Losing The Federal Education Mission
The official assault on the Department of Education has begun.
If it seems like there's an awful lot more talking around this compared to,
say, the gutting...
Thomas Ultican: There Was No “Mississippi Miracle”
A few years bacon, the story of the “Mississippi Miracle” in reading was
all the rage. The increase in scores of fourth grade students on NAEP
scores was h...
March’s Parent Engagement Resources
What does our research say about grades, attendance, test scores, & “on
track” metrics for @chipubschools.bsky.social students? How can parents use
this in...
Coming to Life: Woodchippers and Community Builders
Maybe it’s 35 years of working in a classroom, but here’s what I think:
it’s too bad that there aren’t more teachers in Congress. Teachers
generally know h...
Dismantling Public Education: No Laughing Matter!
Don’t it always seem to go That you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s
gone… ~Joni Mitchell Many educators and parents found it painful watching
What If Obama and Trump Faced Off in 2028?
So I was watching Chris Cuomo’s show the other night, and there it was:
Steve Bannon, in all seriousness, said that Republicans are working on a
way to all...
Standing with Federal Workers? Or backing Trump?
The ABC group shows a dangerous side. “Leaving politics at the door”
apparently means not taking on Trump when he denies rights to workers.
Focusing on “Br...
The Tesla Tank
I will not offend your eyeballs or your ears with a picture or a mention of
that vehicle. Suffice it to say that today I saw two on the brief stretch
of in...
The Tesla Tank
I will not offend your eyeballs or your ears with a picture or a mention of
that vehicle. Suffice it to say that today I saw two on the brief stretch
of in...
Observations from the Edge of the Thunderdome
“Their relationship had become like the river – smooth and constant, but
sluggish, opaque. They were standing on opposite banks, watching it go by.
He dare...
Questioning the Mississippi Miracle Again
By Thomas Ultican 3/21/2025 The national assessment of education progress
(NAEP) is a biennial effort of the Department of Education. At the end of
Tarbiyah School Is STILL Stealing Federal Funds
I had hoped the feds would have shut them down by now, but nope. In fact,
Dr. Amna Latif, the leader of the Tarbiyah School is finding new and
creative way...
Three Pillars for Decimating Public Education
What do we do when our public schools are under attack? A couple of weeks
ago, the new Secretary of Education Linda McMahon leveled significant ...
Read ...
The Dark Works of Evil
We are watching the dark works of evil creep into the soul of our nation.
We need to resist and bring bright light to our neighbors. Now is not the
time to...
Building the Resistance
Our fight for democracy is not about left or right, or who you voted for -
it's about who gets to live with dignity. Right now, greedy oligarchs think
our ...
SHAME -Not only but especially Schumer
Enough Democratic Senators just blew it. Totally.
Let me explain why I think that.
I am very much aware that this “cave” will cost support, possibly eve...
What’s YOUR ‘Side Hustle’?
While the term “Side Hustle” has kind of a sneaky quality, it’s actually an
honorable term, basically a second source of income. Here in the USA,
about 39...
Are we all on the same team?
Copied from Quora; I didn’t write any of this… As an American I ask my
fellow Americans, why can’t you realize at the end of the day we are all on
the same...
Possible Conflict of Interest for Paul Egan?
The ABC Caucus is running on transparency, which is refreshing. However, it
appears ABC is only being transparent when it suits itself. "Meet the new
Who is the new CEO of Teach For America?
From 1990 until 2013, the CEO of TFA was the founder, Wendy Kopp. Under her
leadership the program grew from a small organization that struggled to
make pa...
Site Index - Updated December 31, 2024
When I was teaching,
I got tired of hearing how bad American educators were.
*My Promise *
WHEN I STARTED BLOGGING IN 2011, I said I planned to speak ...
Defining Productivity, Cost, and Efficiency
Recycled material here… The central problem with US public schools is often
characterized as an efficiency problem. We spend a lot and don’t get much
for i...
Number 18 — A barely-hanging-on Blogoversary
Blogoversary #18 SEPTEMBER 14, 2006 I started this blog while I was still
teaching, in 2006. I had just begun my 31st year as an educator. Just like
in pre...
Student "Growth" Measures Are STILL Biased
This caught my attention:
New Jersey school districts may soon be evaluated differently, *with a
greater emphasis on student growth* as compared to stud...
As the terrible feelings of dread and angst spread across the world the
great majority of the American people feel powerless before the onslaught
of those ...
