James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."
Central Valley district to alter program for students learning English - latimes.com
Central Valley district to alter program for students learning English - latimes.com: Central Valley district to alter program for students learning English [image: Mark Rosenbaum, chief counsel for the ACLU of Southern California] A Central Valley school district will replace a program that was criticized as ineffective for students learning English, officials announced Thursday. Dinuba Unified School District, near Fresno, had become the target of litigation filed in May on behalf of two unidentified students, their parents and five teachers. The program, called Second Language Ac... more »
New evidence: Philadelphia test cheating is likely far worse than previously revealed | Philadelphia Public School Notebook
New evidence: Philadelphia test cheating is likely far worse than previously revealed | Philadelphia Public School Notebook: New evidence: Philadelphia test cheating is likely far worse than previously revealed by Paul Socolar *By Benjamin Herold and Dale Mezzacappa for WHYY/NewsWorks and the Notebook* The scope of the Philadelphia School District’s problem with suspicious erasures on state standardized tests is far more widespread than officials have publicly revealed. But so far state and District investigators have launched deeper probes into suspected cheating at only a third ... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Who's More Unpopular: Rhee or Romney?
Jersey Jazzman: Who's More Unpopular: Rhee or Romney?: Who's More Unpopular: Rhee or Romney? by Duke This is interesting: Hoping that New Yorkers will think of “Romney” as a dirty word, a coalition of labor unions and liberal advocacy groups is beginning a campaign on Thursday to tie the presumptive Republican presidential nominee to defenders of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s education policies. The coalition, New Yorkers for Great Public Schools, said it planned to highlight donors who supported both Mitt Romney and StudentsFirstNY, a political group formed as a counterweight ... more »
Ten Reasons Young People Should Come Forward For Deferred Action « MomsRising Blog
Ten Reasons Young People Should Come Forward For Deferred Action « MomsRising Blog: Ten Reasons Young People Should Come Forward For Deferred Action by Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez On August 15, the first of perhaps a million or more people who qualify for the DREAM Act began stepping forward to apply and pay fees for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a form of temporary deportation relief for undocumented immigrants who meet certain criteria. Each case will be evaluated individually, but I am encouraging those who meet the basic criteria to consider applying for DAC... more »
Meet the PAA founders: Leonie Haimson « Parents Across America
Meet the PAA founders: Leonie Haimson « Parents Across America: Meet the PAA founders: Leonie Haimson by pureparents *This profile is part of an ongoing series of portraits of key PAA members.* In the beginning, there was Leonie Haimson. Leonie was a key force in the creation of Parents Across America, and remains at the heart of our activities. From her computer in her Greenwich Village office, she writes, researches, and stays in touch with activists and reporters across the country. After more than a decade of educational work, she has become an expert in the ins and outs of po... more »
Where My Fatherhood Comes From [It Turned Into a Poem] | The Jose Vilson
Where My Fatherhood Comes From [It Turned Into a Poem] | The Jose Vilson: Where My Fatherhood Comes From [It Turned Into a Poem] by Jose My fatherhood is born of a desire to change everything that happened before me. Or before me. My fatherhood was born from not having a father figure present, and constantly seeking them in the form of priests, popular athletes, and men who only had time for a yearly visit. My fatherhood wasn’t prescribed, and, for all the reading I did, I knew I’d have to write this one out on my own. My fatherhood is an amalgamation of everything that went wrong with... more »
Chicago Teachers Union Vs. Astroturf Billionaires
The Chicago Teachers Union is currently on the front lines of a fight to defend public education. On one side the 30,000 members of the CTU have called for a contract that includes fair compensation, meaningful job security for qualified teachers, smaller class sizes and a better school day with Art, Music, World Language and appropriate staffing levels to help our neediest students. On the other side, the Chicago Board of Education—which is managed by out of town reformers and Broad Foundation hires with little or no Chicago public school experience—has pushed to add two weeks to... more »
Cosmo Garvin's Parting Shot at Kevin Johnson | The Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education
Cosmo Garvin's Parting Shot at Kevin Johnson | The Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education: Cosmo Garvin's Parting Shot at Kevin Johnson by Kate_Lenox [image: Home] *KJ, Inc.* http://www.newsreview.com/sacramento/k-j-inc/content?oid=7177019 Cosmo Garvin's last article for the Sacramento News and Review is an excellent piece of investigative journalism on how Kevin Johnson is funneling private dollars into quasi-public endeavors including his astro-turf education group Stand Up Sacramento. Along with that he is also using public dollars and city office space in a self-agrand... more »
UPDATE: Jersey Jazzman: What Eduction "Reform" Is Really About: $$$
Jersey Jazzman: What Eduction "Reform" Is Really About: $$$: It's Good To Be Chris Cerf's Friend! by Duke When we last visited Jersey City, mayoral candidate Steve Fulop was setting up secret meetings with members of the JCBOE and Education Commissioner Chris Cerf, even though Cerf denies he had anything to do with the appointment of the new superintendent. Remember: Marcia Lyles and Cerf are both graduates of the Broad Superintendents "Academy," the unaccredited program that brings corporate values to public schools (the last thing they need). A lot of people in Jersey City are f... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Pension-grabber Quinn is now toast
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Pension-grabber Quinn is now toast: Pension-grabber Quinn is now toast by Mike Klonsky Popout *Afterward, union leader and lifelong Democrat Ruby Robinson, of Aurora, was furious. “Not one other vote will I cast for a Democrat who is posing as a Democrat but who’s actually acting out as a Republican, as a Tea Partier, and that’s exactly what Gov. Quinn and his group is doing today,” said Robinson, a longtime Department of Employment Security employee and head of an AFSCME local. “They’re carrying out the same kind of activities as Gov. [Scott] Walker... more »
Has Teach for America betrayed its mission? - US news - Life - Education - NBCNews.com
Has Teach for America betrayed its mission? - US news - Life - Education - NBCNews.com: Has Teach for America betrayed its mission?Third of recruits go to privately run charter schools; classroom efficacy in question By Stephanie Simon updated 8/16/2012 11:10:21 AM ET - Print - Font: - - When Wendy Kopp, just out of Princeton, founded Teach for America in 1989, she dreamed of recruiting 500 elite college graduates to teach the nation's neediest children. "My dear Miss Kopp," a college advisor told her, "you are quite evidently deranged." Kopp pressed on, and this f... more »
Schools Matter: Chicago Teachers Union Versus Astroturf Billionaires
Schools Matter: Chicago Teachers Union Versus Astroturf Billionaires: Chicago Teachers Union Versus Astroturf Billionaires by Robert D. Skeels * rdsathene PopoutBillionaires like the Koch Brothers, Betsy DeVos, and Bill Gates fund astroturf tools like Jonah Edelman, Rebecca Nieves Huffman, and Kyle Olson. Working with anti-working class politicians like Rahm Emanuel, these groups and individuals strive to privatize public education, union bust, and profit off the sufferings of the poor. Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is on the front lines of the battle to save public education, but th... more »
Community, Parent and Labor Organizations Call for NYC Candidates to Reject StudentsFirstNY Support
New Yorkers for Great Public Schools: [image: studentsfirst_romneyfirst_cover_small.jpg] *New Report Exposes StudentsFirst Romney Money that Could Poison NYC Schools and Elections* * **Community, Parent and Labor Organizations Call for NYC Candidates to Reject StudentsFirstNY Support* * * New York, NY—On the heels of a new report, outraged parents called on elected officials and candidates for state and local office to reject any financial support, either directly or via independent expenditures, from StudentsFirstNY and their various affiliate entities. The report, titled *Stude... more »
Ed Tech Task Force Recommendations - Year 2012 (CA Dept of Education)
Ed Tech Task Force Recommendations - Year 2012 (CA Dept of Education): Modern Technology a Major Tool in Preparing Students for the Future, Educators and Other Experts Say *"Education Technology Task Force" Submits Recommendations to State Schools Chief* **SACRAMENTO—Rather than seeing smart phones and other electronic devices as barriers to learning, educators should be using them as central tools in preparing students for the careers of the 21st century economy, according to a new report that teachers and other education experts prepared for State Superintendent of Public Instru... more »
Daily Kos: A simple question for Mitt and Ann Romney
Daily Kos: A simple question for Mitt and Ann Romney: A simple question for Mitt and Ann Romney by rss@dailykos.com (teacherken) In 2009 the Internal Revenue Service had a one-time amnesty for those who had failed to pay taxes on overseas accounts. To quote from the frequently asked questions document on the program, issued in May of 2009, the objective of the amnesty program was to bring taxpayers that have used undisclosed foreign accounts and undisclosed foreign entities to avoid or evade tax into compliance with United States tax laws. Additionally, the information gathered f... more »
Legislators Challenge NEA and AFT to Merge - John Wilson Unleashed - Education Week
Legislators Challenge NEA and AFT to Merge - John Wilson Unleashed - Education Week: Legislators Challenge NEA and AFT to Merge By John Wilson on August 16, 2012 7:00 AM Can you imagine being a pro-public school and pro-union state legislator and have to deal with competing teacher unions as you move legislation that will help all teachers and education support professionals? Louisiana and West Virginia come to my mind as two prime examples. I am sure there are state legislators who feel they walk on eggshells when trying to work with the local and state affiliates of the National... more »
LA School Report | Everything You Need to Know About What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report | Everything You Need to Know About What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD: Welcome to LA School Report Posted on August 16, 2012 by Jamie Alter Lynton Today I am pleased to announce the official launch of LA School Report. My goal is to provide meaningful coverage on issues related to the Los Angeles public schools and to shine a light on a system that receives little attention despite its enormous importance. As the second largest school system in the country and one that commands an annual budget of over $6 billion dollars, the Los Angeles Unified School District ... more »
*ASCD SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT TOOL Home Page: * * * Fast, Free, Online: Because You Can’t Wait to Get Better by Molly McCloskey [image: ASCD School Improvement Tool] All educators want to improve what they do for kids, but need help doing so. On a daily basis, we’re thinking, planning, and taking steps to improve school climate and culture, provide high-quality curriculum and instruction, be leaders, assess meaningfully, engage our families and communities, support our own professional development, build staff capacity, and more. How do we balance these multiple school improvement priorit... more »
That Dog Won’t Hunt « The Core Knowledge Blog
That Dog Won’t Hunt « The Core Knowledge Blog: That Dog Won’t Huntby Robert Pondiscio *August 16th, 2012* Tags: CCSS, Fordham, Kathleen Porter-Magee, Literacy, Lucy Calkins, publishing Posted in Education Practice, Literacy | No Comments » “How many legs does a dog have if you call its tail a leg?” Abraham Lincoln is famously reported to have asked. Four, said Abe. “Because calling it a leg doesn’t make it one.” And calling your ELA curriculum Common Core aligned doesn’t mean it really is. At Fordham’s Common Core Watch blog last week, Kathleen Porter-Magee posted a piece that ... more »
The power of positive technology « Teaching Between the Lines
The power of positive technology « Teaching Between the Lines: The power of positive technology by Laura Convincing my students to work with new technology is a snap — if the laptops are on their desks, they are usually happy and productive. But recently I presented the wonders of technology to a tougher audience: older folks in a retirement community. Although they came willingly to my presentation, which was part of a series on keeping their brains active, I heard a bit of grumbling along the lines of, “This is about technology? I’m not staying,” “I don’t even have a computer... more »
Missouri Education Watchdog: Did Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee or one of her TFAers Write These Rambling Letters?
Missouri Education Watchdog: Did Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee or one of her TFAers Write These Rambling Letters?: Did Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rheeor one of her TFAers Write These Rambling Letters? by stlgretchen Her words are empty and vague. So are her educational reform ideas. See if you can discern what they are and what she wants...other than your money. Michelle Rhee and her organization StudentsFirst just won't leave Missourians alone with her talking points on educational reform sent via email. She's about as vague on her reform plans as Arne Duncan saying we... more »
A running theme that the only thing that matters is test scores | Dangerously Irrelevant
A running theme that the only thing that matters is test scores | Dangerously Irrelevant: A running theme that the only thing that matters is test scores by dr.scott.mcleod@gmail.com (Scott McLeod) *Pray to the gods of TEST * according to the American Psychological Association, a study of Texas middle school studentsfound that healthy lungs and hearts could “predict” better scores on reading and math tests. Here’s another — from the UK but in the same vein — touting the conclusion that “daily exercise significantly improves pupils test scores.” And another finding that integrating a... more »
FCMAT » CALI Education Headlines Thursday, August 16, 2012
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: Education Headlines *Thursday, August 16, 2012* Tamien residents object to plans for Rocketship schoolRocketship, the darling of the national charter movement, hit a speed bump Tuesday in its quest to open more schools that serve low-income, disadvantaged children. The Santa Clara County Board of Education unanimously postponed a decision affecting a parcel where Rocketship wants to open another school. Moreno Valley trustee cases cost district thousandsThe Moreno Valley Unified School District has spent more than $9,000 in legal...more »
On demonizing our opponents « Deborah Meier on Education
On demonizing our opponents « On demonizing our opponents Posted on August 16, 2012 by debmeier In the “final” showdown one must take sides–for or against– and anyone not on my side is my enemy. I suppose. But in the meantime, it can be fascinating to “see” the world through other perspectives. I had lunch yesterday with two good friends, Carol and Joe Reich. They started a public school in Brooklyn many year go–after being dicouraged with their work in I Had A Dream (mostly focused on after school enrichment and promised support for college). I visited the school–Beginning With... more »
Modern School: Banning Junk Food at Schools Works
Modern School: Banning Junk Food at Schools Works: Banning Junk Food at Schools Works by Michael Dunn According to the first nationwide study on the effects of banning junk food sales at schools, recently published in the journal *Pediatrics*, there is a correlation between such bans and declining weight gain in children, Good Education reports. Researchers studied data from 6,300 students in 40 states, measuring each student's weight and height in 2004, upon entering middle school, and again in 2007. They also looked at which children lived in states with anti-junk food laws. C... more »
UPDATE: Interview with myself. « Fred Klonsky
Interview with myself. « Fred Klonsky: The story of my stalker Ben Velderman and me is featured in this just released video by the CTU on Rahm’s sordid relationship to astroturf reformers. by Fred Klonsky Interview with myself. by Fred Klonsky *Q: You’re going to Springfield tomorrow?* *A: Yes. A couple of us our driving down at 7AM. Thousands more will be there.* *Q: What’s up with that?* *A: The Governor has called the General Assembly to meet for one day to address the pension issue. There are * * * The in box. “Believe it or not you old guys are no longer the center of the ... more »
Remarks by the President to Teachers at Cascade High School, Cascade, Iowa | The White House
Remarks by the President to Teachers at Cascade High School, Cascade, Iowa | The White House: Remarks by the President to Teachers at Cascade High School, Cascade, Iowa Cascade High School Cascade, Iowa 11:09 A.M. CDT THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody! (Applause.) So good to see you! I hear that there’s a little school going on here. (Laughter.) So I thought I’d stop by and just wish everybody luck. Have a seat. Have a seat. We were on our way by and I just wanted to say that, first of all, I’ve been seeing a whole bunch of the kids as I’ve been traveling around the state, an... more »
Blue Jersey:: Hello, I Must Be Going
Blue Jersey:: Hello, I Must Be Going: Hello, I Must Be Goingby Jersey Jazzman A note on the churning of staff at the NJ Department Of Education:Penny MacCormack, the NJDOE's assistant commissioner, is leaving to run Montclair's schools. She was supposed to be overseeing the big Regional Achievement Center initiative at the heart of Commissioner Chris Cerf's grand plans. She had only been on the job for a year. The Deputy Commissioner, Andy Smarick, is also leaving for the bright lights of Washington. He was always more comfortable on the wingnut welfare gravy train anyway; in fact... more »
Coalition Aims to Link Romney to Backers of Bloomberg’s Education Agenda - NYTimes.com
