James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."

Lies My Corporate Ed Reformers Told Me: The Truth About Teacher Tenure and the Civil Rights Movement | Yohuru Williams
Lies My Corporate Ed Reformers Told Me: The Truth About Teacher Tenure and the Civil Rights Movement | Yohuru Williams: Lies My Corporate Ed Reformers Told Me: The Truth About Teacher Tenure and the Civil Rights MovementThe champions of corporate education reform insist that efforts to strip teachers of the procedural guarantees of due process embedded in tenure are somehow an extension of the Civ
Listen To The Controversial Panel Featuring Dana Goldstein, Motoko Rich, and Me Right Here | The Jose Vilson
Listen To The Controversial Panel Featuring Dana Goldstein, Motoko Rich, and Me Right Here | The Jose Vilson: Listen To The Controversial Panel Featuring Dana Goldstein, Motoko Rich, and Me Right HereHey everyone,Last night, I had the pleasure of being invited by Dana Goldstein, author of the must-read education history book of the year The Teacher Wars, and New York Times education writer Motoko
New Report – NY Billions Behind in Funding to Schools - Alliance for Quality Education of New York
RELEASE: New Report – NY Billions Behind in Funding to Schools - Alliance for Quality Education of New York: NEW REPORT: Unconstitutional Neglect of NY’s High Need StudentsFunding Owed to NY’s High Need Schools is More Than Double That Owed to Wealthy SchoolsState has $6.2 Billion Surplus But Continues to Combat Education Funding Lawsuits Despite Severe UnderfundingALBANY, NY – A new report releas
9-12-14 All NEW Living in Dialogue - Due Process Should Include Peer Assistance and Review
Home - Living in Dialogue: Due Process Should Include Peer Assistance and ReviewThis week Mark Naison took an axe to the Peer Assistance and Review program, citing research done by Brian Crowell, a math teacher in Berkeley, California. Crowell states that his research has shown that teachers who are outspoken, and those who are over 55, are of color, and those who are expensive, are the ones most
9-12-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Friday Open Thread(No, I am not officially back but I feel for Charlie.) I see a lot has been happening.It appears that the district IS creating a taskforce on Prevention and Response to Sexual Harassment (PRSH), apply by September 26th.The district also wants public comments on the new 21-page Superintendent's Procedure on Sexual Harassment.I also note that there
Sacramento City Unified reaches deal with teachers on pay hikes - Education - The Sacramento Bee
Sacramento City Unified reaches deal with teachers on pay hikes - Education - The Sacramento Bee: Sacramento City Unified reaches deal with teachers on pay hikesBy Loretta Kalblkalb@sacbee.comPublished: Friday, Sep. 12, 2014 - 1:20 pmNegotiators for Sacramento City Unified and the Sacramento City Teachers Association have signaled an end to a long stretch of discord by agreeing to two years of pay
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Lesson from Teachout: It won't be as easy for Rahm to buy the next election
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Lesson from Teachout: It won't be as easy for Rahm to buy the next election: Lesson from Teachout: It won't be as easy for Rahm to buy the next electionYou've really got to go back to Bloomberg's narrow escape in his 2009 victory in the NY mayor's race over relative unknown, Bill Thompson. Bloomberg poured $90 million of his own fortune into the race, a sum without e
9-12-14 Wait What? - Pelto/Murphy Register as Write-In Candidates for 2014
Wait What?: Pelto/Murphy Register as Write-In Candidates for 2014“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, you will cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” […] The post Pelto/Murphy Register as Write-In Candidates for 2014 appeared first on Wait What?.28 by jonpelto / 1h 9-11-14 Wait What? - CE
Commiserating on How Gifted Students are Ignored by Educators, Policymakers and Those Who Should Care
Commiserating on How Gifted Students are Ignored by Educators, Policymakers and Those Who Should Care: Commiserating on How Gifted Students are Ignored by Educators, Policymakers and Those Who Should CareSEPTEMBER 12, 2014 BY NANCY BAILEY LEAVE A COMMENTA post I did almost a year ago about Common Core and gifted students has been receiving renewed activity lately. HERE. HERE is another. I wondered
Ethnic Studies Now Coalition
Ethnic Studies Now Coalition: CAMPAIGN TO PROMOTE ETHNIC STUDIES SUMMIT - OCTOBER 18, 2014posted by JOSE LARA | 156scSeptember 02, 2014(SCROLL DOWN TO RSVP)PURPOSE: A conference for those committed to promote Ethnic Studies at all levels of the educational system, to discuss the state of Ethnic Studies in California, Arizona and Texas, and present new models that enhance Ethnic Studies in K-12, ba
Marks School Attendance Awareness Month - Year 2014 (CA Dept of Education)
Marks School Attendance Awareness Month - Year 2014 (CA Dept of Education): State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Marks School Attendance Awareness MonthSACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson today recognized September as "School Attendance Awareness Month," which publicizes the importance of good attendance in schools."Children must attend school to learn,
9-12-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Ravitch Blog: Success Charter Chain Built on Pile of ShitIt is implausible to assume that Success Academy accomplishes magic in the early grades and then barely manages to hold ground in upper grades. In fact, this is another piece of evidence suggesting that Success Academy amounts to little more than an accounting trick.... The New York Daily News published an opinion piece writ
