LAUSD's Crenshaw High to become three magnet schools

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Los Angeles schools Supt. John Deasy, seen here in a file photo, told Crenshaw parents "the quality of instruction is not what it needs to be.”
LA Unified voted Tuesday to revamp Crenshaw High School – one of the worst performing schools in the district. But the plan has some parents and teachers up in arms.
Crenshaw’s 1,500 students will be split into three separate magnet schools. While officials are still working out the details, they told parents last month that the mag
SF Forum 1/19/13 UPWA SF Forum Public Education, Privatization And The NEA, SEIU And AFT
(Mensaje se repite en Español)
Saturday January 19, 2013 2:00 PM
518 Valencia St./16th St.
San Francisco, CA
518 Valencia St./16th St.
San Francisco, CA
Public Education, Privatization and The NEA/CTA, CWA and AFT/CFT -
What Can Education Workers And Students Do To Defend Public Education?
Panel Members:
Lenny Isenberg, UTLA Teacher fighting Against Rubber Rooms and Privatization
Jack Garson, Retired OEA Teacher And Activist In Public Education Movement
Danny Weil, Former Teacher and Journalist of Truthout and Daily Censored on Privatization of Education
Madeline Mueller, Professor City College Of San Francisco
SF Martin Luther King Middle School UESF Teachers & SEIU Staff
Over the last thirty years there has been a coordinated effort by rightwing neoliberal ideologues and billionaires such as the Walmart family (Walton Foundation), Eli Broad (Broad Foundation), Bill Gates (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), Donald Fisher (Gap
Over the last thirty years there has been a coordinated effort by rightwing neoliberal ideologues and billionaires such as the Walmart family (Walton Foundation), Eli Broad (Broad Foundation), Bill Gates (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), Donald Fisher (Gap
This Week’s “Round-Up” Of Good Posts & Articles On Education Policy
Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 10 minutes ago
Here are some recent useful posts on education policy: I’m adding these next three posts to A Beginning List Of The Best Posts On Gates’ Final MET “Effective Teaching” Report: Gates’ Teacher Effectiveness Study: Surprised? is by Renee Moore. Gates … Continue reading →
This Is A Really Nice Collection Of Infographics
Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 10 minutes ago
Black and white and read all over: 27 Guardian graphics from its history is a very nice collection of infographics from The Guardian. It will certainly be on a year-end “The Best” list. You might also be interested in The … Continue reading →
Additional Resources On The Inauguration
Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 36 minutes ago
Here are new additions to The Best Sites For Learning About President Obama’s Second Inauguration: Here’s an interactive on the inauguration from The Associated Press. Having a ball: Parties for POTUS, now and then is from The Washington Post. Inauguration … Continue reading →
Wow, This May Be The Best Interactive On Climate Change I’ve Seen
Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 1 hour ago
The Guardian has just published an interactive infographic that lets you see the temperature change over the past one hundred years in most locations in the world. Just type in your city and country and, voila, you see it graphed … Continue reading →
Short, Sweet & Effective Advice On Helping Students Motivate Themselves
Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 1 hour ago
As regular readers know, I have a deep interest in helping students develop intrinsic motivation (see my book, Helping Students Motivate Themselves and my upcoming book — in March — Self-Driven Learning). The New York Times today ran a short … Continue reading →
Question For The Town Hall
There's no way I can make this pension town hall tomorrow night--- it's right here in my neighborhood but I'm already double booked.
I'm posting because I'd like to ask that if someone else can go ---- this question needs to be put to Steans for sure and yes, I'm afraid, Cassidy as well:
If you vote for a reduction in benefits, and if it passes, and if the governor signs it, and then if the Supreme Court later strikes it down---- will you resign at once? Because you're wasting everyone's time.
MORE: Rally to Demand a Member-Wide Vote this Thursday at the UFT
This was posted at MORE on Jan. 14 and below that is the downloadable leaflet on scribd
(when it is up and running) if you want to share it with people in your school.
You can read the Jan. 12 MORE post here:
You can read the Jan. 12 MORE post here:
MORE Statement on the Pending Evaluation Agreement Between the DOE and the UFT
I will be at the rally early with leaflets for people to give out and any help would be
I will be at the rally early with leaflets for people to give out and any help would be
appreciated. And then there is the after DA event at a local bar where we will
drown our sorrows or celebrate our joy.
Join MORE this Thursday to demand a member wide vote on our new evaluation system at 52 Broadway NYC UFT Headquarters on Thursday 1/17 beginning at 3:30 for a rally before the Delegate Assembly (DA). All educators and concerned citizens are encouraged to come and have their voices heard.
The indications are very strong the UFT leadership will reach an evaluation agreement with the Department of Education in just a few days and present it the Delegate Assembly without membership input nor education around finer aspects of the deal.This agreement will radically change our working conditions and our students’ learning conditions without any input from the almost 76,000 teachers of the United Federation of Teachers. This is outrageous!We will send out a digital version of our flier soon-please sign up to email below. We will have copies at DA for distribution starting at 3:30. Bring signs, fliers, poster-oak tag, markers, clipboards, and pens, we will need volunteers to gather names, emails, and phone #’s All UFT chapter leader and delegate should Vote NO so that they can bring back the agreement to their chapters for a full vote.
Stay up to date with the latest details by joining our email list by request at or follow us at @morecaucusnyc
What About Me, Mrs. M?:He's Not the Child He Could Have Been!
After a trying morning with one of my students, I approached his desk. In a quiet voice, I let him know that I was disappointed in the behavior he had been exhibiting. At least I thought I was being quiet. I forgot that my students can hear everything I say when I am NOT talking to them.
One of the boys in my class leaned over to me and said, "What about me, Mrs.M? What about me?", I smiled inwardly. No, I grinned inwardly. You know why? Because this kid, this kid that leaned over,