James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."

Thousands would lose eligibility for transitional kindergarten under revised bill | EdSource Today
Thousands would lose eligibility for transitional kindergarten under revised bill | EdSource Today: Thousands would lose eligibility for transitional kindergarten under revised billJune 10th, 2014 | Add a Comment | By Lillian MongeauShare on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on pinterest_shareMore Sharing Services0Nearly half of California’s currently eligible 4-year-olds would lose thei
How do you eat an elephant? | Crazy Crawfish's Blog
How do you eat an elephant? | Crazy Crawfish's Blog:Crazy Crawfish's BlogZesty Louisiana Education PoliticsHow do you eat an elephant?Posted on June 10, 20141How do you eat an elephant?One bite at a time.Have you ever come across a saying that seemed new to you, but then once it developed personal meaning it felt like you would never stop hearing it repeated?I’ve been hearing this elephant joke a
Looking at our Work through an Assessment Lens | Connected Principals
Looking at our Work through an Assessment Lens | Connected Principals: Looking at our Work through an Assessment Lensby Jonathan VanderEls • June 11, 2014 • 0 CommentsOur staff recently had the opportunity to wrap up a year’s worth of professional development related to building Quality Performance Assessments. During the 2013 summer and over this past school year, I attended five days of training
6-10-14 With A Brooklyn Accent:: My Reponse to the Vergara Decision
With A Brooklyn Accent: My Reponse to the Vergara Decision: My Reponse to the Vergara DecisionIt is just amazing that politicians, billionaires and significant portion of the general public seem to think you can improve schools by attacking teachers, undermining their tenure protections, depriving them of due process, and generally viewing them as an enemy of children and families who have to be w
Germany Supports DTOE and Calls for NYCDOE Spring Cleaning southbronxschool.com
http://www.southbronxschool.com: Germany Supports DTOE and Calls for NYCDOE Spring CleaningFor those that remember, DTOE sponsored it's first rally today in front of Tweed calling for theabolition of the dependence of lawyers at the DOE. A good time was had by all and The Crack Team will like to thank master of ceremonies Francesco Portelos for putting this all together.I was tasked with handing o
400,000 poker chips … er-r-r, Human Lives at stake | Reclaim Reform
400,000 poker chips … er-r-r, Human Lives at stake | Reclaim Reform: 400,000 poker chips … er-r-r, Human Lives at stakePosted on June 10, 2014by Ken PrevitiCruelty and abuse as mere political ideology continues as legislators across America play power games using human lives as poker chips. The ongoing onslaught against vulnerable children, the elderly, the disabled and the poor by billionaire fun
Russ on Reading: Teacher Tenure Under Attack: Time to Rise to Our Own Defense
Russ on Reading: Teacher Tenure Under Attack: Time to Rise to Our Own Defense: Teacher Tenure Under Attack: Time to Rise to Our Own DefenseIn case you missed it, earlier today a California judge ruled in what is known as the Vergara case, that teacher tenure and other job protections are unconstitutional. While this ruling only relates to California and is sure to be appealed, rest assured that th
No Struggle, No Progress — Come and join the Howie Hawkins/Brian Jones Green...
No Struggle, No Progress — Come and join the Howie Hawkins/Brian Jones Green...: No Struggle, No ProgressA blog about politics, education, racism, and more.Come and join the Howie Hawkins/Brian Jones Green Party Campaign for Governor & Lt. Governor of New York State as it launches its New York City Campaign Committee.The Hawkins/ Jones campaign is building a team of activists here in NYC, look
6-10-14 Schools Matter: Is Tom Corbett the Most Hated Governor in PA's History?
