An ESL Teacher’s Good Friend –”America’s Funniest Home Videos” — Turns 25
American’s Funniest Home Videos, whose DVD collections have been a great tool in my English Language Learner classes, is turning twenty-five years old, and The New York Times is marking the occasion with a lengthy article, A Generation of Unintended Laughs: ‘America’s Funniest Home Videos’ Turns 25. The program, which now also has a very popular YouTube channel is a great source of videos to use
Our School’s Writing Assessment For Some Students With Special Needs
© 2011 Vassilis, Flickr | CC-BY-SA | via Wylio I’ve shared many writing prompts that I use in my classes (see My Best Posts On Writing Instruction). Included in that “Best” list is a very popular post by my colleague and English Department leader Lara Hoekstra. In it, she describes a pretty sophisticated fall and spring writing assessment process we use with all of the students at our school. Stud
“What Books Should Teachers Read?”
What Books Should Teachers Read? is the latest question-of-the-week at my Education Week Teacher column. Feel free to leave your suggestions there or in the comments section of this blog.
My BAM! Radio Show “Kicks-Off” A New Season With Episode On Teacher Attire
My weekly ten-minute BAM! Radio Show has just kicked-off a new season with an episode where educators Renee Moore and Roxanna Elden discuss how gender, class and race relate to the question of teacher attire. You can also listen to the previous twenty-one episodes at the same link.
Search For Historical Word Use In Movies With “Bookworm”
I’ve previously written about several web tools that let you search for word usage in various places — books, the NY Times, Yelp — and then chart them out over the years. You can read about all of them here. There’s a new addition to that list — Bookworm. Despite its name, it focuses on word use in the movies, and operates in a similar fashion to the other sites I mentioned. Type in a word or phr
“More Advice On Teacher Attire”
More Advice On Teacher Attire is Part Two in my Ed Week series on….teacher attire. In it, educator Robyn R. Jackson shares her thoughts – particularly for women educators. I’m also publishing comments from many, many readers.
9-16-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: A comic that perfectly demonstrates the potential downside of tech in the classroomI’m adding this Frazz comic strip to The Best Posts & Articles Highlighting Why We Need To Be Very Careful Around Ed Tech:3 by Larry Ferlazzo / 15min hide // saveTwo New iPad Resources That Look IntriguingHere are two new intriguing res