Top posts of 2016.

Outside Trump Tower in Manhattan.
Two of my most popular blog posts in 2016 simply provided information. A list of school layoffs at CPS had over 51,000 hits. And a post providing information about how to donate money and supplies to Standing Rock had 20,000 visitors.
I have a lot of friends across the country, and something is about to happen in Chicago that will get national attention: a strike in our public school system. This likely will be brought up by Trump or Clinton at some point. The circumstances that got us to another teachers’ strike are complex. Before someone highjacks the issue on the national stage, I thought it’d be worth a relatively short explanation.
Illinois state school board votes to move special ed funding to charter schools (January 9th, 2016).
The Illinois State Board of Education Wednesday unanimously moved to change the way the state sends special education money to school districts, aiming to increase base funding to poor districts with the resources that are currently available.
ISBE is proposing to take an entire $300 million special education line item, Funding for Children Requiring Special Education Services, and distribute it thru the General State Aid formulas.
This means all schools will lose special ed funding while some schools gain significant General State Aid funding.
Teachers! We need your help and we need it now! As you may know, the US Top posts of 2016. | Fred Klonsky: