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Diary of a Social Art-tivist Mommy: Why Miriam Cutelis is marching at the Save Our Schools march Next week
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Diary of a Social Art-tivist Mommy: Why Miriam Cutelis is marching at the Save Our Schools march Next weekWhy Miriam Cutelis is marching at the Save Our Schools march Next weekby ART-tivist MommyI ...

The Weekend Interview with Bill Gates: Was the $5 Billion Worth It?
online.wsj.com - Seattle 'It's hard to improve public education—that's clear. As Warren Buffett would say, if you're picking stocks, you wouldn't pick this one." Ten years into his record-breaking philanthropic pus...

Walton Family Foundation | K
waltonfamilyfoundation.org - Shape Public Policy: Amount Agudath Israel of Illinois $500,000 Alliance for School Choice, Inc. 2,308,376 American Center for School Choice 60,000 Arete Scholars Fund, Inc. 500,000 Arizona Charter...

A Song for the Save Our Schools March and Rally | Seattle Education
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - A Song for the Save Our Schools March and Rally | Seattle EducationA Song for the Save Our Schools March and RallyPosted on July 23, 2011 by seattleducation2011| Leave a commentLinda Gower, founder...

Tom Olson, another former Stand for Children member, speaks out « Parents Across America
parentsacrossamerica.org - Jul 22, 2011 leoniehaimson As an educator and strategic planning facilitator over the past four decades, Tom Olson has advised 13 different states on their education reform efforts, and has consult...

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coopmike48 An Urban Teacher's Education: Driving Mr Boutin - http://goo.gl/ePgb19 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 Local News | WWU redefines itself in light of state cuts | Seattle Times Newspaper - http://goo.gl/SWvuc2 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 Programs in Conn., nation spur teens to teaching - Boston.com -http://goo.gl/pcftJ7 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 Rev. Rodriguez and Circle of Protection Leaders Meet with Pres - Hispanically Speaking News -http://goo.gl/OEbw26 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 Goal Keepers | Connected Principals - http://goo.gl/QDZ2V4 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 Ackerman has taken 10 furlough days | Philadelphia Public School Notebook - http://goo.gl/sB6P34 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
EducationSee all
Muscogee County schools plummet in preliminary AYP report | WRBL
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Muscogee County schools plummet in preliminary AYP report | WRBLMuscogee County schools plummet in preliminary AYP reportSchool board chair Cathy Williams says she's baffled and outraged.AYP Test R...

New York Set to Close School for Troubled Teens After Simple Clerical Error In Budget Request
democracynow.org - Adobe Flash Player version 9.0.115 or higher is required to watch video inline on this webpage, and JavaScript must be enabled.As Congress considers spending cuts to reduce the deficit, critics war...

The Either-Or School Reform Debate (Jeff Bryant) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - The Either-Or School Reform Debate (Jeff Bryant) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom PracticeThe Either-Or School Reform Debate (Jeff Bryant)by larrycubanThe split among school reformers i...

Art & EntertainmentSee all

Join Marc Sternberg and Tweedies in Happy Hour celebrating their court victory tonight over the thousands of NYC parents, teachers and students who begged them not to close their schools and/or squeeze their students out through damaging charter-co-locati
ednotesonline.blogspot.com - UPDATE: 8pm - Did they notice the guy with one arm and a video camera up his nose? Alas, twas not me.David Best - at his Worst This item pulled me out of my funk over my operation on Tuesday for my...

Hyatt Apologizes for Turning Heat Lamps on Strikers: Chicagoist
chicagoist.com - In our Heat wave news roundup yesterday we linked to a WBEZ story about employees at the Park Hyatt who had heat lamps turned on over them as they were picketing during a one-day strike. Hyatt apol...

About Lab » Board of Directors
ucls.uchicago.edu - John W. Rogers, Jr., ’76, Chair Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Ariel Investments, LLC Peri Altan Strategy Consultant NAVTEQ Bill Brown Karla Scherer Distinguished Service Professor of Ame...