Coalition Aims to Link Romney to Backers of Bloomberg’s Education Agenda - NYTimes.com: Coalition Aims to Link School Group and RomneyBy MICHAEL M. GRYNBAUMPublished: August 15, 2012 Hoping that New Yorkers will think of “Romney” as a dirty word, a coalition of labor unions and liberal advocacy groups is beginning a campaign on Thursday to tie the presumptive Republican presidential nominee to defenders of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s education policies. Related - New Coalition to Challenge Bloomberg’s Education Policies(May 18, 2012) Connect with NYTMet... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Dear Abby: Education Genius
Jersey Jazzman: Dear Abby: Education Genius: Dear Abby: Education Genius by Duke Dear Abby is the smartest woman in America: DEAR ABBY: Wouldn't it make sense if grade school teachers set aside time, weekly or monthly, to go over some very generic information that kids need to learn? I'm talking about things like how important it is to have pets neutered and why, how to manage money, and show them what the average dad earns and what it costs to run a household and support a family. It might help kids to grow up understanding that money isn't free and get them past the "gimmes." ... more »
Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » Doublethink: The Creativity-Testing Conflict
Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » Doublethink: The Creativity-Testing Conflict: Doublethink: The Creativity-Testing Conflict by YongZhao Originally published by *Education Week* Online: July 17, 2012 and in Print: July 18, 2012. See also *Education Week* blogger Catherine A. Cardno’s interview with the me about my latest book, “Zhao on Entrepreneurship, the Common Core, and Bacon.” Doublethink is “to hold simultaneously two opinions which canceled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them,” according to George Orwell, who coined the... more »
The in box. Teacher MiC tells Governor Quinn: “Stop the dilly dallying.” « Fred Klonsky
The in box. Teacher MiC tells Governor Quinn: “Stop the dilly dallying.” « Fred Klonsky: The in box. Teacher MiC tells Governor Quinn: “Stop the dilly dallying.” by Fred Klonsky *State union workers greet Governor Quinn at the State Fair with loud boos. It was Democrat’s Day at the Fair. More to come Friday in Springfield.* In his previous letter to Governor Quinn teacher *MiC *addressed the issue of the Governor’s *fictional 87 year old teacher.* Today he explains to the Governor how to fix the funding problem. *Dear Governor Quinn-* *I read in the paper yesterday that you were ag... more »
Lead letter: Charters, vouchers aren't solutions | jacksonville.com
Lead letter: Charters, vouchers aren't solutions | jacksonville.com: Lead letter: Charters, *vouchers *aren't solutions President John F. Kennedy once said, “Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education.” In Florida, we have bet the house on vouchers and charter schools. A vast majority of the education priorities of the state over the last several years do not address policies aimed at improving traditional public schools. Florida has a golden opportunity to bring trust to our public education accountability system, which has been tarnished. After week... more »
Overheard on CNN: Debate between Ravitch, Rhee – Teacher: 'Just let me teach.' – Schools of Thought - CNN.com Blogs
Overheard on CNN: Debate between Ravitch, Rhee – Teacher: 'Just let me teach.' – Schools of Thought - CNN.com Blogs: Overheard on CNN: Debate between Ravitch, Rhee – Teacher: 'Just let me teach.' [image: Overheard on CNN: Debate between Ravitch, Rhee – Teacher: 'Just let me teach.'] *Editors note: A recent Schools of Thought reader made this comment: "Equal air time for Ravitch – all this can and should be debated fairly – the blog space is welcome but insufficient." Diane Ravitch is scheduled to appear on CNN Newsroom Weekend with Randi Kaye this Saturday, August 18.* by *John Ma... more »
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-16-12 Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Defending Parents Against Stereotypes by dianerav A reader writes in support of low-income and working-class families and reminds us of the importance of collaboration: *Diane, thanks again for your clarity and calm through what must have been a difficult week. Your small manifesto looks so obvious, when it is quietly laid out.* *Unfortunately, the conversation also gets hijacked by those with an agenda to attack low-income families, and working class parents in general, with false and degrading stereotype... more »
Fuentes finds possible $60 million for evaluation bill | EdSource Today
Fuentes finds possible $60 million for evaluation bill | EdSource Today: Fuentes finds possible $60 million for evaluation bill ** August 16th, 2012 | Add a Comment | By John Fensterwald Share on twitterShare on facebookShare on emailShare on google_plusone More Sharing Services The author of a bill revising the law on teacher evaluations has pushed up the start date to two years from now, found a $60 million pot of money to jump-start the process in districts with the lowest-performing schools, and given parents and students a role advising teachers and districts on criteria to use... more »
DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: There's No Crying WHILE Teaching!: There's No Crying WHILE Teaching! by Lisa M *I am offline until Friday, so I am posting some of my older blog posts from my Wordpress account.* I was watching a Geico commercial where a psychiatrist told his patient to "Man up!". Well, not in those words, but that's what he meant. I laughed when he offered the patient the tissue box, and as the sniffling patient reached for the box, instead of handing it to him, he threw it. I know, that's cruel, and what type of person must I be to find that funny? But I h... more »
John Kirtley’s Unwarranted Florida End Zone Dance | Scathing Purple Musings
John Kirtley’s Unwarranted Florida End Zone Dance | Scathing Purple Musings: John Kirtley’s Unwarranted Florida End Zone Dance by Bob Sikes Education privatization’s top fundraiser, John Kirtley, was patting himself on the back yesterday for the Florida primary victories of a “bipartisan coalition of more than 20 candidates who support expanded educational opportunities for Florida families.” The list of victors includes ten House Republicans, six House Democrats, and two Senate Republicans. Kirtley reveals that Florida Federation for Children paid for electioneering in 18 races... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: School Board adopts narrow definition of program
Seattle Schools Community Forum: School Board adopts narrow definition of program: School Board adopts narrow definition of program by Charlie Mas The newly adopted policy 2200 is called the "Equitable Access to Programs and Services" policy. When you - or anyone else - thinks about equitable access to programs and services, what programs and services do you usually think of? Probably the ones with inequitable access now, such as language immersion, Montessori, Spectrum, ALO, alternative, STEM, international, and IB. Those are the ones I think of. This policy doesn't cover any of ... more »
Outsourcing Public Schools: Deja Vu All Over Again | Dailycensored.com
Outsourcing Public Schools: Deja Vu All Over Again | Dailycensored.com: Outsourcing Public Schools: Deja Vu All Over Again by Jack Gerson Two weeks ago, Highland Park Michigan announced that it is outsourcing its three schools to a for-profit charter school company, Leona LLC. The decision to privatize was made after a state takeover of the schools: in May, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder appointed an emergency manager for the school district, Joyce Parker, and it was Parker who made the decision to privatize Highland Park’s schools. “This could be the new model for public education... more »
Connected Education is Elementary | Connected Principals
Connected Education is Elementary | Connected Principals: Connected Education is Elementary by pdewitt *[image: Photo by Paul Jerry]* *“We are all born curious, creative, and imaginative. And the best schools—from pre-K to graduate school—continue to develop these capabilities in students. They do so not by delivering more-of-the-same education, but rather a very different education.”* Wagner When we think about connected education, our minds usually bring us to teenagers and older students who create digital portfolios using the latest tools. We often think of how we need to teach ... more »
Boy’s ejection from SF school illustrates struggles in violence prevention | California Watch
Boy’s ejection from SF school illustrates struggles in violence prevention | California Watch: Boy’s ejection from SF school illustrates struggles in violence prevention by Trey Bundy Trey Bundy This story was edited by Robert Salladay and Mark Katches and copy edited by Nikki Frick and Christine Lee. Adithya Sambamurthy/The Bay Citizen When Tori was 9, a shooting near his home in San Francisco's Western Addition neighborhood left a random bullet lodged permanently in his abdomen. An 11-year-old boy in San Francisco made headlines early last year when a shooting near his Western Add... more »
Your candidates for Oakland school board: an almost final list - The Education Report - Katy Murphy's blog on Oakland schools
Your candidates for Oakland school board: an almost final list - The Education Report - Katy Murphy's blog on Oakland schools: Your candidates for Oakland school board: an almost final list Wednesday, August 15th, 2012 at 6:12 pm in No Comments The Oakland school board races are still shaping up to be lively, though some of the candidates appear to have dropped out or failed to gather enough valid signatures to qualify. The deadline for District 5 was today, which explains why there are no candidates listed for that race in the city’s qualified candidate’s list, updated as of yest... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: L.A. Quotables: Deasy vs. Fletcher
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: L.A. Quotables: Deasy vs. Fletcher: L.A. Quotables: Deasy vs. Fletcher by Mike Klonsky Taken from yesterday's L.A. Times story, "LAUSD, teachers union spar over voluntary evaluation system". Supt. *John Deasy* (the man from Gates): *"What a shame we don't have a partner in the leadership of UTLA," Deasy said. "It doesn't really bode well that the leadership doesn't seem to be serious about teacher evaluations."* UTLA Pres. *Warren Fletcher: * *Fletcher said the union objected to the program for a number of reasons. He said the district created it w... more »
NYC Educator: How to Crush a New Teacher in Five Short Years
