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The headline and follow-up story in today’s Chicago Tribune was about teachers who had abused kids and somehow were not in jail.
The lead editorial was about the state committee that is working on teacher pensions. Some of what the committee has been thinking about was revealed during the last few days. The committee’s work isn’t over and their proposal may be changing, but the Tribune is already screaming, “it doesn’t go far enough, it caters to the unions, it won’t solve the problem”, and on and on.
I always thought the excessive teacher bashing by the Tribune was because of its anti-union, anti-public worker, pro- corporate, anti Democratic Party, and blatant support of big business and moneyed interests. I was wrong.
I have now concluded that all the editorial board members of the Chicago Tribune were people who had some terribly traumatic experience with teachers when they were in school. One board member was probably denied a washroom break by a teacher when they were in 2nd grade, resulting in a terribly embarrassing trauma. One board member probably had their 7th grade science fair project awarded only a C grade even after they spent