New York schools enter the iZone
bbc.co.uk - 25 October 2011 Last updated at 19:34 ET By Sean Coughlan BBC News education correspondent Uncertain horizons: New York's economic fortunes are now linked to education After the iPhone and the iPad...

In Michigan, the state teachers union, enraged by Republican moves to cut school spending and weaken tenure for teachers, engineered the ouster of state Rep. Paul Scott, the GOP chairman of the House Education Committee.
Way to go Michigan teachers! It’s about time the teachers somewhere are as mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore. How about some similar efforts in Illinois?
We need similar efforts everywhere in America. Teachers need to stand up for themselves and refuse to be scapegoats for any financial crisis. Teachers are the LAST people who should be blamed for government debt problems. With the millions of dollars wasted by various governments on the most ridiculous items, how in the
Who : | U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan |
What : | Second “Ask Arne” Twitter Town Hall |
When : | 5 p.m. ET Monday, Nov. 14, 2011 |
Where : | Watch the live broadcast at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/education-department. Participants can send questions to #AskArne via Twitter, starting today. |
MEMPHIS, Tenn.—Actor Danny Glover and two other recipients of this year's Freedom Awards spoke Thursday about the importance of education and the role young people played in the civil rights movement.
Glover, Chicago educator Marva Collins and Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Office of Civil Rights Russlyn H. Ali attended a public forum ahead of a Saturday ceremony honoring the winners of the National Civil Rights Museum's Freedom Awards in Memphis.
The awards honor supporters of civil rights who have a strong influence on their communities. Others being honored this year include former Tennessee Sen. Bill
ATLANTIC CITY — The New Jersey Education Association has a new message for Gov. Chris Christie, the man who has hammered the teachers union relentlessly over the past year for opposing his education policy proposals.
"When it comes to education reform, educators are taking the lead," NJEA President Barbara Keshishian said today at the union’s annual convention in Atlantic City.
This week, for the first time since Christie took office and made education reform a top priority, the union released its own comprehensive set of reform proposals, such as increasing students’ access to high quality preschool and making it harder for teachers to earn tenure.
"The NJEA is publicly calling for a broad range of research-based education reforms designed to
A report by the American Civil Liberties Union released Thursday found that school districts across California have inconsistent policies regarding a school's ability to search the contents of a student's cellphone, often encroaching on a student's right to privacy.
The ACLU of California said searching phones has become a bigger, and more common, issue as cellphones have become pervasive among students. The report's authors -- Brendan Hamme and Hector O. Villagra of the ACLU of Southern California -- contend that searching phones could be a serious invasion of privacy, considering the amount of personal data a device could contain, including text messages with intimate conversations, photos and videos and financial information.
Researchers found that districts' policies tended to fall into two categories. Most of the 164 districts surveyed
“Call Me Hope” is a fun music video of Paul Simon’s “Call Me Al” song. It’s sponsored by a development organization called “Mama Hope.”
I plan on using it in my Beginning ELL class, and have them sing along with the chorus (you can get all the lyrics here):
If you’ll be my bodyguard,
I can be your long lost pal!
I can call you Betty,
And Betty, when you
bbc.co.uk - 25 October 2011 Last updated at 19:34 ET By Sean Coughlan BBC News education correspondent Uncertain horizons: New York's economic fortunes are now linked to education After the iPhone and the iPad...
huffingtonpost.com - Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday unveiled details of his newly proposed merit pay program for Chicago Public Schools principals.The program will offer principals bonuses ranging from $5,000 to $20,0...
oms.nysed.gov - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 10, 2011For More Information Contact: Tom Dunn, Jonathan Burman or Jane Briggs (518) 474-1201www.nysed.gov 1325 SCHOOLS AND 123 DISTRICTS STATEWIDE IDENTIFIED FOR IMP...
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fklonsky SB512 done for this year?wp.me/p4C3g-4F5 /via @wordpressdotcom12 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 SB512 done for this year? « Fred Klonsky bit.ly/tJdNWr #Edu3 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 When Rahm says “It’s for the kids,” look out! - pureparents.orgbit.ly/ucRr0P #Eduabout 1 minute ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 Remainders: Teacher eval opposition deepens on Long Island | GothamSchools - goo.gl/GYyX537 seconds ago · reply · retweet · favorite
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bigeducationape.blogspot.com - CHARTER SCHOOL SCANDALS: Are You Ready for MORE CHARTER SCHOOL SCANDALSI'm NOT but here they are anyway!Prime Prep AcademyThe Perimeter Primate at CHARTER SCHOOL SCANDALS - 24 minutes ago*“Former f...