My name is Andrea Rediske, and I am Ethan Rediske’s mother. Please Pass the Ethan Rediske Act!

Dear Bill and Melinda,
A national wave of empathy and outrage was created when the state of Florida demanded a child named Ethan Rediske take the FCAT high stakes test. Despite the fact that Ethan was on his deathbed at the time, and despite the fact that Ethan qualified for special education; Ethan’s family had to prove that he could not possibly take the FCAT.Unfortunately, this story needs a much better ending, as subsequently Ethan has since passed away as of February 7th. We here at Teachers’ Letters to Bill Gates extend our greatest sympathy for Ethan and his family.
Out of respect for Ethan and his family, we have offered to extend their appeal to all who read this: Pass the Ethan Rediske Act!
We hope that by sharing Ethan’s story here, our readers can help give Ethan’s family their wish as they presented it to the Florida Department of Education in a speech shared with us today.
A group called Opt Out Orlando escorted Ethan’s courageous mother to speak before the Florida Department of Education.
Andrea Pratt Radiske spoke on behalf of her son, on behalf of all children with special needs, and on behalf of any children who suffer pain and suffering from high stakes testing. Please watch the video of her speech and read it below.
We would like to broaden her message to call upon the common sense and morals of all corporate reformers, President Barack Obama, Secretary Arne Duncan, all legislators,