PoliticsSee all

Norway shooting suspect right-wing extremist - World Watch
cbsnews.com - A Facebook image of the Oslo attack suspect identified by local media as 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik is seen over the bombed building in Oslo, Norway. (Credit: CBS) OSLO, Norway - Norway's n...

Anders Behring Breivik, Gun-Loving Right-Wing Christian Kills At Least 92 People In Norway, Obsession With Marxists, Muslims, Norway’s Multicultural Ideals
dekerivers.wordpress.com - More and more news reports are painting a picture of the person responsible for the slaughter of at least 92 Norwegians on Friday. As stunned Norwegians grappled with the deadliest attack in the co...

CNN Breaking: John Shalikashvili, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, dies
democraticunderground.com - Source: CNN(CNN) -- Retired Army Gen. John Shalikashvili, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has died of complications from a stroke, his executive assistant, Rachel McLain, told CNN S...

StoriesSee all
Rahm Reacts to Questions About Choice of School for Children: Chicagoist
chicagoist.com - We're all in agreement that where Mayor Emanuel decides to send his kids to school is his decision, regardless of what we think of it. Since the news broke that Emanuel and wife Amy would send thei...

4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: DR. DEASY DOES HIS HOMEWORK! ...or reading other people's mail DR. DEASY DOES HIS HOMEWORK! ...or reading other people's mail
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - 4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: DR. DEASY DOES HIS HOMEWORK! ...or reading other people's mailDR. DEASY DOES HIS HOMEWORK! ...or reading other people's mailFROM THE ASSOCIATED ADMINIST...

APNewsBreak: Oslo bomb was 'Oklahoma City-type'
democraticunderground.com - APNewsBreak: Oslo bomb was 'Oklahoma City-type' This thread has been combined with another thread.Click here to read this message in its new location. Powered by DCForum+ Version 1.1 Copyright 1997...

HealthSee all
The Autism Spectrum Disorders: Beyond Behavior | Special Needs in Education
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - The Autism Spectrum Disorders: Beyond Behavior | Special Needs in EducationThe Autism Spectrum Disorders: Beyond Behaviorby educatorDr. Margaret Bauman, Harvard University & Massachusetts General H...

Mayo Clinic en Español Launched Better Engage Hispanic Community
hispanicallyspeakingnews.com - Published at 3:10 pm, July 23, 2011 Photo Credits: Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic has announced the creation of its Facebook page Mayo Clinic en español and the successful growth of @ClinicaMayo on Twitte...

How Severe is the Link Between Hot Weather and Violence? - National
theatlanticwire.com - With the heat wave continuing its stranglehold over the U.S., Wired magazine takes a timely look at the literature linking heat to escalated violence. The most detailed study is apparently one cond...

LeisureSee all
Hyatt Hotel Puts the Heat on Striking Workers—Literally
inthesetimes.com - CHICAGO—The Hyatt hotel chain turned up the heat on striking and picketing workers—literally—here Thursday, as 10 hanging heat lamps normally used in winter were turned on workers picketing outside...

#sosmarchSee all

#SOSMarch “Please, Mr. President Listen To Me” Is A Catchy Tune To Support The Save Our Schools March | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - “Please, Mr. President Listen To Me” Is A Catchy Tune To Support The Save Our Schools March | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...“Please, Mr. President Listen To Me” Is A Catchy Tune To Support...

#SOSMarch THE PERIMETER PRIMATE: Please Mr. President listen to us! Please Mr. President listen to us!
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - THE PERIMETER PRIMATE: Please Mr. President listen to us!Please Mr. President listen to us!Come join Parents Across America, Diane Ravitch, Matt Damon and many others in the Save Our Schools rally ...

Here's to the Teachers! SOS March and National Call to Action #neara11
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - learn more at http://www.saveourschoolsmarch.org/Join us July 28-31 2011 in Washington DC to support equitable funding for all public school communities, end high stakes testing used for the purpos...