Cali Education Headlines - Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team
Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team | CSIS – California School Information Services: Education HeadlinesSalinas teachers unions oppose Navigator charterUnions representing Monterey area teachers and classified employees have made it clear: they do not want a charter school operator to come to town. September 12, 2014EdSource: New schools chief lauds Oakland as “full of opportunity”The O
Teachers Using What They Know - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher
Teachers Using What They Know - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher: Teachers Using What They KnowBy Nancy Flanagan on September 12, 2014 1:12 PMIt happened again last week. I posted a comment on a Detroit Free Press article on the Common Core, and the first thing that popped up under my comment was this (and I'm paraphrasing): Pay no attention to anything Nancy Flanagan says. She's
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 9-12-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: 4LAKids Sports Page: DEASY PLAYS HARDBALL? …OR GOES FISHING? LAUSD superintendent’s request for board members' emails opens a new front in battle over iPad planBy Howard Blume | LA Times | http://lat.ms/1tPJKCp John Deasy, superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District, is requesting records of contacts between board members and tech compani
Recognizing Real Leadership For Education Progress: Mayor Bill de Blasio
Recognizing Real Leadership For Education Progress: Mayor Bill de Blasio: Recognizing Real Leadership For Education Progress: Mayor Bill de Blasio What’s wrong with this picture?During the nation’s back-to-school season, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has been touring states in a bus to “highlight the champions of reform.”At one stop, where he spoke to an audience of parents at a Nashvill
Camel Brown: It's MY Lawsuit - Judge Approves Merger of Teacher Tenure Lawsuits in New York - WNYC
Judge Approves Merger of Teacher Tenure Lawsuits in New York - WNYC: Judge Approves Merger of Teacher Tenure Lawsuits in New YorkTwo different lawsuits challenging teacher tenure in New York will now be consolidated into one.A Staten Island judge, Philip Minardo, agreed on Thursday with the State Attorney General's request to combine the two cases because they are so similar, and because neither p
9-12-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): Morning Read: Deasy’s attorney asks for LA school board emailsMorning Read: Deasy’s attorney asks for LA school board emails Attorney for Supt. Deasy asks for L.A. school board emails An attorney representing Los Angeles schools Supt. John Deasy is seeking records that would explore possible links between
BustED Pencils BLOG: "That's the kind of student I am."
BustED Pencils BLOG: "That's the kind of student I am.": BustED Pencils - Fully Leaded Education Talk - BustED Pencils:BustED Pencils: Fully Leaded Education Talk is a progressive talk radio show. The show is hosted by Dr. Tim Slekar and Dr. Jed Hopkins. BustED Pencils - Fully Leaded Education Talk - BustED Pencils:"That's the kind of student I am."Dear Teachers everywhere,Plea
9-12-14 Answer Sheet
Answer Sheet: Strauss: How a Koch foundation influenced a university economics departmentEarlier this year, I published a piece about the role that the billionaire Koch brothers are playing not only in conservative politics but in pushing their own agenda in higher education. The piece was written by Dave Levinthal of the Center for Public Integrity, one of the country’s oldest and largest nonpart
Who Let the BATS Out?
Who Let the BATS Out?Badass Teacher (BAT) AssociationWELCOME TO THE BAT CAVEBadass Teacher Association Web SiteD'ohI Let the BATs Out
Shutting Out The LAUSD Stakeholders - ChangeTheLAUSD
Accountability - ChangeTheLAUSD: Shutting Out The LAUSD Stakeholders “I would like to move that we move the remainding [sic] of board meetings that are tentatively scheduled for 4:00 PM to 1:00 PM...Makes it easier for parents, certainly in my district, who might want to come speak to not be here at 11:00 at night when they have kids to put to bed and homework to supervise and it is impossible to
Morning Wink 9-12-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-12-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for allDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: How Clueless Can D.C. Bureaucrats Be?Avery Gigliano recently turned 13. She is a world-class pianist who has won international competitions. To play in international competitions, it is necessar
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-12-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: How Clueless Can D.C. Bureaucrats Be?Avery Gigliano recently turned 13. She is a world-class pianist who has won international competitions. To play in international competitions, it is necessary to travel. To the D.C. public school system, she is not a champion, she is a truant. I forebear from using the words that come to mind. T
9-12-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Lunch with the candidates.State Representative Nekritz speaks to retirees. Every election season my chapter of the Illinois Retired Teachers Association invites local candidates for state House and Senate races to speak to our group. Yesterday’s luncheon was the first time we’ve had the opportunity to
Russ on Reading: What Do We Want from Public Schools?