NYC Educator: How to Crush a New Teacher in Five Short Years: How to Crush a New Teacher in Five Short Years by NYC Educator * by special guest blogger Suddenly ATR * *Summer 2012: "I'm sorry to inform you that you've been excessed for the school year." Early morning calls are the worst, and this was no exception. I'd go on the open market except I was excessed the day open market ended. * Summer 2007: It was a warm summer, and I was moving back to NYC to join the "Teaching Fellows" program. I had no teaching experience, but that didn't matter. I was told that the NYC school system ... more »
FAQs for a Skeptic on Technology | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
FAQs for a Skeptic on Technology | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: FAQs for a Skeptic on Technology by larrycuban Over the years, readers and students have asked me about the work I have done on school reform and technology. I want to answer these Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) here. But first some background. I began doing research and writing on teacher and student uses of technology in the early 1980s when the first personal computers appeared in classrooms. That writing turned into *Teachers and Machines: The Classroom Use of Technology since 1920.* I th... more »
ALEC's Annual Conference and OccupySLC's ALEC Welcoming Committee - Days 2 and 3 | MyFDL
ALEC's Annual Conference and OccupySLC's ALEC Welcoming Committee - Days 2 and 3 | MyFDL: ALEC’s Annual Conference and OccupySLC’s ALEC Welcoming Committee – Days 2 and 3By: pastfedup Wednesday August 15, 2012 1:31 pm [image: Tweet]Tweet [image: digg] [image: stumbleupon] [image: alec poster.1]Picking up where I left off last post, Day 2 of protesting ALEC in Salt Lake City was a bit quieter than Monday, primarily because July 24th is a very important holiday in Utah. That day, called Pioneer Day, commemorates Brigham Young’s arrival into the Salt Lake valley in 1847; and as ... more »
Why You Should Worry About Khan Academy, Not Just Math Geeks [Future of Teaching] | The Jose Vilson
Why You Should Worry About Khan Academy, Not Just Math Geeks [Future of Teaching] | The Jose Vilson: Why You Should Worry About Khan Academy, Not Just Math Geeks [Future of Teaching] by Jose Excerpt: The trend of gamifying our culture has had *some* benefits in other areas. Weight Watchers uses a points system to discourage customers from eating fatty foods. Nike+ has developed a specialized program (with shoes!) that help you compete against others through exercise. Klout uses equations to help rank people and brands through social media. Games often find themselves in the tools... more »
Right-to-know ruling in favor of the Notebook is now a precedent | Philadelphia Public School Notebook
Right-to-know ruling in favor of the Notebook is now a precedent | Philadelphia Public School Notebook: Right-to-know ruling in favor of the Notebook is now a precedent by Paul Socolar Last spring’s Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court ruling in favor of the * Notebook* in a right-to-know case involving public access to School Reform Commission resolutions is now a legal precedent. Commonwealth Court Judge Dan Pelligrini ruled last week in support of a motion filed by the *Notebook* to “report” the decision, meaning that it will now be treated as a precedent in similar cases in Pennsylva... more »
SPRINGFIELD PROTEST « Teachers Fight Back: SPRINGFIELD PROTEST by alkleen This is it, Illinois teachers. You have one more day to get yourself down to Springfield and show your legislators how angry you are about the upcoming pension reforms that are going to cost you plenty. Get down there and tell them you want our stolen pension money back. You want them to come up with ways that the state can pay back the lost pension money. Show your outrage. Block the doors to the Capitol building. Chain yourself to the fences. Present the legislators with a bill for the stolen billions of... more »

Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-11-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-4-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-21-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-14-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-7-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-30-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-23-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-16-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-9-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-2-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post

Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-15-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-14-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-13-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-12-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-11-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-10-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-9-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-8-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-7-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-6-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-5-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-4-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-3-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-2-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-1-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 7-31-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2