Big Education Ape: Ed News Now - Image via WikipediaDear Secretary Duncan, (Again, is Arne okay? We tend to be informal here at the Neighborhood, so we hope you don’t mind.) How’s it going, big guy? Still keeping up that jump shot...

DianeRavitch - May 6, 2011 (GBN News): An alarming document recovered during the Sunday night raid on Osama Bin Laden’s hideout suggests that the terrorist leader might have been planning to undermine the NY City...

DianeRavitch - Recent headlines touted a “shocking new study” revealing that 47% of adults in Detroit are functionally illiterate. The story got big play in both the traditional press and the blogosphere (see thi...

DianeRavitch - OAKLAND -- The youngest rider is 9-year-old Nathan Lee, a student at Chabot Elementary School. The oldest, Greg Thomas, is a 75-year-old alumnus of Claremont Middle School and Oakland Technical Hig...

coopmike48 - “When you are basing the effectiveness of teachers on lots of softer things, whether the kids feel good, whether the classroom is happy, whether we’re creative (don’t get me wrong, those things are...

DianeRavitch - NYC’s Major Education Advocates React to Mayor Bloomberg’s Executive Budget « EdVoxNYC’s Major Education Advocates React to Mayor Bloomberg’s Executive Budgetby edvoxny The City’s largest p...

coopmike48 - solidaridad: FIS recommends removing the last semblance of democracy from an already undemocratic process called Public School ChoiceFIS recommends removing the last semblance of democracy from an ...

coopmike48 - NYC Public School Parents: The mayor's choice: a budget which puts children lastThe mayor's choice: a budget which puts children lastby Leonie HaimsonWith his budget proposal this morning, the mayo...

Media16 - The following is the joint statement by the leadership of the IEA and the IFT in response to the overwhelming vote and strong rejection by the Chicago Teachers Union House of Delegates of Senate Bi...

fklonsky - Reiterating many of the themes that won over voters in February, Mayor-elect Rahm Emanuel spoke before a group of educators, politicians and business leaders Thursday night, pledging to fix Chicago...

mikeklonsky - Schools Matter: Information on Business Roundtable Plan to Demolish Massachusetts TeachersSchools MatterThis space explores issues in public education policy, and it advocates for a commitment to a...

coopmike48 - DETROIT | Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:50pm EDT DETROIT (Reuters) - A group seeking to force new Michigan Governor Rick Snyder into a recall election cleared a first hurdle on Friday when an election panel a...

DianeRavitch - Monica Goodling, a key figure in the politicization of the Justice Department during the Bush administration, has received a public reprimand from the Virginia State Bar, Virginia Lawyers Weekly re...

fklonsky - “There’s been threats all through my career. … The safety of my family comes first,” said Daley, who leaves office on May 16. “I’ve been mayor for 22 years, and my wife has made a commitment [to th...

mikeklonsky - The Oklahoma House of Representatives publicly reprimanded Rep. Sally Kern for comments she made during a debate on the House floor last week. Lawmakers were discussing a proposed constitutional am...

mikeklonsky - The Justice Department has been enforcing the laws on abortion access with more frequency in recent years than its predecessors. The shift from an anti-choice to a pro-choice executive branch shoul...

coopmike48 - Representative Glenn Gruenhagen (R-Glencoe) says the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion is like the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision that confirmed that black people were slaves. First G...

coopmike48 - On April 18, 2011 Leonie Haimson, President of Class Size Matters (, and Parents Across America ( wrote a stunning and spot on trea...

leoniehaimson - “I want to say something,” Jeffrey S. Wiesenfeld said. “The question is offensive. Before you even finish.” Mr. Wiesenfeld is the City University of New York trustee who rose this week ... ![]() ![]() mikeklonsky | - Tina Brown and Harry Evans at the New York Public Library Lions Gala. Via New York Social Diary The final draft of my book proposal is due Monday, so I'm not blogging about all sorts of important e... ![]() ![]() coopmike48 | - Heeding calls from members of the City Council and advocates for children from low-income families, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg plans on Friday to retreat from his initial budget proposal to elimina...

leoniehaimson - we’re baaack! (photo: titanium22) For years, corporations and rich people have been hiding their money Off Shore* to avoid taxation. Their big problem is that they can’t bring the money back to the... ![]() ![]() coopmike48 | - It's not just at the gas pump. The oil companies don't pay much in federal income taxes, either. Over the past five years Exxon has paid at a 3.6% rate (federal tax as a percentage of total pre-tax...

mikeklonsky - Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor Presents Fiscal Year 2012 Executive BudgetFriday, May 6, 2011 Blue Room, City Hall Press Conference is scheduled to begin at approximately 9:30 AM. Note: High bandwidt...

leoniehaimson - Ex-Bush official reprimanded by bar (Monica Goodling for actions in Bush DOJ) This thread has been combined with another thread.Click here to read this message in its new location. Powered by DCFor...

coopmike48 - May 2011 6 The above image isn’t actually Photoshop’d. No, the folks driving this truck went the old school route, creating with their bare hands what has become the labor movement’s union art proj...
