Let the Children Play! A Book You Should Read

Pasi Sahlberg and William Doyle have written a wonderful new book about the importance of play for children. Play is important for the healthy development of all children, regardless of their socioeconomic status. It’s title is Let the Children Play.
Since the passage of no Child Left Behind and the implementation of Race to the Top, the federal government and the states have done their best to stamp out play.
Noted conservative Reformer Checker Finn enjoyed the book but thought it smacked too much of Dewey and Rousseau. Play may be fine for our children, he says, but not for poor children, who need to raise their test scores. No play for them! Sahlberg and Doyle do not agree. They argue that children need to run, jump, imagine, sing, dance, and play-act, whatever their circumstances. It’s called childhood, and all children should have one, not just those who are privileged.
Its time to take a stand on behalf of play, fun, joy for all children.