NYC Schools, Kids, Parents and Teachers will march in historic demonstration for climate action Sept. 21

NYC Schools, Kids, Parents and Teachers to March
Local Schools to join the People’s Climate March this Sunday September 21st
New York – Upwards of 100,000 people are expected to join the People’s Climate March this Sunday, September 21 in what will be the largest demonstration for climate action in history. The People’s Climate March has been endorsed by over 1,200 organizations, including the nation’s largest environmental groups, 80 labor unions, faith-based groups, and social justice groups including environmental and climate justice groups in New York City.
We are expecting over 10,000 kids, parents, teachers, and high school students to march on
Sunday, September 21st
WHO: 10,000 NYC kids, parents, teachers, K-12 youth, college students
Upwards of 100,000 total marchers in Manhattan.
WHERE: Kids and Parents Meetup pre-march
66th and Central Park West, north to 68th
WHAT: People’s Climate March
WHEN: September 21st, assembling between 9-10 am
On September 23, President Obama and world leaders are coming to New York City for a historic UN summit on climate change. On Sunday, we’ll take to the streets to demand the world we know is within our reach: a world with an economy that works for people and the planet. A world safe from the ravages of climate change. A world with good jobs, clean air, and healthy communities for everyone.
As parents, grand-parents, teachers, and friends, we have a historical responsibility to demand that our world leaders respond to the threat of climate change with real solutions. The Kids, Parents, and Teachers contingent of the march will feature activist and musician, Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul, and Mary, his daughter Bethany Yarrow, Cellist Rufus Cappadocia, and more.
This is a peaceful, permitted, family-friendly march.
More details available at:
Details about NYC Schools involvement at: