Video - New York political kingmaker and religious leader Floyd Flake rakes in the cash -- and leaves wreckage behind, critics say.For five years, the former congressman headed one of the largest churches ...

Check out the heading on our blog and its reference to living in a totalitarian democracy, which could be“What we discovered is a transition to a tyrannical form of government. Sections of the USCA that supported local, states’ rights and local control of schools as well as sections that placed restrictions on the Federal DOEd were being repealed all together and in instances replaced by sections that grant more control to the federal level. We also checked other areas of the USCA and found this to be the rule, and not the exception. From the historical records, that we could check with our meager resources, it has apparently been going on since before the1960’s.”
An early draft of a Senate committee's sweeping rewrite of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act rolls back major accountability provisions of the law's current form, known as No Child Left Behind.
The bill would require states to develop their own standards for student performance with little federal oversight, according to language obtained by The Huffington Post.
Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), who chairs the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions, is expected to publicize the committee's finished draft of the bill on Tuesday. The committee will mark up the bill on Oct. 18 before it hits the Senate floor. While various senators have introduced smaller ESEA bills since the law was up for reauthorization in 2007, the Harkin bill is the product of months of negotiations and is the Senate's most
Lobbying, Insider Trading & Censorship at the Washington Post
While The Washington Post (traded on the NY Stock Excange as ‘WaPo’) is known for its historic Watergate expose and the Pentagon papers, the modern Washington Post Company is a publicly traded corporation which derives 62% of its income from its primary subsidiary, Kaplan University, a for profit system of universities that operates like a criminal enterprise throughout the US.
Kaplan , which obtains 90% of its revenues from federal student loans backed by US taxpayers (usually in the form of Title IV loans), has been the subject of multiple government investigations, probing lawsuits and legal inquiries alleging the company engages in fraudulent business practices – including but not limited to marketing improprieties, robo-signing of student loans (not much different than
First Posted: 10/10/11 08:31 PM ET Updated: 10/10/11 08:41 PM ET