something wasn’t quite right. It wasn’t what he said; it was what he didn’t say. You see, this is
9-6-14 Saturday Matinée Double Feature "Eli's Clone Factory and $ing a $ong of $ixpence" News Breakout
Saturday Matinée Double FeatureNews Breakout Eli's Clone Factory$ing a $ong of $ixpenceParents United wins school closings disclosure case (again) but it’s not over yet | Parents United for Public EducationParents United wins school closings disclosure case (again) but it’s not over yet | Parents United for Public Education: Parents United wins school closings disclosure case (again) but it’s not
Parents United wins school closings disclosure case (again) but it’s not over yet | Parents United for Public Education
Parents United wins school closings disclosure case (again) but it’s not over yet | Parents United for Public Education: Parents United wins school closings disclosure case (again) but it’s not over yetSeptember 6, 2014 by HELENGYMLeave a comment(Cartoonist: Jim Borgman)This summer the Court of Common Pleas upheld our right to make public the list of 60 schools identified for closure by the Boston
So Bill Gates Has This Idea for a History Class ... - NYTimes.com
So Bill Gates Has This Idea for a History Class ... - NYTimes.com: So Bill Gates Has This Idea for a History Class ... In 2008, shortly after Bill Gates stepped down from his executive role at Microsoft, he often awoke in his 66,000-square-foot home on the eastern bank of Lake Washington and walked downstairs to his private gym in a baggy T-shirt, shorts, sneakers and black socks yanked up to the
SCHOOLS: State superintendent sees how new money is being spent - Press Enterprise
SCHOOLS: State superintendent sees how new money is being spent - Press Enterprise: SCHOOLS: State superintendent sees how new money is being spentRiverside’s Poly High shows how all students are being prepared for success as the state’s top education official tours honors and college preparation classroomsState Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson tours an AVID class at Poly High Sc
One of the Best Explanations of First Grade Common Core Math. And it’s Not From a ‘Misinformed’ Right Wing Nutjob. | Missouri Education Watchdog
One of the Best Explanations of First Grade Common Core Math. And it’s Not From a ‘Misinformed’ Right Wing Nutjob. | Missouri Education Watchdog: One of the Best Explanations of First Grade Common Core Math. And it’s Not From a ‘Misinformed’ Right Wing Nutjob.inShareCrazy Crawfish, a blogger from Louisiana who was previously employed by the Louisiana Department of Education, wrote an article on Co
Sacramento’s 1% line up behind strong-mayor proposal - Our Region - The Sacramento Bee
Sacramento’s power players line up behind strong-mayor proposal - Our Region - The Sacramento Bee: Sacramento’s power players line up behind strong-mayor proposalBy Ryan Lillisrlillis@sacbee.comPublished: Friday, Sep. 5, 2014 - 8:29 pmLast Modified: Saturday, Sep. 6, 2014 - 12:28 amKevin Johnson strode into a midtown loft building Wednesday evening, an entourage of handlers by his side.Inside the
2nd Banana 9-6-14 Recap of Last Week's Best Post #EDchat #EDreform
BIG EDUCATION APE 2ND BANANARECAP OF LAST WEEK'S BEST POSTInside the Mammoth Backlash to Common Core | Mother JonesInside the Mammoth Backlash to Common Core | Mother Jones: Inside the Mammoth Backlash to Common CoreHow a bipartisan education reform effort became the biggest conservative bogeyman since Obamacare.—By Tim Murphy| September/October 2014 IssueEmail262Illustration: Chris BuzelliONE NIG
Morning Wink 9-6-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSQ&A: Dana Goldstein, Author, 'The Teacher Wars' : NPR Ed : NPRQ&A: Dana Goldstein, Author, 'The Teacher Wars' : NPR Ed : NPR: Q&A: Dana Goldstein, Author, 'The Teacher Wars'by ERIC WESTERVELTSeptember 06, 2014 8:43 AM ETI recently came to the education beat after spending the better part of a decade as a foreign correspondent, mainly reporting
Q&A: Dana Goldstein, Author, 'The Teacher Wars' : NPR Ed : NPR
Q&A: Dana Goldstein, Author, 'The Teacher Wars' : NPR Ed : NPR: Q&A: Dana Goldstein, Author, 'The Teacher Wars'by ERIC WESTERVELTSeptember 06, 2014 8:43 AM ETI recently came to the education beat after spending the better part of a decade as a foreign correspondent, mainly reporting on conflicts in the Middle East.Shortly after turning in my Kevlar vest for chalk dust I was struck by how i
Arguing Over What Public Schools Should Do?* | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
Arguing Over What Public Schools Should Do?* | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: Arguing Over What Public Schools Should Do?*“Why do people argue so much about education?”I heard this question as I pumped up Mt. Hamilton. Biking up a California mountain forces you to think about many things or else you note how goofy you are for taking five hours to climb nineteen miles just to
