"Stupid in America"? Fox's contribution to National Teacher Appreciation Week - Miami Dade County Education Policy | Examiner.com:
"Stupid in America"? Fox's contribution to National Teacher Appreciation Week

Dade County Education Policy Examiner
Today, Monday, May 7, marks the beginning of National Teacher Appreciation Week.
And John Stossel, courtesy of Fox, gave us teachers a little token of his appreciation last night.
The "report," wanting to make sure no viewers had to draw their own conclusions, was titled "Stupid in America." Who was he calling stupid? You might assume he was referring to the people who would accept at face value his incredibly one-sided presentation, no questions asked. But no, he wasn't calling his viewers stupid--at least not to their faces. He was calling me stupid...along with my roughly 20,000 colleagues here in Miami-Dade County, and 3.6 million colleagues across the country.
Just to make sure his viewers didn't miss his point, he wrapped up his "report," by chirping that, if students stop being bored in school and start learning math, "it will be thanks to those online classes. Or the charter schools. Or
Despite her much-touted firing of 241 teachers, Dr. Alan Ginsburg, retired Director of Policy and Program Studies for the U.S. Department of Education, published a report in January 2011 finding that test scores had already started rising under Rhee's predecessors, and that the rates of test score gains were no higher under Rhee than under her predecessors. |