Russ on Reading: What Do We Want from Public Schools?: What Do We Want from Public Schools?Ok students, let’s start today with a quick multiple choice question.Which of the following represents the bestreason for having a highly functioning system of public schools?a) economic stabilityb) social stabilityc) political stabilityd) joy of the individualYes I know. I hated these “best reas
9-12-14 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter: The "middle skills" shortage: The common core will make it worseSent to the Wall Street Journal, Sept. 11, 2014"German robots school U.S. workers" (Sept. 10) is the most recent of a series of reports in the Wall Street Journal on the substantial shortage of job applicants with "middle skills," requiring less than a college degree but more than high sch
9-12-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: Video: “What Does Scottish Independence Mean?’Scotland will be voting on independence in a few days and, though the narration of this two-minute video from Slate is too fast for English Language Learners, it is the best short explanation of what’s going on that I’ve seen on the issue:9 by Larry Ferlazzo / 2h hide // saveA
9-12-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: About the radio showJoin Drs. Shaun Johnson and Tim Slekar LIVE Sundays at 6PM EST and Wednesdays at 7PM EST on Blog Talk Radio for progressive, pro-public education talk radio. Call in to speak live with Tim and Shaun during the show, (805) 727-7111. You can also listen to our Monday "Sunday-Replay" at 7PM EST, and re-broadcasts of the archives every Tuesday and Thursd
9-12-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): High Noon: “Why Everyone (Almost) Is Wrong about Common Core”High Noon at the Upcountry History Museum 2014 Fall Schedule All lectures begin at noon on Wednesdays and last one hour. The Upcountry History Museum/Furman University is located at 540 Buncombe Street in downt
9-12-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: Harvey Saferstein: Meet LAUSD Superintendent Deasy's Attorney-- HMMMMMM.../Who pays him ?http://www.mintz.com/professionals/detail/name/harvey-saferstein Harvey Saferstein Harvey is the Managing Member for the firm's Los Angeles office. His practice includes antitrust and intellectual property counseling and litigation, as well as complex commercial and business litigation. W
9-12-14 Curmudgucation - Magical CCSS Teachers
CURMUDGUCATION: Magical CCSS TeachersOver at EdWeek, the Teaching Ahead roundtable is having a little debate about the Core's burgeoning image problem. I've made my own entry in the argument (feel free to check it out and like it as a way to register your CCSS love).Tucked in among the various points of view, you'll find this piece by Jessica Keigan. "Abandoning the Common Core Would Be a Dis
9-12-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Anti-Teacher Tenure Lawsuit In New York Starts Off Like A CircusThe Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal:Justice Philip Minardo in Richmond County Supreme Court agreed Thursday to merge two lawsuits seeking to challenge state tenure laws.The state attorney general's office had filed a motion to consolidate the two cases on grounds the issues were so similar, and the United Fede
Gov. Christie — ” I don’t care about the community criticism…”; School Opens in Newark | janresseger
Gov. Christie — ” I don’t care about the community criticism…”; School Opens in Newark | janresseger: Gov. Christie — ” I don’t care about the community criticism…”; School Opens in NewarkPosted on September 12, 2014 by janressegerSchool opened in Newark, New Jersey on Thursday, September 4, in the messy, patched together way that major transformations occur. The question in this case, as Cami An
Time to Scale Back School Testing - Lily's Blackboard
Time to Scale Back School Testing - Lily's Blackboard: Time to Scale Back School TestingSeptember 12, 2014 by LilyCategories: Did you see this?, Education, General, TestingTags: learning, New Jersey, TestingDo you remember a teacher or other school employee who made a difference in your life? Perhaps someone who really brought an academic subject to life, or who simply helped you through a difficu
Statement of Pennsylvania Working Families on Council’s Failure to put Local Control on the Ballot | WeArePCAPS
Statement of Pennsylvania Working Families on Council’s Failure to put Local Control on the Ballot | WeArePCAPS: Statement of Pennsylvania Working Families on Council’s Failure to put Local Control on the BallotPosted on September 12, 2014by wearepcapsPhiladelphians Denied the Chance to Vote for Local ControlCoalition demands vote on education charter amendmentFor Immediate ReleaseThursday, Septem
Teacher, Principal, and Superintendent Core Dilemmas That Need to Be Managed | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
Teacher, Principal, and Superintendent Core Dilemmas That Need to Be Managed | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: Teacher, Principal, and Superintendent Core Dilemmas That Need to Be ManagedI have used the word “dilemma” in earlier posts since superintendents, principals, teachers, and, yes, students face situations that call for difficult choices among conflicting values. So for
Schools Not Prisons: #DoTheMath | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Education Reform for Equity and Opportunity
Schools Not Prisons: #DoTheMath | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Education Reform for Equity and Opportunity: Schools Not Prisons: #DoTheMathIn California it costs $62,300 per year to imprison someone, but just $9,100 per year to teach a child. A powerful short video from Californians for Safety and Justice challenges us to "do the math" when it comes to expanding the criminal
Teachers For Social Justice: UWM & City of Milwaukee: End Charter Enrollment Bribes!
