Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 11/26/16
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What's the worst that could happen under New Ed Secretary Betsy DeVos? Some Scenarios - The Hechinger Report

The Common Core—and basing annual tests on the objectives spelled out within it—is an exciting idea. But annual tests are just too slow, infrequent, impersonal, and inexact to be adequate in the digital era. Even individual quizzes or papers—the way many teachers assess what each of their students know and don’t—are needlessly slow and laborious and often fail to produce useable results.…This is where new-style digital learning may be a game-changer. If computerized curricula that include constant student testing become widespread in classrooms, with daily reports showing how every student in a class is doing on various fronts, then accountability becomes much easier to enforce. Teachers, principals, and parents will know right away if students are learning and understanding. Good blended-learning softwareputs all final results in the context of where the student started out, so separating good instruction from bad instruction isn’t just a crude matter of who aces te end-of-year test.Smart games collect mind-boggling volumes of data; DreamBox, the popular math DreamBox, Datamining & DeVos? – Missouri Education Watchdog: