Latest News and Comment from Education

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Goose Network Message To Fethullah Gulen Cult Members

Charter Schools - Dividing Communities since 1991



A compilation of news articles about charter schools which have been charged with, or are highly suspected of, tampering with admissions, grades, attendance and testing; misuse of funds and embezzlement; engaging in nepotism and conflicts of interest; engaging in complicated and shady real estate deals; and/or have been engaging in other questionable, unethical, borderline-legal, or illegal activities. This is also a record of charter school instability and other unsavory tidbits.

Keep checking


Be sure to check out two other Great blogs:

John Thompson: Vergara Show Trial Highlights Gates Foundation Snake Oil - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

John Thompson: Vergara Show Trial Highlights Gates Foundation Snake Oil - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:

John Thompson: Vergara Show Trial Highlights Gates Foundation Snake Oil

Guest post by John Thompson.

I hope the judge in Vergara v. California understands that the plaintiffs want to do more than strike down five laws that protect the rights of the state's teachers. It is a part of a corporate assault on unions, collective bargaining and, perhaps, even on public education. The trial is a venue for market-driven reformers' high-dollar publicity campaign, for presenting adorable images of students who they claim are victims of the due process rights of teachers. That is why expert witnesses, like the Gates Foundation's Tom Kane, present so many beautiful multi-colored graphics bolstered by misleading numbers.
Ed Source's Louis Freedberg is particularly good at following the money behindVergara. Freedberg explains that Silicon Valley entrepreneur David Welch founded Students Matter, apparently for the purpose of filing the lawsuit. He filled the organization's board with venture capitalist luminaries  and longtime advocates for market-driven school reform. Vergara's media blitz was choreographed by the communications firm of Griffin/Schein. Freedberg described the kickoff of the media campaign:
Within minutes of the trial's opening at 10 a.m., reporters received an email "live from the courtroom" with a 54-slide Power Point outlining the plaintiffs' case, as well as a"Trial Tracker" that promised daily highlights and quotes, as well as footage from the trial. Before 6 p.m., at the end of the day, another email blast declared that "California Students Get Their Day in Court."
previously explained the ways that two of Tom Kane's Powerpoint slides actually are based on evidence that argues against Vergara. Kane uses value-added modeling to argue that the legal 

Reflections on My Common Core Debate for the West St. Tammany Chamber | deutsch29

Reflections on My Common Core Debate for the West St. Tammany Chamber | deutsch29:

Reflections on My Common Core Debate for the West St. Tammany Chamber

February 13, 2014

Below is a post that I wrote for Brietbart regarding my February 4th debate on Common Core. The debate occurred in the Louisiana parish in which I both live and teach, St. Tammany. (The somewhat-edited version posted in Breitbart can be found here.)
St. Tammany has had a solid reputation among southern Louisiana teachers for as long as I have been in the profession (1991).
Today a colleague referred to St. Tammany as “the best of the worst,” and she cited the oft-used stat that Louisiana ranks 49th educationally, only behind Mississippi.
I touch on the issue of a Louisiana “49th ranking” in my post below; however, I would like to take this moment to add some more information on Louisiana’s and St. Tammany’s education status and economic ranking.
Concerning the USDOE 2010-11 cohort graduation rate, Louisiana ranks 44th out of 51 (DC included)– 71% of Louisiana students graduated in four years. Interestingly, Louisiana tied with Jeb Bush’s ultra-reformed Florida, and Louisiana outscored reform vixen Michelle Rhee’s DC.
Louisiana is lower ranked on this cohort statistic. Nevertheless, Louisiana is not “the 

DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: If You Tell Them They're Stupid: Our Kids Hear Every Word!

DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: If You Tell Them They're Stupid: Our Kids Hear Every Word!:

If You Tell Them They're Stupid: Our Kids Hear Every Word!

Sometimes I get frustrated with my class when it seems as if they are not listening to me.

You know. When 6 of them ask a question which had already been answered. Or when they ask you for directions after you have just given them.

I have my methods for dealing with those situations, but, it is frustrating, nonetheless.

The other day we were watching a video.

Let me backtrack. This year I started this "thing" that whenever we watched a video or read a story, when applicable, I would say, "This is a career!" I know they're 5th graders. I know they're 10-12 years old. I know some of them don't have a clue what they want to do when they grow up. But I want them to know that any number of careers is open to them. Therefore, I follow up with, "This is a career!"

Back to the video. So, we're watching this video on WonderopolisI can't remember what it was about. The video finished and my kids yelled out, "This is a career!"

"Yes, yes, it is!"  You know I was beaming.

They listen. Not only were they listening to me, but they were applying what I said to their lives.

Which made me think.

