by (Bronx Teacher)
What a week it has been for Lucy Calkins and her cult of failure. Aside from being vilified on
these pages twice in
one week, yours truly had inquired, when confronted with "the students are not reading and writing" by a self important person high up the NYC DOE chain with the answer, "so why are we using a program like TC then?" Of course that question was met with silence.

But then lo and behold what is it that is gracing the pages of in the Op-Ed section of today's Daily News?
Simply, a great piece by former NYC teacher at PS 277 in District 7,
Robert Pondiscio ( I wonder if I know him from back in the day).
Robert brought up some really great points in his piece; in fact he educated me a great deal. Without stepping on his toes, I would like to comment on some of the points he made.
....And the big news is that the Teachers College Reading and