2011 San Diego Troublemakers School

Labor and Community in a Time of Crisis
Friday, March 4, 2011
Registration opens at 9 AM (continues all day)
Panels and workshops beginning at 9:30 AM, until 7 PM
Lunch included. Reception in the evening.
San Diego City College
1313 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA, B103
Co-sponsored by American Federation of Teachers Local 1931, United Domestic Workers of America, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 569, and United Food and Commercial Workers Local 135
Registration form below. $10 includes lunch. After Party at The Hive immediately following the event.
Corporate America has created the worst crisis for workers and communities in decades, and we’re paying the price for their greed. How do we unite and fight for a better future? Come share ideas and strategies with fellow unionists, activists, and community members
Workshop Topics Include:
For more information: contact Jim Miller miller229@earthlink.net or (619) 640-1155
Download complete schedule with speakers, parking, food, directions, map!
REGISTRATIONSubscribing registration: $35 (includes Labor Notes subscription)
Regular registration: $10