We need to be careful what we say about, and to, our children. They are listening.  And just as they listen to the positive, they hear the negative as well. And the negative probably digs in a lot 

Make Teachers Your Valentines | Reclaim Reform

Make Teachers Your Valentines | Reclaim Reform:

Make Teachers Your Valentines

Teachers deserve all the love and recognition they can receive. Make ALL of the teachers in your life your Valentines.
Remember those teachers who influenced you, who met your needs? If you don’t know how to contact them, make the nearest teachers you meet your Valentines. Teachers need all the hugs and love they can get.
Teacher w students3Your child’s teachers are indeed important to your child. Make those teachers your Valentines.
Teacher teaching subsidies
Teachers should make their own past teachers and fellow teachers their Valentines. Support each other every day 

Nite Cap 2-13-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2

James Baldwin said it best: 

"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."


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Morning Wink 2-13-14 AM Posts #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
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LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 2-13-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Who Are the Education Entrepreneurs?Well, of course, there re scores of education entrepreneurs, the men and women who dream up lever was to make profits from the field of public education. They have start-ups, they have real-estate investment trusts, they create companies to build data systems, they operate for-profit charter chai
2-13-14 Wait What?
Wait What?: Malloy majors in fiction at press conference touting commitment to higher education.“I am not talking about what happened in the past. I am talking about what needs to happen in the future.  (Governor Dannel Malloy 2-12-14) The CT News Junkie headline reads “Commits To Higher Ed, Hopes Future Governors Will Too.” Governor Malloy held at press conference at Manchester Community College
2-13-14 @ The Answer Sheet
The Answer Sheet: At least 44 school shootings since Newtown — new analysisThere have been at least 44 school shootings on K-12 or college campuses in 24 states — an average of more than three a month — since the deadly 2012 attack at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., according to a new analysis. Twenty-eight people have died and 37 have been injured. Twenty children […]    1 by Vale
2-13-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Another Former KIPP Teacher Steps ForwardPosted at Edushyster:A former KIPP teacher in New Orleans finds her voiceI was never much of a champion [reference to Teach Like a Champion, Doug Lemov's exhausting checklist that serves as a bible for TFA and KIPP], to be honest. KIPP defines a successful teacher as someone who keeps children quiet, teaches children how to answer each quest
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog 2-13-14
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog: Israel Denies Medical TreatmentIsrael denied about 50 permits for entry. The Gazans trying to enter were seeking medical care and were denied because the paperwork said "State of Palestine" at the top of the paper. Those with cases considered urgent were allowed entry, the other 50 so were denied. The letters were returned and told to be resubmitted in the pro
2-13-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: “Love English” Awards Are A Great Place To Find Useful ESL/ELL WebsitesMacmillan Publishers annually sponsor a “Love English” award contest for websites and blogs emphasizing support for English Language Learners. I view these kids of contests as not particularly important in terms of who wins, and much more useful as a way
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Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: I am a UIC alum. What UIC gave me I didn’t get from the pretty buildings. Support the faculty and staff. Fred Klonsky / 1h Eden Martin. Pension questions from the one percent.Chris Rock explains the difference between being rich and being wealthy. Shaq is rich, but the white man who sign
2-13-14 Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement"
Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement": “The Power Of Parents” Is A Good New Report From Ed SourceThe Power Of Parents: Research underscores the impact of parent involvement in schools is a new accessible report from Ed Source (done in collaboration with New America Media. It provides a well-written summary of a fair amount of parent involvement research, and is
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Ed Notes Online: Carol Burris Calls For Accountability at the Top for Common Core Mess...the Regents are “rolling back” what they never did in the first place..... Like Lucy holding the football for poor Charlie Brown, the Regents and Commissioner King have repeatedly set up parents and educators.... Carol Burris  Why do you think the Regents and King and Cuomo are doing this dance? To confuse, ob
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V.A.M.: Value Added Measure: The Costs of Trying to Game the Systems of the Educational Deformers: For Better or For Worse, For Richer, For "Richerer," In Sickness And In Health?Since 2007, the Bloomberg administration evaluated N.Y.C. schools by assigning single A-F grades.  Due to this junk science, schools were closed, teachers turned into vagrant ATRs and communities split apart. Me
2-13-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness by P. L. Thomas, EdD
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Lacking Fair Basic Aid Plan, Pennsylvania Continues to Starve Philly Schools | janresseger
Lacking Fair Basic Aid Plan, Pennsylvania Continues to Starve Philly Schools | janresseger: Lacking Fair Basic Aid Plan, Pennsylvania Continues to Starve Philly SchoolsPosted on February 13, 2014 by janressegerThe tragedy in the School District of Philadelphia continues.  Here are some of the realities.  Last year after Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett cut $1.1 billion out of the state school bud
2-13-14 « An open discussion of public school issues. « An open discussion of public school issues. The problem with school ‘choice’…Jessie B. Ramey, of the University of Pittsburgh at Alternet… “We don’t need more choices in public education. We need great public schools in every community, that any parent would be happy to send their children to, and that meet the needs of local families. We don’t really have
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2-13-14 Perdido Street School
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It pays to be a friend and neighbor of Chris Christie | Bob Braun's Ledger: It pays to be a friend and neighbor of Chris ChristieBrian Zychowski, flanked by Christie and CerfBrian Zychowski, the North Brunswick schools superintendent,  is considered a leading candidate to replace state Education Commissioner Christopher Cerf who is leaving at the end of the month. Gov. Chris Christie has appointed
Shanker Blog » Recovering One Of The Midwest’s Best Ideas
Shanker Blog » Recovering One Of The Midwest’s Best Ideas: Recovering One Of The Midwest’s Best IdeasPosted by Conor P. Williams on February 13, 2014Our guest author today is Dr. Conor P. Williams, a proud product of Michigan’s public schools, and currently a Senior Researcher in the New America Foundation’s Early Education Initiative. Follow him on Twitter: @conorpwilliamsPresident Obama sent a v
Eduwonk » Blog Archive » Guest Post – Gates Foundation’s Vicki Phillips On Common Core Momentum II
Eduwonk » Blog Archive » Guest Post – Gates Foundation’s Vicki Phillips On Common Core Momentum II: Guest Post – Gates Foundation’s Vicki Phillips On Common Core Momentum IIVicki Phillips is Director of Education, College Ready at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (a foundation that funds Bellwether).  In a guest post last month she discussed Common Core implementation and sparked a lively deb
Public Schools Accountability Act (PSAA) (CA Dept of Education)
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My notes on state gov't plans to close 5% of WI public schools every year A.K.A. Hearing on #AB379 #SB286 : blue cheddar
My notes on state gov't plans to close 5% of WI public schools every year A.K.A. Hearing on #AB379 #SB286 : blue cheddar: My notes on state gov’t plans to close 5% of WI public schools every year A.K.A. Hearing on #AB379 #SB286by blue cheddar • February 13, 2014WI Senate Education Committee meets today 10AM to take up the “accountability bill”. Then at 10:05AM it will conduct public hearings.Room
Whirled class - Bites - February 13, 2014 Sacramento News & Review -
Sacramento News & Review - Whirled class - Bites - Opinions - February 13, 2014: Whirled classSacramento city schools keep losing students and funding as teacher-contract negotiations kick offBy Cosmo Garvin cosmog@newsreview.comThis article was published on 02.13.14.AdvertisementGov. Jerry Brown’s budget promises an increase in funding for the Sacramento City Unified School District, but dist