Vote NO on the UFT Contract. Here is Why:
The best reason to vote no on this contract is this: UFT Unity* lied* to us
in 2018. They misrepresented that contract. It was predicated on deals we
Metaphors in ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech
In this article, we will explore the powerful use of metaphors in Martin
Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” ...
Read more
Testimony to the CPS Truancy Task Force
I prepared testimony for one of two public hearings held by the Chicago
Public Schools Truancy Task Force, a body mandated by state legislation.
The meetin...
There Is A Teacher Shortage.Not.
THERE IS A TEACHER SHORTAGE. And just to be sure you understand, it’s not
that teachers don’t want to teach. It’s not that there aren’t enough
teachers cer...
Book Banning Turns to Dick and Jane
Breaking News: Dateline February 4, 2022 - Parents in Dimwitty, Alabama
have asked the Dimwitty Board of Education to ban the children's primer *Fun
Have You Heard Has a New Website
TweetHave You Heard has a new website. Visit us at
www.haveyouheardpodcast.com to find our latest episodes and our entire
archive. And be sure to check out...
Follow me at Substack
I've moved. Follow me at Substack
I'm now posting regularly at Substack. You can subscribe for free to my new
Edu/Pol blog at michaelklonsky.substack.com
Aspiring Teachers Get New Help Paying For College
[image: colorful classroom pattern]
*; Credit: shuoshu/Getty Images*
Cory Turner | NPR
New rules kick in today that will help aspiring teachers pay for c...
Tips Akses Situs Judi Qq Tanpa Perlu Takut Nawala
Kegiatan berjudi slot melalui situs judi qq online, sekarang sudah
dilakukan oleh banyak penjudi Indonesia. Tentu, Kamu yang sedang membaca
artikel ini a...
The Threat of Integration
I have lived in the same house in the Miracle Mile section of Los Angeles
for over 30 years, where up until now I have had little or no interaction
with th...
We fight for a democracy worthy of us all!
The nation stands at a crossroads, said NEA President Lily Eskelsen García
in her final keynote address to the 2020 NEA Representative Assembly and
it’s up...
The Passing Of Chaz 1951-2020 Age 69
I am the son of Chaz and like to inform you that he passed away this
afternoon from the COVID virus. My father passed in peace beside his loved
ones. We ar...
The Fight For Our Children
*The number of suicides among people ages 10 to 24 nationally increased by
56 percent between 2007 and 2017, according to a new federal report showing
the ...
Read to Self: Just a Kid and a Book.
Date: Monday, January 5, 2020 Place: My classroom Student: Mrs.Mims, could
we start doing Read to Self again because I got this great book for
Christmas an...
Keeping Progressive Schools Alive
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Happy New Year and a special thanks to those
who respond to past blogs about choice, et al. I always mean to respond to
each c...
I just finished dumping the rest of my lesson plans. I guess I held on to
the calculus ones for so long because I spent so much time working on them
Just Asking for some Teachers I know.
Recently Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers stated, We must … recognize that
part of supporting our kids in the classroom means supporting the educators
who t...
Cara Menang Bermain Judi Bola Online
Bermain judi bola online tentu saja memiliki kesenangannya tersendiri baik
itu mendapatkan keuntungan maupun ketika menantikan hasil skor pada sebuah
A Critique of Standards-Based Grading
It first happened to me about ten years ago. I was beginning my third year
of teaching in a new school in Washington, DC. Social studies teachers were
My First and Last Visit to Hudson Yards
Figuring I did not need to invite any more darkness and vulgarity into my
head than that provided on a daily basis from Trump’s White House, and
after read...
Reduced time for testing? Not so fast.
NYSED and Commish Elia continue to say that the NYS Assessments are of
reasonable length, I completely disagree.
Here is what NYSED states are average expe...
The World According to Michelle Rhee
The men behind the curtain fashioning the brave new world of corporate run
education in America! Michelle Rhee is the founder of StudentsFirst, The
New T...
Whose Opinions Matter in Education World?
It's hard to identify education heroes and sheroes. And perhaps even harder
to pinpoint just whose work is slanted, paid-for and dishonest.
Blockchain: Life on the Ledger
Originally posted on Wrench in the Gears:
I created this video as a follow up to the one I prepared last year on
Social Impact Bonds. It is time to examine...
New Local Businesses in Sacramento
Starting a new local business in Sacramento is a monumental task, but can
be accomplished with footwork, perseverance and knowledge. One must learn
the loc...