Teachers For Social Justice: UWM & City of Milwaukee: End Charter Enrollment Bribes!: UWM & City of Milwaukee: End Charter Enrollment Bribes!SEPTEMBER 12, 2014 LEAVE A COMMENTPlease sign this petition from the Milwaukee Teacher Education Association to end the practice of paying parents and community members to enroll or refer students to privately run charter schools in Wisconsin!Paying p
Bill Gates funds the media then secretly meets with them | Seattle Education
Bill Gates funds the media then secretly meets with them | Seattle Education: Bill Gates funds the media then secretly meets with themThis post was written by Mercedes Schneider and originally posted on Dr. Rich Swier:Billionaire Bill Gates funds the media then secretly meets with them to do what?Billionaire Bill Gates funds the media.This is no surprise to me.What did surprise me is the discovery
New schools chief: Oakland “full of opportunity” | EdSource
New schools chief: Oakland “full of opportunity” | EdSource: New schools chief: Oakland “full of opportunity”September 11, 2014 | By Louis Freedberg and John Fensterwald | No Comments SHARE THIS ARTICLEThe Oakland Unified School District has begun the school year with a new superintendent, Antwan Wilson, at the helm. The 46,000-student district is the 14th-largest in the state. Unlike the distric
The (NY, DC, LA, and CA) Story of Eureka Math | deutsch29
The (NY, DC, LA, and CA) Story of Eureka Math | deutsch29: The (NY, DC, LA, and CA) Story of Eureka MathSeptember 11, 2014In Louisiana, there has been a bit of mystery surrounding the only math curriculum “selected” in March 2014 by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) and the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) and promoted as“LSU-developed Eureka Math.”It sure so
4 Reminders For A New School Year | Connected Principals
4 Reminders For A New School Year | Connected Principals: 4 Reminders For A New School Yearby William Parker • September 12, 2014 • 0 CommentsWe just welcomed our teachers and students back to school.It was hard work to prepare for all the moving parts that make up master schedules, professional development, and schedule pick-ups.But there is also great satisfaction in having everyone back and kno
Aliens Laud Affirmative Action In Texas Social Studies Curriculum (Really) | Cloaking Inequity
Aliens Laud Affirmative Action In Texas Social Studies Curriculum (Really) | Cloaking Inequity: Aliens Laud Affirmative Action In Texas Social Studies Curriculum (Really)I am not lying to you. Yes, Texas textbook designers have found a new way to deride social progress by using aliens as their muse. But first, the peer reviewed academic material. In 2012, the post “Illusion of Inclusion,” Article
Attorney for Supt. Deasy asks for L.A. school board emails - LA Times
Attorney for Supt. Deasy asks for L.A. school board emails - LA Times: Attorney for Supt. Deasy asks for L.A. school board emailsAn attorney representing Los Angeles schools Supt. John Deasy is seeking records that would explore possible links between school board members and technology vendors.The request opens a new front in the fallout over a contract between the L.A. Unified School District an
9-11-14 Jersey Jazzman - Under @GovChristie, State Control of Urban Schools Is a Disaster
Jersey Jazzman: Under @GovChristie, State Control of Urban Schools Is a DisasterThe fiscal failures of Chris Christie are well-documented at this point: huge budget woes, no payments to the pension that were required under his own plan, bond ratings in a downward spiral, and the withering of Atlantic City's gaming industry have all occurred on Christie's watch.But we should also take a moment to a
3 Images on Leading Change | Connected Principals
3 Images on Leading Change | Connected Principals: 3 Images on Leading Changeby David Truss • September 11, 2014 • 0 CommentsI enjoy using images to share ideas. In a post on my Pair-a-Dimes blog, I shared the ‘Embracing Change’ image, also shared below. As I said in the post:“…we’ need to recognize that: * Change isn’t usually easy.* Change only happens when we create a need.* Change is not a tho
Nite Cap 9-11-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPSPECIAL Mid Day Banana Break 9-11-14 #edchat #edreformBig Education Ape - Mid Day Banana BreakThe teaching profession is becoming less gray and less green, but more teachers are leaving poor schoolsMuch ink has been devoted to the teaching profes