Special Late Nite Cap UPDATE 2-12-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
Nite Cap UPDATEUPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATECORPORATE ED REFORMWyoming House Rejects Common CoreThe Wyoming House passed HB 97 on a 47-13 vote.  This is significant because they are currently in an appropriations session.  Any non-appropriations bill needs a 2/3 majority vote in order to pass during these short 20-day sessions.This bill introduced by State Representative Tom Reeder (R-Casper) is, in
EdSource | New EdSource Report Underscores Positive Impact of Parent Involvement in Schools
EdSource | Highlighting Strategies for Student Success: New EdSource Report Underscores Positive Impact of Parent Involvement in SchoolsA new EdSource report reviews compelling research showing that parent involvement in their children's school is associated with a range of positive outcomes for students.Parent Involvement in Schools Linked to Improved Academic Outcomes  A new EdSource report, The
Help the Badass Moms go to Austin! by Rousemary Vega - GoFundMe
Help the Badass Moms go to Austin! by Rousemary Vega - GoFundMe: Help the Badass Moms go to Austin! The women of Chicago's Badass Moms are going on the road! We are trying to get to the Network for Public Education conference in Austin on March 1-2 to hone our organizing skills and network with education justice activists from across the country. We would love your support with travel, meals and r
Nite Cap 2-12-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPSPECIAL Mid Day Banana Break 2-3-14 #RealEdTalk #edreformBig Education Ape - Mid Day Banana BreakWhy Precisely Do Teachers Leave High Poverty Schools?Why Precisely Do Teachers Leave High Poverty Schools?. Recently, I participated in a 9 minute po

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2nd Banana 1-18-14 Recap of Last Week's Best Post 
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2nd Banana 1-4-14 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
2nd Banana 12-28-13 Recap of Last Week's Best Post 

Nite Cap 2-11-14
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Nite Cap 2-9-14
Nite Cap 2-8-14