Lesson Plan: Rhyme and Rhythm in Poetry
I’ve started a recent unit on poetry with my class. I’m not a poet, and I’m
not a poetry fan (I don’t hate it, but I’m a prose gal), so this makes it
The Apotheosis of Betsy DeVos
Betsy Devos has drawn few headlines in recent months, and that is a good
thing for the Secretary of Education. Her tenure began with Vice President
Mike P...
Education Is a Civic Question
In their final post to end Bridging Differences' decade-long run, Deborah
Meier and Harry Boyte urge readers to put the energy, talents, wisdom, and
hard w...
Site News: New Home for Education News & Commentary
Quick! Get over there! The daily education news roundup and education
commentaries that you're probably looking for are now being published over
at The Gra...
Should We Be Grateful?
In an odd turn of events, and with little explanation, Michigan Governor
Rick Snyder has decided to return the state’s School Reform Office back to
the Dep...
An Open Letter to NC Lawmakers
An Open Letter to NC State Lawmakers and NC State Superintendent Mark
Johnson: I am a NC native, voter, and public school teacher. I am
addressing you all ...
The Secret to Fixing Schools (My Next Bestseller)
The Secret to Fixing Schools (My next bestseller) Prologue I just finished
watching a fascinating documentary on Netflix entitled, “The Secret”. The
film p...
Farewell, Sleep
Today is the official last day of my spring break. I've done a scientific
survey: My natural bedtime is 2 AM, and my natural wake up time is 9:41
AM. Tom...
REPORT: States With the Best and Worst Schools
States With the Best (and Worst)Schools
By *Evan Comen, Michael B. Sauter, Samuel Stebbins and Thomas C. Frohlich*
January 20, 2017- http://247wallst.com
Test Refusal = People Power
In recent months, social media has been ablaze with talk of regular folk
taking action to resist the Trump agenda. Protests are a daily occurrence,
and ev...
Random Musings and Observations. . . .
I’ve been gone a while from the blogging scene. Some of my more regular
readers no doubt noticed but did not hassle me about it. Thank you for
that. Sinc...
By Michael Stratford | in the Politco Morning Education Report | via email
05/24/2016 10:00 AM EDT :: Two national education groups are backing a
My new blog will consist of fictitious headlines, meant to be a blend of
humor and satire. I apologize ahead of time if any other satirical site has
Thank you
Dear Readers,
Thank you for visiting *The Perimeter Primate*. This blog is being retired
for the time being. Although I no longer post here, I do still s...
I am Retiring
I have some news: I am retiring from the PBS NewsHour and Learning Matters.
[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other
New Beginnings: Kickstarter and EdWeek Teacher
Greetings to InterACT readers one and all! If you’ve been following posts
here recently you might recall that I’m moving my blogging activity to
other loca...
Adelaide L. Sanford Charter School
*“With Adelaide L. Sanford Charter School closing, Newark families must
move on.”* The Star-Ledger (NJ), 6/25/2013
NEWARK — Bobby and Troy Shanks saw the...
NYC’s Largest Parent Group Responds to Mayor’s State of the City Address « EdVox:NYC’s Largest Parent Group Responds to Mayor’s State of the City Addressby edvoxnyPopout(New York, NY – January 12, 2012) – Mayor Bloomberg delivered his State of the City address at Morris High School in the Bronx today, including several thousand words on education. Parent leader Zakiyah Ansari of the Coalition for Educational Justice released the following statement in reaction. “Nearly every student in City public schools today ...more »
The Charlotte Post - For-profit charter schools questionedBig Education Ape - PostRank (PostRank: All)-2 minutes agoThe Charlotte Post - For-profit charter schools questioned:For-profit charter schools questionedWith N.C. cap removed, companies apply for approval Published Thursday, January 12, 2012 7:21 amby Sommer Brokaw The emergence of for-profit charter schools is drawing fire in North Carolina.The Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP sent a letter to the North Carolina State Board of Education last month to block the application for Howard and Lillian Lee Scholars ...more »
The Uncertain Future of Public Schools in Florida | Florida Public Employees:The Uncertain Future of Public Schools in FloridaTopics: Amendment 7, Charter Schools, Ketty Rodríguez, PrivatisacionYour Tax Dollars For Private UseJanuary 11, 2012Translated From Spanish Article Published January 10, 2012By Ketty RodriguezThe public school situation has become more complex and critical in 2012, especially when compared to last year. One only has to look at the laws that have come in to play, as well as the measures voters are ...more »
