More Education “Reform” From Those Who Created “No Child Left Behind.” Corporations Win, Teachers Lose
More Education “Reform” From Those Who Created “No Child Left Behind.” Corporations Win, Teachers Lose: More Education “Reform” From Those Who Created “No Child Left Behind.” Corporations Win, Teachers LoseHere’s something to ponder: who is in a better position to determine what is best for students? The dedicated, professional classroom teacher who has spent years actually educating and working w
Rog Lucido's New Book: "Restoring Sanity to the Classroom" - Living in Dialogue
Rog Lucido's New Book: "Restoring Sanity to the Classroom" - Living in Dialogue: Rog Lucido's New Book: "Restoring Sanity to the Classroom"An excerpt from Horace (Rog) Lucido’s new book, “Restoring Sanity to the Classroom: Eliminating the Testing Mania.”It seems like education is on a never ending quest to be ‘reformed’. The current trend began with the successful USSR’s orbiti
With A Brooklyn Accent: The Education Of Kevin Powell- A Unique Window into a World of Pain, Trauma and Redemption
With A Brooklyn Accent: The Education Of Kevin Powell- A Unique Window into a World of Pain, Trauma and Redemption: The Education Of Kevin Powell- A Unique Window into a World of Pain, Trauma and RedemptionThere have been many great coming of age stories written by Black male authors, but none quite like Kevin Powell's new book, "The Education of Kevin Powell: A Boy's Journey into Manhood.&qu
PAA Position Paper: Parents stand up against test stress | Parents Across America
PAA Position Paper: Parents stand up against test stress | Parents Across America: PAA Position PaperParents Stand Up against Test StressJuly 2015Across our nation, children of all ages are showing an alarming increase in test anxiety. Larger percentages of students are reporting test stress, more are seeking test-stress counseling, and more are experiencing severe psychological and physiological
Friedrichs v. CTA: Justice Samuel Alito invited union opponents to bring a challenge to Abood before the court.
Is the Supreme Court headed for Bush v. Gore? - Central Connecticut Communications: Opinion: Friedrichs v. CTA: Justice Samuel Alito invited union opponents to bring a challenge to Abood before the court.By Harold MeyersonAbout a month ago, the Supreme Court closed out its term in a blaze of nonpartisan glory. Or nonpartisan obloquy, depending on one’s reaction to the court’s legalization of same-
When it comes to facing down Ohio's well-heeled charter school lobbyists, will state lawmakers be leaders -- or lapdogs? Brent Larkin | cleveland.com
When it comes to facing down Ohio's well-heeled charter school lobbyists, will state lawmakers be leaders -- or lapdogs? Brent Larkin | cleveland.com: When it comes to facing down Ohio's well-heeled charter school lobbyists, will state lawmakers be leaders -- or lapdogs? So atrocious are some charter schools in Ohio that children consigned to those awful places probably can't spell the one word t
Pension “Overhaul” Declared Unconstitutional (Actually, pension pillage was declared unconstitutional.) | Reclaim Reform
Pension “Overhaul” Declared Unconstitutional (Actually, pension pillage was declared unconstitutional.) | Reclaim Reform: Pension “Overhaul” Declared Unconstitutional (Actually, pension pillage was declared unconstitutional.)Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel (D) tried to cut pensions for those greedy, nasty, lazy, and overpaid nurses and other public employees. Demonizing public employees is day-to-day b
Schooling in the Ownership Society: Svigos buys another closed Chicago school
Schooling in the Ownership Society: Svigos buys another closed Chicago school: Svigos buys another closed Chicago schoolSvigos Assets bought Peabody. Put a charter in it. After they sat as empty blights on the community for nearly three years, the sell-off of closed CPS neighborhood schools has begun in earnest. Board members on Wednesday approved the sale of three vacant schools that were shutter
There are Many Roads and Destinations for Children with Disabilities
There are Many Roads and Destinations for Children with Disabilities: There are Many Roads and Destinations for Children with Disabilities Every child doesn’t have to arrive at the same destination. There are many endpoints and lots of highways. So why are parents and students directed to one score and one test to say who will be successful?The Atlantic is asking whether No Child Left Behind (NCLB
