Seattle Schools' Meetings Update
Tonight is the regularly scheduled Seattle School Board meeting starting at 4:15 pm at JSCEE.A few updates.One, there are only five people signed up to give testimony. If you have anything you might want to convey to the Board, this would be a good time.Two, at the end of the Board meeting, there will be a closed Executive Session for "potential litigation." This closed session will be
Public Education Updates
Get a cup of coffee/tea - there are a lot of them (and big news items at that).Good NewsThe governor of Tennessee just signed into law that every single high school grad gets a free ride for two years at a community college. From Yes!:The bill provides two years of tuition at a community college or college of applied technology for any high school graduate who agrees to work with a mentor, comple
My Take on Preschool Measures for Publicola
My concerns are outlined - for both preschool propositions - at Publicola. I flesh out those concerns in detail there but broadly:- did the City and the unions really try to find unity? Because I believe a joint-measure would have passed easily. Instead, we have two nearly completely difference measures. What happens if one side wins? Will we see complete unity from the other side (for examp
Tuesday Open Thread
Yesterday, Google and Mayor Murray surprised Highland Park Elementary with a major announcement about their request via DonorsChoose.org. Google "flash-funded" classroom requests from every teacher in King, Pierce and Snohomish counties who had made a request at DonorsChoose. From Seattle.gov:Google donated $338,000 for 388 projects resulting in 295 teachers receiving materials for over
9-15-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Monday! Let Senator Murray know you value Student Data PrivacyThe Senate HELP (Health Education Labor and Pensions committee) is negotiating over the re-authorization of the Education Sciences Reform Act. We were told that there are Democrats on the committee who are pushing for relaxing limits on access to personal student data, and are saying that researchers sh