Newark Parents Boycott School For POWER To Control Their Neighborhood Schools Coalition for Public Education/Coalición por la Educación Pública:
Coalition for Public Education/Coalición por la Educación Pública: Newark Parents Boycott School For POWER To Control Their Neighborhood Schools: Newark Parents Boycott School For POWER To Control Their Neighborhood SchoolsNewark Parents Want Local Control of Their Schools- Not Racist Corporate Takeover! Start a Boycott on Day OneA group of parents and students in Newark, New Jersey, boycotted the
High marks for turnaround - Lowell Sun Online
High marks for turnaround - Lowell Sun Online: High marks for turnaroundNational teachers union leader hails progress at Lowell schoolsBy Alana Melanson, amelanson@lowellsun.comMAKING THE GRADE: American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten watches fourth-graders Gabriel Rodriguez, rear, and Connor Mills, both 9, work at Pawtucketville Memorial Elementary School in Lowell Thursday. Sh
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog 9-6-14
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog:Ferguson Readings Photo: Scott Olson, GettyHere is a very incomplete list of thought-provoking articles on the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, the protests as a result and the militarization of local policy forces.Mariame Kaba with a commentary in the Washington Post: For Blacks, America is Dangerous by Default Kare
9-6-14 Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement"
Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement":Interesting Idea: “Digital Parent Volunteers”Here’s an interesting idea from George Couros: You might also be interested in The Best Sources Of Parent Engagement Advice For Teachers.5 by Larry Ferlazzo / 2d “A Checklist for Back to School Night”A Checklist for Back to School Night is a useful post for every teacher. It’s by
9-6-14 All NEW Living in Dialogue
Home | Living in Dialogue:End Suspensions, and Bring Play Back to KindergartenBy Sara Lahm. Is there a crack forming in the anti-child world we have been subjecting our children to for far too long? I ask this question on the heels of Minneapolis Public Schools Superintendent Bernadeia Johnson’s announcement that, effective immediately, preschoolers, kindergarteners, and first graders will no long
Stephen Krashen Blog 9-6-14
SKrashen:My response to Bill Nye (The Science Guy"): Standards OK but not the Common Core StandardsResponse to Bill Nye (“Science Guy”), Posted Sept 2 at: Could Common Core be the antidote for Creationist teachers?Bill Nye: If I were king of the forest we would have math in the core curriculum. Science would be in the core curriculum. English in the core curriculum. Elementary science is wher
9-6-14 Hemlock on the Rocks (The Big Gulp)
Hemlock on the Rocks: LA Schools: Restoring The SUPER In Tendent by Sara Rooshttp://www.citywatchla.com/lead-stories-hidden/7465-la-schools-restoring-the-super-in-tendent -When my home town built a new school in the early '70′s, a whole era vanished in concert with the disappearance of gilded letters proclaiming the "Superintendent's Office" within. I never did figure out what a "Su
9-6-14 Wag The Dog Week
WagTheDog | Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. ~ Rumi: Wag The Dog WeekCommon Core Bait and Switch“Selling” the Common Core State Standards to students, parents, and employers with promotional slogans such as “college and career readiness”, “critical thinking”, “constructivist learning”, “technology integration”, and “21st
9-6-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: Love Letters to the BATS
With A Brooklyn Accent:Why Charter School Leaders Are Behind Attacks on Teachers Unions and Public SchoolsIf you ever wonder why famous charter school leaders like Eva Moskowitz or Steve Perry don't just run their schools quietly and let the results speak for themselves and instead devote much of their time attacking teachers, teachers unions and public schools, consider this. When the hiring free
9-6-14 Jersey Jazzman NJ Ed News Round-up Jammin' All Week
Jersey Jazzman:Jersey Jazzman Jammin' All WeekA Reply To A Reply from @tomamoranTom,Contrary to your beliefs, no one called you a racist. You know this: you put our other criticisms of you in quotes, but not the one where you allege we call you racist.What we said was that you support One Newark, a racist school reorganization policy. Which it is.You say:Maybe you folks should take a pill, and eng
9-6-14 Curmudgucation Week
