@jaredpolis: America's Worst Congressperson
What a schmuck:
Yes, 75 year old Diane Ravitch -- grandmother, author, and historian -- is "evil" in the eyes of this sitting member of Congress. Aren't you proud, Colorado?
This empty suit is the 7th wealthiest member of Congress. But Polis is really just another phony Democrat who pushes idiocy like Race To The Top so he doesn't have to have a serious conversation about income inequity. It's all part of the hard work of the rich and powerful, slaving away to protect their big piles of filthy lucre from the hordes storming the gates of Versailles. "Let them eat charter school cake!" says Le Comte de Jared.
It's a very interesting dynamic we have going on right now in this country when it comes to economic justice. Folks like Polis have no problem with political, media, and financial systems that allow pirates to accumulate obscene amounts of booty -- so long as they get a chance to get in on the action. To them, social "progress" is a billionaire who's black, or gay, or female.
It never seems to occur to them, however, that someone needs to edge their perfectly manicured lawns. Someone needs to bus their salad plates at their favorite five-star eateries.
- See more at: http://jerseyjazzman.blogspot.com/2013/09/jaredpolis-americas-worst-congressperson.html#sthash.D2Sz9J25.dpuf

Yes, 75 year old Diane Ravitch -- grandmother, author, and historian -- is "evil" in the eyes of this sitting member of Congress. Aren't you proud, Colorado?
This empty suit is the 7th wealthiest member of Congress. But Polis is really just another phony Democrat who pushes idiocy like Race To The Top so he doesn't have to have a serious conversation about income inequity. It's all part of the hard work of the rich and powerful, slaving away to protect their big piles of filthy lucre from the hordes storming the gates of Versailles. "Let them eat charter school cake!" says Le Comte de Jared.
It's a very interesting dynamic we have going on right now in this country when it comes to economic justice. Folks like Polis have no problem with political, media, and financial systems that allow pirates to accumulate obscene amounts of booty -- so long as they get a chance to get in on the action. To them, social "progress" is a billionaire who's black, or gay, or female.
It never seems to occur to them, however, that someone needs to edge their perfectly manicured lawns. Someone needs to bus their salad plates at their favorite five-star eateries.