Why Accountants Should Not Run Schools | OurFuture.org:Why Accountants Should Not Run Schoolsby Jeff BryantThere's a reason why accountants traditionally wore green eyeshades. In their "vision-intensive, detail-oriented" work, they were prone to "eyestrain" caused by scrupulous attention to columns and rows of numbers on a ledger. Now, of course, the strain is lessened by the softer glow of a computer screen. But the accountant's job is the same, nevertheless.Historically, in fact, the practice of "accountancy" has not changed a lot ...more »
RheeFirst! » “Michelle Rhee” is to “Data” as “Counterfeiter” is to “Dollar Bill”:“Michelle Rhee” is to “Data” as “Counterfeiter” is to “Dollar Bill”by adminWritten by Guy Brandenburg for his blog. Read the entire post here.“There are very few public figures who have a looser connection with the truth, with facts, and with data, than Michelle Rhee.But she’s coming to DC next week as a featured panel member of something called the Data Quality Campaign, along with Arne Duncan, another educational ...more »
Turner Diaries vs Ron Paul — The Answers Revealed! « Student Activism:Turner Diaries vs Ron Paul — The Answers Revealed!by Angus JohnstonAbout a week ago I put up a quiz post asking folks to guess whether 25 quotes came from Ron Paul’s newsletters or from the Turner Diaries, a notorious racist novel from the late 1970s.In that original post I said that this:The worldview of the Ron Paul newsletters is the worldview of the late 20th century American rightwing fringe ...more »
Why Is Congress Redlining Our Schools? | The Nation:Why Is Congress Redlining Our Schools?Linda Darling-Hammond January 10, 2012 | This article appeared in the January 30, 2012 edition of The Nation.Share|||Recommended by 0|Text Size A | A | AEmail|Print|Share|Single Page|Web Letter (0)|Write a Letter|Take Action|Subscribe NowRedlining was the once-common practice in which banks would draw a red line on a map—often along a natural barrier like a highway or river—to designate neighborhoods where they would not invest. Stigmatized and denied ...more »
Schools Matter: McIntyre's Austerity Plan for Cutting $7M Ignores $30M in the Bank:McIntyre's Austerity Plan for Cutting $7M Ignores $30M in the Bankby Jim HornLast Fall Eli Broad's Tennessee transplant, Supt. James McIntyre, laid out his wish list for slashing teachers and privatizing services in Knoxville, Tennessee Schools, all based on a purported shortfall of $7 million from a $384+ million dollar budget:Facing a looming budget deficit of at least $7 million, Knox County Schools' Superintendent Dr. Jim McIntyre is ...more »
Parent Organizer -- DPS Schools:Parent Organizer -- DPS SchoolsUpdated: Thursday, 12 Jan 2012, 11:47 AM ESTPublished : Thursday, 12 Jan 2012, 11:47 AM ESTmyFOX Job Shop - Job Title: Parent Organizer -- Reports To: Project Director Position Summary: The Parent Organizer will be responsible for working with allocated DPS schools to ensure there is a strong parent involvement plan to improve student achievement. Performance Responsibilities:Build and maintain relationships with allocated DPS schools’ principals Recruit and maintain relationships with parent leaders ...more »
The Charlotte Post - For-profit charter schools questioned:For-profit charter schools questionedWith N.C. cap removed, companies apply for approval Published Thursday, January 12, 2012 7:21 amby Sommer Brokaw The emergence of for-profit charter schools is drawing fire in North Carolina.The Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP sent a letter to the North Carolina State Board of Education last month to block the application for Howard and Lillian Lee Scholars Charter School, which is on the fast track to open in August. According to its ...more »
Shanker Blog » Beyond Anecdotes: The Evidence About Financial Incentives And Teacher Retention:Beyond Anecdotes: The Evidence About Financial Incentives And Teacher Retentionby Eleanor FulbeckOur guest author today is Eleanor Fulbeck, who earned her Ph.D. in education policy from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2011, and is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania.A couple of weeks ago, an article in the New York Times, written by reporter Sam Dillon, took a look at the new incentive ...more »
Schools Matter: Guest Post: Against Oligarchical Roundtables In Education:Guest Post: Against Oligarchical Roundtables In Educationby P. L. ThomasAgainst Oligarchical Roundtables In Education (and really, everywhere else too)by Douglas StormIf they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about the answers. Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s RainbowIt’s that simple really. All we do now is ask the wrong questions and get irrelevant answers because the questions determine the direction we’ll be heading. The Pynchon quote comes from the ...more »