CURMUDGUCATION:Curmudgucation WeekEfficiency Report Is Only Mostly That BadThe edublogonewsphere buzzed a bit this week about a report from GEMS Education Solutions regarding educational efficiency and the fact that it finds the US somewhat lacking. It is, however, a large report, and some reporters made the mistake of skipping through to just the shiny, sexy parts. I'm not sure that the report ha
9-6-14 This Week in LA - School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District):Kashkari to Gov. Brown: ‘You should be ashamed of yourself’Kashkari to Gov. Brown: ‘You should be ashamed of yourself’ Brown (left), Kashkari (right) Governor Jerry Brown and his Republican challenger, Neel Kashkari, spent a few testy minutes in their debate last night talking about public education. Their
All Week @ The Answer Sheet 9-6-14
The Answer Sheet:All Week @ The Answer SheetAmerica’s suburban schools facing new pressuresOne of the problems with many school reforms being implemented in schools today is that they are being done in isolation — from one another and from other policies that are necessary to actually allow the education changes to work. In the following post, two professors explain how housing policy affects Amer
9-6-14 Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Schooling in the Ownership Society All Week
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog:Schooling in the Ownership SocietyMike Klonsky's SmallTalk Schooling in the Ownership SocietyOur neighborhood rally with Karen LewisKaren at El Cid. THE DELUGE...This afternoon's rally at the monument in Logan Square, was drowned by a deluge as a series of storms rolled across the city. Karen Lewis and some brave souls made a run for El Cid up the block and set up ca
9-6-14 Wait What? - All Week
Wait What?: Wait What? All WeekGovernor Malloy: Tell the truth about your position on teacher tenureAs we know, on-line petitions demanding politicians account for their actions have become all the rage. It is time for Governor Malloy to come clean and tell the truth about his position on tenure. Therefore we’ve started on an-line petition to do exactly that: Governor Dannel Malloy is the only D
9-6-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum Week
Seattle Schools Community Forum:Seattle Schools Community ForumSeattle Times, This One's For YouGuess what? According to a new Brookings study, teachers matter. Principals matter.Superintendents? Not so much.Findings:In this report, the authors examine the extent to which school district effects on student learning are due to the superintendent in charge, as compared to characteristics of distri
9-6-14 Ed Notes Online Week
Ed Notes Online: Ed Notes OnlineCongrats to John Elfrank-Dana who has now successfully battled two abusive principalsIf this were Atlanta, Almonte would be leaving in handcuffs..... Ed NotesBergtraum HS principal leaves after caught pushing kids into substandard online courses & violating sped rights; sadly she will now likely go and ruin some adult ed program. Congrats to John ElFrank-Dana wh
9-6-14 Fred All Week Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Fred All Week Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacherRunning.If you are a member of IEA Retired you should have received your nomination form in the mail for IEA Retired delegate. The IEA Representative Assembly will be in April of 2015. We are back in Rosemont. This year we retiree
9-6-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: Perdido Street School WeekCuomo's Weakened Stature Gets The Politico TreatmentThe Politico article, Andrew Cuomo's Progressive Blues, that went up this morning and got prominent placement on the Politico website, is not going to make Andrew Cuomo or his campaign happy.The takeaway: Andrew Cuomo's political stature is diminished and his future as both governor and presidentia
9-6-14 the becoming radical EMPATHYEDUCATES! | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness by P. L. Thomas, EdD
THE BECOMING RADICALEMPATHYEDUCATES!the becoming radical A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness by Loadbang Concert & RecordingLoadbang Concert & Recording This will include music by my friend Peter Kay.1 by plthomasedd / 2h SEP 04Grade Retention ResearchGrade Retention Research Alexander, K.L., Entwisle, D.R., & Dauber, S.L. (1994). On the success of failure: A reassessment of the effect
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 9-6-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit:4LAKIDS - SOME OF THE NEWS THAT DOESN'T FIT Trials+Tribulations Of Opening School With Misisfrom the Associated Administrators of Los Angeles Weekly Update for the Week of 8 Sept 2014 | http://bit.ly/YihifD AALA thanks a secondary administrator, who wishes to remain anonymous, for providing this article. 4 September, 2014 ::For years, we heard it was
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Week… 9-6-14 …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EF
