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Duncan's Alter boy spearheads personal assault on Ravitch - Arne Duncan, President Barack Obama’s normally mild- mannered education secretary, has finally had enough. “Diane Ravitch is in denial and she is insulting all of the hardworking teachers, principa...

Don’t Believe Critics, Education Reform Works: Jonathan Alter - About Jonathan Alter Jonathan Alter was a senior editor, media critic and columnist for Newsweek, where he worked for 28 years and covered five administrations and seven presidential campaigns. Mor...

Turnaround every now and then I get … - I’ve recently written three posts about so-called ‘turnaround’ schools in Chicago, Memphis, and again in Chicago. Since none of these schools have achieved the test scores that are so emphasized by...

NRC Study Raises Questions About Test-Based Incentives - Curriculum Matters - I'm a little behind the curve in blogging about this, but wanted to be sure readers were aware of a significant new report from the National Research Council that takes a close look at the test-bas...

Waiting for a School Miracle - TEN years ago, Congress adopted the No Child Left Behind legislation, mandating that all students must be proficient in reading or mathematics by 2014 or their school would be punished. ...

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coopmike48 Sen. Claire McCaskill's education tour ends at Hickman | The Columbia Daily Tribune - Columbia, Missouri - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 School reform goes through the motions - Chicago Sun-Times - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 Can you spare 27 minutes for learning and world peace? | Connected Principals - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 Remainders: ‘Strategic hiring’ a new focus for urban schools | GothamSchools - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
EducationSee all

I wan’t going to do another pension post. Then Swanson spoke. « Fred Klonsky's blog - Will new IEA President Cinda Klickna sell us out on pensions too? Is sitting at the table all these people want? I thought I would give the whole pension issue a rest today. But then Ken Swanson me...

Jerry Brown's Sign of Sanity - In his latest blog, "Living in Dialogue," Anthony Cody, a prominent advocate for sane education and one of the leaders of the Save Our Schools March, which will culminate in a march on Washington, ...

Are we creating dual school systems with charters, vouchers? - The Answer Sheet - --This was written by Bill McDiarmid, dean and alumni distinguished professor of the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.By Bill McDiarmid Recently I participated...

Art & EntertainmentSee all
Jon Stewart Reacts To Anthony Weiner Photo Scandal (VIDEO) - Jon Stewart is finding himself in a catch-22 this week.On one hand, the weekend brought about one of the most easily mockable stories to date. A Representative named Weiner allegedly tweeted a phot...

the colony theatre presents michael golamco's year zero, june 1 - july 3 - If you're in Southern California and want to check out some cool Asian American theatre work... The Colony Theatre the first production of its 37th season, the west coast premiere of Michael Golamc...

Especial 'Padres y Maestros' - Univision Vida y Familia - El programa, que presentará la galardonada periodista María Elena Salinas, destacará prácticas óptimas para una alianza productiva entre padres de familia y maestros, y enfatizará su importancia. ...

LivingSee all
Oaxacan Teachers Resist Tests, Merit Pay—Strikes to Spread Throughout Mexico? - digg_url=""; On May 23, 70,000 teachers struck in Oaxaca, Mexico. They were not asking for raises or better benef...

NAACP fighting back back with pro-lawsuit rally of its own | GothamSchools - NAACP fighting back back with pro-lawsuit rally of its own | GothamSchoolsNAACP fighting back back with pro-lawsuit rally of its ownby Philissa CramerPushing back against criticism of its involveme...

Texas State Senator Files Anti-Sanctuary Cities Bill Immigration - Published at 5:19 pm, June 3, 2011 Photo Credits: Texas State Senator Tommy Williams files anti-sanctuary Texas State Senator Tommy Williams has filed a massive bill in the current special session ...

PoliticsSee all
Wisconsin Dems to announce that they will try to recall Scott Walker - The Plum Line - There’s a long way to go, and the goal seems like a very tough one to reach, but Wisconsin Democrats are set to go for it: They will announce at their annual convention later today that they intend...

Wisconsin Democrats Will Try to Recall Scott Walker Next Year - Democratic Party of Wisconsin chair Mike Tate will announce tonight at the annual convention that the party will try to recall Gov. Scott Walker when he becomes eligible for removal early next year...

Greensboro & the Triad's most trusted source for local news and analysis - RALEIGH -- Gov. Bev Perdue issued and executive order today that she says restores unemployment benefits to 47,000 North Carolina workers. Those workers lost their jobs more than 79 weeks ago. Bene...

StoriesSee all
Blog posts on this issue - The White House Office of the First Lady For Immediate Release June 03, 2011 White House Kitchen Garden 3:36 P.M. EDT MRS. OBAMA: So welcome to the White House, the South Lawn! What do you think?...

Men Hate the Workplace They Built « MomsRising Blog - Men want work-life flexibility just as much as women. So why are women still the ones carrying the message? Ah, the sweet sensation of validation. Finally, a think tank has thought what many work-l...

Volunteers, donations needed in Joplin (VIDEO) - Seeing what happened in Joplin will leave you speechless, writes a Missouri blogger. What we've heard is bad enough: 138 have now died, including our Teamster sister Heather Terry, who was laid to ...

HealthSee all
Blog posts on this issue - Washington, D.C. – Thirty years ago this Sunday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention first reported on the condition that would eventually become known as human immunodeficiency virus (H...

Cervical Center - A Preventable Tragedy for Latinas - Published at 5:15 pm, June 3, 2011 Photo Credits: Cervical Cancer and Latinas A staggering number of Latinas in Los Angeles County are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year and die from this pre...

No More Food Pyramid! Agriculture Secretary, MyPlate Your Plate - For Americans to lead happy, productive, lives it helps to stay healthy, active and fit. It’s really pretty simple. Choose a healthier plate, and balance it with exercise. In the end, it comes down...

#eduRead this paperSee all
NYC Public School Parents: In defense of Diane Ravitch (not that she needs it!) - NYC Public School Parents: In defense of Diane Ravitch (not that she needs it!)In defense of Diane Ravitch (not that she needs it!)by Leonie HaimsonToday, Jonathan Alter of Newsweek let loose an at...

The 10 Poorest School Districts in America | Ecology of Education - The 10 Poorest School Districts in America | Ecology of EducationMay 18, 2011 | 0 CommentsThe 10 Poorest School Districts in AmericaWritten by Carol Brown on May 18, 20113tweetsretweetSchool distri...

Education, Poverty and Culture - E.D. Kain - American Times - Forbes - Education, Poverty and Culture - E.D. Kain - American Times - ForbesEducation, Poverty and CultureJun. 3 2011 - 1:10 pm | 0 views | 0 recommendations | 0 commentsRachel Levy takes issuewith this po...


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