LA study: Poor students stuck with worst teachers - LA Daily News:LA study: Poor students stuck with worst teachersBy Christina Hoag, Associated Press WriterPosted: 01/12/2012 01:00:00 AM PSTLOS ANGELES - Good teachers are the key to accelerating academic achievement by Hispanic and black students to levels on par with their white and Asian counterparts, but poor, minority children are consistently stuck with the worst instructors, according to a study released Thursday."We know that great teachers have the power to help ...more »
NYC Educator: Teachers and Principals Behaving Badly:Teachers and Principals Behaving Badlyby Miss EyreMy brothers and sisters in education, if it wasn't painfully obvious, we are at work in difficult times. Principals and teachers alike are under attack, often due to factors that are well beyond our control. School budgets are bleeding money and that picture is not set to improve. So why, why, why are we still being treated to stories like this one, in which a school principal falsified ...more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Charter Schools: the Landscape Today:Charter Schools: the Landscape Todayby Melissa WestbrookThis is the last in the series on charter schools. I will have a final piece on what I think it means and what we need to think about for Washington State. I hope that this has been a helpful series. (I note that I asked the Washington State PTSA about putting up a link about this series and got a busy signal. I will also ...more »
5 Ways Families Can Honor Dr. King The Dream « MomsRising Blog:5 Ways Families Can Honor Dr. King The DreamPosted January 11th, 2012 by Homa TavangarI think it’s essential that kids grow up with memories of actively marking the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday and birthday. At most schools this is a day off, and a growing movement advocates making this a “day on.” When parents engage with their children on the important matters Dr. King spoke out for, ...more »
Daily Kos: What it feels like to fire people:What it feels like to fire peopleby rss@dailykos.com (teacherken)I have had to do it twice, once in the private sector, once in the public sector.My work career before becoming a teacher was in data processing, where at various times I was a programmer, programmer analyst, systems analyst, consultant, supervisor, and manager.The first time I had to fire an employee was while a manager at a private company then the world's largest vendor ...more »
Diane Ravitch will speak to Sac City Teachers Association members - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee:Diane Ravitch will speak to Sac City Teachers Association membersShareBy Melody Gutierrezmgutierrez@sacbee.comPublished: Thursday, Jan. 12, 2012 - 12:00 am | Page 1B Education historian Diane Ravitch, an outspoken critic of the movement to reward or penalize teachers based on student test scores, will speak to hundreds of teachers at a public event organized by the Sacramento City Teachers Association.Nine ...more »
A Culture of Resistance is Born in 2011: the People United in an Independent Movement | OWSnews.org #OWSBig Education Ape - PostRank (PostRank: All)-10 minutes agoA Culture of Resistance is Born in 2011: the People United in an Independent Movement | OWSnews.org:A Culture of Resistance is Born in 2011: the People United in an Independent MovementKevin Zeese at OWSnews.org - 3 minutes agoIn 2012, the Real Conversation will be in the Occupations, while Corporate Candidates have a False Conversation By ...more »
This summary of the education reform proposals was written by DMEA Executive Board member, Andrew Rasmussen:
- The governor has now released his final proposals for education reform to the state legislature who will now craft the legislation to put the reforms into effect. You can read the full proposal at the following link…
I almost lost track of this "Guide For Legislators" that Ed Sector put online. It's written by this guy, who sounds charming and knowledgeable, and whose involvement in actual teaching rivals Arne Duncan's.
Anyway, I mention it because it's really quite a piece of work. Here in Illinois, I'm used to being bombarded with messages about teacher
In case you still wonder why so many people in New Jersey have so many doubts about charter schools, here's one more reason, courtesy of the Star-Ledger:
Nearly 200 school board members must "immediately vacate their position" after failing to complete a background check mandated under a new state law, a state Department of Education spokesman said today .
Under the state law enacted last year, the only one of its kind in the nation, all school board members, including charter school trustees had to complete the "criminal history review" by Dec. 31.
Officials from the state and the New Jersey School Boards Association sent numerous
I've been campaigning hard in South Carolina and I have definitely enjoyed the challenge of campaigning to African-Americans for the first time in my career. The number of black Republicans is small, but substantial and I've relied on everything that I learned from Michael Steele to reach out to them with an urban suburban vibe and good conservative values yo digity.
