The Final Analysis

I know you're all waiting for my weigh-in on Wisconsin, so here it is:
1. Rahm's endorsement means nothing to anyone; in fact, it may be a net negative. Rahm is perceived as powerful, and he is powerful, but he does not have the stuff that coattails are made of. His election here in Chicago was achieved with 23% of the registered voters. When people start to see the actual costs of NATO, the actual costs of the new building going up downtown, financed by TIF money and poaching tenants from other buildings, and the actual costs of draining the public school system, they'll wake up. The instant Kathleen Falk lost to Barrett, I wrote the recall off because I'd rather see the Republican id play out in technicolor than see a Rahmish Democratic party drift to the right. I know that makes me "retarded" to the Rahm point of view, but I'm just not into the guy.
2. Remember the permanent Republican majority? I do. I didn't last. These things go in cycles.
3. Josh Marshall's commenter is right. People's lives in America suck so badly that the unionized sector-- the