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL LARRY FERLAZZO’S WEBSITES OF THE WEEKDaily Show Does Great Segment On Child RefugeesI’m adding this great video segment to The Best Resources For Learning About The Children Refugee Crisis At The U.S. Southern Border: The Daily ShowGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook,Daily Show Video Archive7 by Lar
This Week's Education Research Report 9-6-14 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Education Research ReportTHIS WEEK'S EDUCATION RESEARCH REPORTTeacher Attrition and Mobility: Results From the 2012–13 Teacher Follow-up SurveyOf the 3,377,900 public school teachers who were teaching during the 2011–12 school year, 84 percent remained at the same school (“stayers”), 8 percent moved to a different school (“movers”), and 8 percent left the profession (“leavers”) during the followin
9-6-14 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter: Schools Matter All WeekKIPP: Waiting for the Marshmallow While Getting the FistEducators have jumped on the bandwagon, hoping to teach the skills of delaying gratification to inner-city kids. Dave Levin, co-founder of KIPP (a network of charter schools) employs teaching these cognitive tricks to all his students, who also each wear T-shirts emblazoned with the slogan “Don’t eat th
All Week 9-6-14 @ THE CHALK FACE
@ THE CHALK FACE : All Week @ THE CHALK FACE About the radio showJoin Drs. Shaun Johnson and Tim Slekar LIVE Sundays at 6PM EST and Wednesdays at 7PM EST on Blog Talk Radio for progressive, pro-public education talk radio. Call in to speak live with Tim and Shaun during the show, (805) 727-7111. You can also listen to our Monday "Sunday-Replay" at 7PM EST, and re-broadcasts of the archiv
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH ALL WEEK LONG Diane Ravitch's blog 9-6-14 #thankateacher #EDCHAT #P2
Diane Ravitch's blogLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH ALL WEEK LONGDIANE RAVITCH'S BLOGOhio: Letter from a Teacher in a For-Profit SchoolThis came in my email from a teacher who gave me her/his name, email, school name, and phone number. I asked for permission to post the letter and received it. Do you have any suggestions for this teacher? Ms. Ravitch, I am writing to you because you are the first person I
Who is More Popular than US Sec of Education Arne Duncan? - NYTimes.com
Indian Leader’s School Visit Draws Fire - NYTimes.com: Indian Leader’s School Visit Draws Fire NEW DELHI — Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday appeared before millions of India’s schoolchildren, answering respectful questions with an avuncular twinkle for an hour and a half, and telling stories about his own school days.Yet behind the seeming informality of the format was an elaborate, labor-in
All Things Education: Pre-doctoral program warm-up: A look at high school teacher turnover in Hanover County, Virginia
All Things Education: Pre-doctoral program warm-up: A look at high school teacher turnover in Hanover County, Virginia: Pre-doctoral program warm-up: A look at high school teacher turnover in Hanover County, VirginiaThis past summer in conjunction with a local public education advocacy group, Friends of Hanover Schools, that I was a part of, I engaged in a little pre-doctoral program warm-up. At a
SACRAMENTO PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE: Progressive Lecture Series: Progressive Lecture Series BY DUANE CAMPBELLSACRAMENTO PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE: Progressive Lecture Series:
CTA Launches Back to School Ad Campaign- California Teachers Association
- California Teachers Association: CTA Launches Back to School Ad CampaignContact: Frank Wells (562) 708-5425 or Claudia Briggs (916) 325-1550.TV, Radio, Print Ads Focus on Teacher-Led Reforms and Well-Rounded Education that Ensures Student SuccessAs educators, we know what really works to improve student learning. It’s why we’ve led efforts to turn around hundreds of lower-performing schools. Wor
Tim Slekar: Ask Scott Walker and Mary Burke meaningful questions about education : Ct
Tim Slekar: Ask Scott Walker and Mary Burke meaningful questions about education : Ct: Tim Slekar: Ask Scott Walker and Mary Burke meaningful questions about educationNews media are missing the point by covering the political back-and-forth over education policy between Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and challenger Mary Burke, says blogger Tim Slekar.“Who cares?” writes Slekar, dean of the School of
Nite Cap 9-5-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAP9-5-14 Living in Dialogue - End Suspensions, and Bring Play Back to Kindergarten - Living in DialogueEnd Suspensions, and Bring Play Back to Kindergarten - Living in Dialogue: End Suspensions, and Bring Play Back to KindergartenBy Sara Lahm. Is t