I had gotten some flack in New Hampshire, when a microphone I thought was off recorded me saying I would have no black people in my administration. Unfortunately, some of my opponents tried to use my statement out
garyrubinstein.teachforus.org - Two years ago I first heard about a new Charter School in New York City called The Equity Project, founded by a TFA alum named Zeke Vanderhoek. There was an article in The New York Times about how...
edweek.org - National treasure or national headache? ByByong-man AhnDuring the more than two years I served as South Korea's minister of education, science, and technology, I found myself frequently astonished ...
nycpublicschoolparents.blogspot.com - Class Size Matters has done a detailed analysis of the trend in student achievement in NYC since 2003, when Mayor Bloomberg's educational policies were first implemented, as measured by the NAEPs -...
washingtonpost.com - D.C. Council Chairman Kwame R. Brown (D) is developing legislation to encourage the city’s most effective teachers to work in its lowest-performing schools by exempting them from annual evaluations...
withabrooklynaccent.blogspot.com- One of the things I’ve discovered in recent years is that when it comes to education policy, the last people asked for input are America’s teachers. We have a President who holds an” education sum...
gapersblock.com - By Katie OsgoodRecently, in Chicagoland, a story hit the papers about a teacher committing suicide. She wrote in her suicide note that the major reason for this drastic act was work-related. Accord...
nytimes.com - A New York City program that distributed $56 million in performance bonuses to teachers and other school staff members over the last three years will be permanently discontinued, the city Departmen...
gothamschools.org - New York City’s heralded $75 million experiment in teacher incentive pay — deemed “transcendent” when it was announced in 2007 — did not increase student achievement at all, a new study by the Harv...
huffingtonpost.com - In a move similar to ones chided by federal courts in Alabama and Arizona, one Kansas City area lawmaker has proposed a bill that would require Missouri schools to check the immigration status of i...
sacbee.com - Education historian Diane Ravitch, an outspoken critic of the movement to reward or penalize teachers based on student test scores, will speak to hundreds of teachers at a public event organized by...
dailycaller.com - WASHINGTON — US Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue expressed disappointment with the attacks on Mitt Romney by other Republican presidential candidates for his time at Bain Capital. “I was v...
parkridge.suntimes.com - By JENNIFER JOHNSON jjohnson@pioneerlocal.com January 10, 2012 2:58PM Updated: January 12, 2012 4:35AM State Rep. Rosemary Mulligan has withdrawn from the March 20 primary race for the state’s 55th...
suntimes.com - BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hall Reporter fspielman@suntimes.com January 12, 2012 1:58AM 11-7-2002 Anti-globalization protesters carry signs, banners and pictures as they protest the TransAtlantic World ...
nbcchicago.com - advertisement President Barack Obama is holding one public event in Chicago on Wednesday, and Occupy protesters plan to be there. About 90 people confirmed on the "Occupy UIC" Facebook page they wo...
danagoldstein.net - Since newsier blogging will be light as I throw myself into my book project, I think I'll occasionally post some of the wonderful stuff I'm finding in my archival research on American teachers and ...
missourieducationwatchdog.com - Is this the America we are becoming? “I think it would be a good idea to make everybody come before a properly appointed board …..say every 5 or 7 years, and be asked “Sir or madame, will you be ki...
momsrising.org - You have a tremendous opportunity to help shape what the President addresses in the State of the Union and to offer your thoughts on what our country’s priorities should be in 2012.*Click here now ...
teachersolidarity.com - Increasingly public education’s character is under assault. This collection of essays by noted scholars, teacher activists, and teacher union leaders from around the world fuses personal stories, r...
larryferlazzo.edublogs.org - Obviously, photos can be great educational tools with English Language Learners and with any students (see The Best Ways To Use Photos In Lessons). I post about many photo galleries, also called sl...
hispanicallyspeakingnews.com - Published at 7:56 pm, January 11, 2012 Photo Credits: Latin Lover Magazine Lovers of Latin American gastronomy are enjoying a new online magazine specializing in food and travel, in which restauran...
forbes.com - Yesterday Forbes blogger Paul Tassi urged Google and Facebook and other opponents of SOPA to bring their servers down in opposition to the SOPA. I agreed – a blackout of major search engines and so...
4lakidsnews.blogspot.com - report of the Panel dated Jan 4, 2012 smf: My concerns, based on my background and experience , was the obvious, oblivious and ineffective exercise of oversight by the LACCD Bond Oversight Commit...
dissenter.firedoglake.com - The barricades around Zuccotti Park were finally taken down after NYCLU took issue with how the presence of the barricades were in violation of Brookfield Properties’ zoning permit and wrote a lett...
greatschoolsforamerica.org - If you are a teacher, consider this. Occupy/Apply to Teach for America. When Wendy Kopp founded (wink, wink) Teach for America (TFA) with the help of million dollar contributions from some of Ameri...