Special Education Students and Charter Schools

"Most thinking persons agree that the existence of civilized man is threatened today. While language is not food or drink, and will not satisfy the hungry and thirsty, it is the medium by which we must do much of our learning and panning, and by which we must think out solutions to our problems if we are not to solve them by the direct method of force. No sensible person believes that language will cure all difficulties; but the thoughtful person will certainly agree that language is a highly important factor in promoting understanding, and a most dangerous factor in promoting
From the homepage of the UC Davis Department of English:
The faculty of the UC Davis English Department supports the Board of the Davis Faculty Association in calling for Chancellor Katehi’s immediate resignation and for “a policy that will end the practice of forcibly removing non-violent student, faculty, staff, and community protesters by police on the UC Davis campus.” Further, given the demonstrable threat posed by the University of California Police Department and other law enforcement
The new group will join another stalwart of the voucher wars, Excellent Education for Everyone (E3), now in its 13th year. E3 is a cosponsor of the rally on December 1 and
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Incubator |
ed.gov - School districts are straining to deliver a quality education to all their students in this difficult economy, and things can be especially tough on music teachers. Across the country, shrinking s...
huffingtonpost.com - "When asked to support local library funding measures, communities have done so, voting in favor of 87% of operating funding measures last year." -- Molly RaphaelLibraries across the United States ...
shankerblog.org - This is the third in a series of three posts about charter schools. Here are the first and second parts. As discussed in prior posts, high-quality analyses of charter school effects show that there...
nydailynews.com - Seniors at a struggling Queens high school have gone the first three months of the school year with no English teacher, the Daily News has learned.About 75 students at Frederick Douglass Academy VI...
myfoxdfw.com - DALLAS, Tx - The controversy involves students at Tom Field Elementary receiving fabricated grades for courses they alledgedly were never taught so teachers, who were being pressured, could spend a...
coopmike48 Support for Occupy Wall Street Unchanged Since Late Month | FDL Action - t.co/v0f9XTDC #ows5 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 US bankers warn reforms will hit eurozone - Democratic Underground -t.co/EeXuHmbb4 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 Today's Big Education Ape - PostRank Top Early Evening Posts #ows#edreform t.co/SzzzQF7i #Edu2 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 Propose #edchat Questions here! - The Educator's PLN -t.co/gfQ7e4gEabout 1 minute ago · reply · retweet · favorite
preaprez.wordpress.com - There I stood at the mic at the IEA Representative Assembly, trying to get recognized by Ken Swanson who was president of the Illinois Education Association in 2010. IEA Executive Director Audrey S...
huffingtonpost.com - I was asked weeks ago by some in the Occupy Wall Street movement to make suggestions for how to frame the movement. I have hesitated so far, because I think the movement should be framing itself. I...
michaelklonsky.blogspot.com - Autocrat Rahm is determined to teach Chicago teachers and their union a lesson. Dropping the F-bomb on CTU president Karen Lewis obviously wasn't satisfying enough for Emanuel. So now he's figured ...
dakotatoday.typepad.com - The rightwing of US press coverage is working hard to diminish the issues raised by the Wall St "occupiers" by attacking the occupiers. The "mainstream" press has generally ignored the protestors ...
thinkprogress.org - Alabama’s economy is suffering because of HB 56, the state’s draconian immigration law, as workers flee out of fear. State Sen. Scott Beason (R), who sponsored the anti-immigrant bill in the Alabam...
nytimes.com - The sounds of snare drums, bongo drums and bucket drums, a familiar and frequent annoyance to those who live near Zuccotti Park, moved uptown on Sunday to the East Side home of Mayor Michael R. Blo...
dallasnews.com - No minimum$100,000$150,000$200,000$250,000$300,000$350,000$400,000$450,000$500,000$550,000$600,000$650,000$700,000$750,000$800,000$850,000$900,000$950,000$1,000,000$1,100,000$1,200,000$1,300,000$1,...
suntimes.com - LAURA WASHINGTON LauraSWashington@aol.com November 20, 2011 6:48PM Laura Washington Updated: November 20, 2011 6:48PM Michael Bloomberg has handed the Occupy movement a golden opportunity. Last Tue...
nytimes.com - There’s a word I keep hearing lately: “technocrat.” Sometimes it’s used as a term of scorn — the creators of the euro, we’re told, were technocrats who failed to take human and cultural factors int...
dnainfo.com - Patrick Hedlund was among several reporters arrested during coverage of the OWS protests. (DNAinfo/David Torres) By DNAinfo staffMANHATTAN — Two journalists for DNAinfo.com were among a number of r...
hispanicallyspeakingnews.com - Published at 1:31 pm, November 21, 2011 Photo Credits: Boston Fire Dept. Names Fist Hispanic Fire Chief, Steve Abraira Steve Abraira, has been named the Boston Fire Departments first Hispanic fire ...
latimesblogs.latimes.com - November 21, 2011 | 9:44 am Police officers peacefully cleared out the last remaining Occupy camp in the city Monday, officials said. The police ordered about a dozen protesters to leave Snow Park...
whitehouse.gov - The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release November 21, 2011 AUTHORIZING THE IMPOSITION OF CERTAIN SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE PROVISION OF GOODS, SERVICES, TECHNOLOGY, O...
democraticunderground.com - Source: BloombergWhen billionaire Billy Joe "Red" McCombs, co-founder of Clear Channel Communications Inc., reported a $9.8 million loss on his tax return, he failed to include about $259 million f...
4lakidsnews.blogspot.com - The Acronym Scorecard + historical reminder: SAP SAP AG - Systeme, Anwendungen und Produkte ...
latimesblogs.latimes.com - The Ventura teen who shot a gay classmate he believed was flirting with him has agreed to spend the next 21 years in prison, a plea deal that ends a case that drew national attention and ignited de...
kvue.com - by Associated Press Associated Press Posted on November 19, 2011 at 7:14 PM DALLAS (AP) -- Third-graders at a Dallas elementary received stellar math and reading scores on a state standardized test...
latimesblogs.latimes.com - A UC Davis police officer who reportedly pepper-sprayed student protesters Friday is a former U.S. Marine who has been honored for his campus police work. Lt. John Pike, identified by the UC Davis ...
huffingtonpost.com - I was asked weeks ago by some in the Occupy Wall Street movement to make suggestions for how to frame the movement. I have hesitated so far, because I think the movement should be framing itself. I...
dakotatoday.typepad.com - The rightwing of US press coverage is working hard to diminish the issues raised by the Wall St "occupiers" by attacking the occupiers. The "mainstream" press has generally ignored the protestors ...
suntimes.com - LAURA WASHINGTON LauraSWashington@aol.com November 20, 2011 6:48PM Laura Washington Updated: November 20, 2011 6:48PM Michael Bloomberg has handed the Occupy movement a golden opportunity. Last Tue...
colorlines.com - A group of young activists from the Bronx called say they’re being deprived of a quality education, and they’re prepared to fight for something better. The Resistance, which was formed through a yo...
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Big Education Ape: Ed News Now:Published by Coopmike48 – 6 news spotters todayNext update in about 10 hoursSee all articlesHEADLINESEDUCATIONSOCIETYPOLITICSWORLDCRIMEHEALTH#OWS#OCCUPYSCHOOLBlaming ...