California public schools plan calls for immediate steps to address teacher shortage | 89.3 KPCC
California public schools plan calls for immediate steps to address teacher shortage | 89.3 KPCC: California public schools plan calls for immediate steps to address teacher shortageA four-year plan to improve the state's public schools calls for fast action to address a shortage of teachers and principals already impacting Southern California school districts.Superintendent of Public Instruction
How school district boundaries are gerrymandered to keep poor kids segregated - Vox
How school district boundaries are gerrymandered to keep poor kids segregated - Vox: How school district boundaries are gerrymandered to keep poor kids segregatedThere's nothing natural about school district boundaries. They're drawn by human beings — often in ways that keep poorer students separate from their wealthier peers.RelatedAmerica spends more than $600 billion on schools. Here's where it
Teacher blasts popular classroom training program: It is turning us into robots. - The Washington Post
Teacher blasts popular classroom training program: It is turning us into robots. - The Washington Post: Teacher blasts popular classroom training program: It is turning us into robots.Have you ever heard of of a classroom management method called the No-Nonsense Nurturer® Program created by The Center for Transformative Teacher Training? Educator Amy Berard was trained in it at Guilmette Middle Sc
The attack of the Walmartians: Part I: The Wild, Wild, World of Charter Schools – Let’s get Something Straight! | Public Schools Central
The attack of the Walmartians: Part I: The Wild, Wild, World of Charter Schools – Let’s get Something Straight! | Public Schools Central: The attack of the Walmartians: Part I: The Wild, Wild, World of Charter Schools – Let’s get Something Straight!By Thomas J. FialaThe unregulated world of charter schools is about to get another boost if the current ECAA is put into law. We already know how most
STATE TAKEOVER: An Achievement School District Primer - Mitchell Robinson: Reforming Reform
An Achievement School District Primer - Mitchell Robinson: Reforming Reform: An Achievement School District Primer"Achievement School Districts" are a recent phenomenon in the corporate education reform movement. These "school districts" are designed to guarantee "rapid improvement in the state’s low performing schools", although specific methods, techniques and strat
OKC school district leaders may delay enacting new code of conduct, union leader says | News OK
OKC school district leaders may delay enacting new code of conduct, union leader says | News OK: OKC school district leaders may delay enacting new code of conduct, union leader saysUnion leader Ed Allen, in an email to 2,700 Oklahoma City teachers, said Oklahoma City Public Schools Superintendent Rob Neu is reconsidering a proposal to have teachers create intervention plans for disruptive student
Academic results produced by charters so bad that even the GOP state legislature is debating serious reforms
Charter schools seek allowances based on students’ poverty | The Columbus Dispatch: Academic results produced by charters so bad that even the GOP state legislature is debating serious reformsThe charter-school movement flourished in the late 1990s, in part because of its no-more-excuses mantra maintaining that it wasn’t low-income, urban students who had failed, but the traditional school distric
Standards Are Expectations of Learning | WagTheDog
Standards Are Expectations of Learning | WagTheDog: Standards Are Expectations of LearningMany ed reformers who are not experienced educators don’t understand that The Common Core State Standards are cognitive goals and expectations of student learning or “growth”.The Standards demand a fixed set of cognitive skills that must be learned and levels of performance that must be achieved by every stud
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 7/24/15
SPECIAL NITE CAP CORPORATE ED REFORMSmart ALECs or Wise Guys? Either Way, They Pose a Threat to Public Education - California Teachers AssociationSmart ALECs or Wise Guys? Either Way, They Pose a Threat to Public Education - California Teachers Association: SMART ALECS OR WISE GUYS? EITHER WAY, THEY POSE A THREAT TO PUBLIC EDUCATIONA syndicate of self-styled rich, smart guys has in mind killing of