Schools Matter: Is Tom Corbett the Most Hated Governor in PA's History?: Is Tom Corbett the Most Hated Governor in PA's History?ht to Ken Derstine:by Jim Horn / 0min 6-9-14 Schools MatterSchools Matter: Reporter Visits NOLA Charter Cult Where Parents Filed Civil Rights ComplaintA clip from the story, followed by part of my email to the reporter, Andrew Vanacore:. . . . Its campuses have never been
6-10-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: Duncan Dumps on Oklahoma in a June 9 Press ConferenceUS Secretary of Education Arne Duncan was asked in a June 9, 2014, press conference about Oklahoma’s decision to drop the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin– who also happens to be the chair of CCSS license co-owner National Governors Association (NGA)– signed Oklahoma HB 3399 into law on Thursday
6-10-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Today: A Rally to End the Fourth Term of Michael R. Bloomberg 4:30 at Tweed -I'm getting ready to head over to Tweed soon for the rally, which I wrote about the other day (PEP Report: Teachers, Parents Make Demands on Farina; ATRs, Etc To Hold Rally at Tweed, Tues., June 10, 4:30PM).SOUTH BRONX SCHOOL posted this poster at this link: Spring Cleaning at the NYCDOE Our pal at Ragin
Duncan Dumps on Oklahoma in a June 9 Press Conference | deutsch29
Duncan Dumps on Oklahoma in a June 9 Press Conference | deutsch29: Duncan Dumps on Oklahoma in a June 9 Press ConferenceJune 10, 2014US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan was asked in a June 9, 2014, press conference about Oklahoma’s decision to drop the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin– who also happens to be the chair of CCSS license co-owner National Governors A
6-10-14 The Whole Child Blog — Planning Engaging Lessons Using Children's Literature — Whole Child Education
Planning Engaging Lessons Using Children's Literature — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOGPlanning Engaging Lessons Using Children’s LiteratureJune 10, 2014 by Tisha ShipleyIn a world of test-driven instruction, teachers are still expected to have effective teaching strategies and teach children to love reading. It is very important that we as professionals take a look at how we introduce
Fighting Common Core Across the Political Spectrum
Fight Common Core: Fighting Common Core Across the Political Spectrum Many of my friends on the left, with the best of motives, have raised questions about my willingess to work with Conservatives and Libertarians in the movement against Common Core and other top-down attacks on public education. They think that alliances of this kind are both dangerous and historically unprecedented.However, whil
We Had EdcampUSA. Now What? | My Island View
We Had EdcampUSA. Now What? | My Island View: We Had EdcampUSA. Now What?June 10, 2014 by Tom Whitby @tomwhitbyOn June 6, 2014, almost 100 educators from all over the U.S. arrived at the United States Department of Education to participate in the first-ever Edcamp to be held there. Most of these educators paid their own way to attend incurring a personal expense of time and money, two days and $50
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Outside closed Lafayette School this morning
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Outside closed Lafayette School this morning: Outside closed Lafayette School this morningLafayette Save Our School Protest in 2013School closings have done nothing to improve the education of CPS students, nor have they saved money, but the same policies that led to massive closures continue to be implemented. -- CTU ReportThis morning I'm standing outside of the fo
6-10-14 Wait What? - Jonathan Pelto: Gubernatorial Candidate and A Really Nice Guy
Wait What?: Wait What? Connecticut – Otherwise known as “Budget Gimmicks R US”Some call it “Dishonest Budgeting.” Others call it “Cooking the Books” And still others say… “Well, it’s just the way thing are done here in Connecticut.” Whatever you call it, Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy and his predecessors have used one budget gimmick after another to ensure that it is virtually impossible to deter
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 6-10-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: Vergara verdict expected today: JUDGE’S DECISION ON CALIFORNIA TEACHER TENURE COULD CHANGE EDUCATORS’ JOB SECURITYBy Associated Press, from the LA Daily News | http://bit.ly/1nvFXFc 6/10/14, 6:15 AM :: LOS ANGELES — A judge plans to announce a decision Tuesday that could be a game changer for California teachers whose job security is on the line. Atto
CTA Supporting Professional Capital: Part 2 | InterACT
CTA Supporting Professional Capital: Part 2 | InterACT: CTA Supporting Professional Capital: Part 2JUNE 10, 2014tags: CTA, professional capitalby ACT Guest Blog PostsChandra GoodnoughLast week, InterACT ran a guest blog post by Chris Miraglia, introducing the CTA Teacher Leader Cohort and describing his work in that project. Today, ACT member Chandra Goodnough shares her perspective on the same pr
6-10-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Tuesday Open ThreadA recap of the Curriculum and Instruction meeting to come. I perceive this is not quite the done deal it appears to be. Got a grad? A great story asking prominent/interesting people "If I were 22 again..." Written probably for college grads but still worth letting your own graduate read. I was at a high school graduation party this w
6-10-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): LIVESTREAM coverage of today’s LAUSD school board meetingThe LA Unified School Board will meet all day today, starting at 9 a.m. with a closed door session. The agenda is here). But the fireworks don’t begin until 1 p.m., when the board will reconvene for its regular board meeting, open to the public, Tha
Education is in Our DNA | Connected Principals
Education is in Our DNA | Connected Principals: Education is in Our DNAby John Marschhausen • June 10, 2014 • 0 CommentsSummer has a special place in our society. From Alice Cooper’s Schools out for Summer toThe Summer of ’69 with Richard Marx there is a certain magic about the warm, long sun filled days of summer.Without a doubt summer is a change of pace for those of us that work in schools. One
Hundreds Protest in Philly Against Govs. Corbett and Christie | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Education Reform for Equity and Opportunity
Hundreds Protest in Philly Against Govs. Corbett and Christie | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Education Reform for Equity and Opportunity: Hundreds Protest in Philly Against Govs. Corbett and ChristiePosted on: Tuesday June 10th, 2014Photo via Matthew Hall/InquirerHundreds of parents, students and teachers protested in Philadelphia yesterday outside a joint fundraising event for PA Gov.
6-10-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Save Dyett.From Progress Illinois: Chicago education activists are ramping up their fight to save Walter H. Dyett High School from closing at the end of the 2014-2015 school year. At a news conference at City Hall on Monday, a coalition of parents, students and South Side community leaders blasted Chi
States That Already Spent Less on Education Have Made Bigger School Cuts | FiveThirtyEight
States That Already Spent Less on Education Have Made Bigger School Cuts | FiveThirtyEight: States That Already Spent Less on Education Have Made Bigger School Cuts8:11 AM By BEN CASSELMANPublic schools have struggled during the long, slow economic recovery. On Tuesday, I noted that urban districts — especially big-city districts — have been hit particularly hard. But there’s also tremendous varia
Morning Wink 6-10-14 AM Posts #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 6-10-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for allDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: In Kentucky: A School Without Standardized TestsKentucky was the first state to implement the Common Core standards, and the first state to test them. The state has another distinction: It is on
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 6-10-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: In Kentucky: A School Without Standardized TestsKentucky was the first state to implement the Common Core standards, and the first state to test them. The state has another distinction: It is one of the few states that has no charter schools. Communities in Kentucky are committed to their community public schools–so far. Kentucky h
6-10-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: I Explain The Picture Word Inductive Model In My Latest British Council PostI’ve often written about the Picture Word Inductive Model, my favorite teaching strategy for Beginning English Language Learners. I’ve just published a post at The British Council with a more detailed explanation on how to use it in the classroom. Y
Answer Sheet 6-10-14
Answer Sheet: Why math fills so many of us with dreadIf you are someone who suffered from math anxiety, you may not believe that it does not have to be a permanent condition. That’s what author Annie Murphy Paul, who concentrates on how we learn and how we can do it better, explains in the following post. Paul is a contributing writer for Time magazine, writes a weekly […]1 by Valerie Strauss /
Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement"
Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement": “Hayward Unified to help parents attend college”Hayward Unified to help parents attend college is the headline from a Northern California newspaper about an innovative parent engagement effort. Here’s how it begins: Parents and middle school students who want to take college courses will get help from the school district, w
6-10-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness by P. L. Thomas, EdD
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): Twitter Truth (and The Onion Gets It Again)As I have catalogued on this blog and elsewhere, when it comes to education policy, my home state of South Carolina is A Heaping Stumbling-Bumbling Mess of Ineptitude. And while we have garnered a sort of unwanted but fully warr
6-10-13 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: What Do We Do About Bad Teachers?I believe bad teachers exist. I believe that on any given day, in many schools in this country, there's a person standing in a classroom doing a lousy job. I just spent a chunk of bandwidth explaining that I don't believe Find and Fire is the correct policy response to bad teaching. So what do I propose instead?The Heart of the ProblemI'm going to s
6-10-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Diane Ravitch Calls For An Investigation Into Bill Gates' Common Core CoupHow did the richest man in America buy himself the public education system?The story about Bill Gates' swift and silent takeover of American education is startling. His role and the role of the U.S. Department of Education in drafting and imposing the Common Core standards on almost every state should
Strict rules have helped boost academic performance in New Orleans, but some schools go too far | Hechinger Report
Strict rules have helped boost academic performance in New Orleans, but some schools go too far | Hechinger Report: Strict rules have helped boost academic performance in New Orleans, but some schools go too farBy Merlin GeorgeSchool was a complete joke to me as a young child. I thought it was just a place where I could come and socialize, play around, eat the free lunch and wander up and down the
Thompson: It's Not Just Teachers Who Need to Make Their Peace with Politics :: Frederick M. Hess
Thompson: It's Not Just Teachers Who Need to Make Their Peace with Politics :: Frederick M. Hess: Thompson: It's Not Just Teachers Who Need to Make Their Peace with Politicsby Frederick M. Hess • Jun 10, 2014 at 8:01 amCross-posted from Education Week Print Send RSS ShareI was struck by some of the feedback to last Thursday's post on the whole "why can't pols get out of schooling?" que
Governor Corbett runs from Philadelphia voters – again | Parents United for Public Education
Governor Corbett runs from Philadelphia voters – again | Parents United for Public Education: Governor Corbett runs from Philadelphia voters – againPosted on June 10, 2014 by HELENGYMLeave a comment Helen Gym: “We must convert mass action into political power!” (Photo via Twitter @trayf)In a large rally yesterday, Parents United for Public Education joined with our partners at PCAPS and PA Working
NYC Educator: Fred and Wilma
NYC Educator: Fred and Wilma: Fred and WilmaMy afternoon class is a little crazy. Of course I pride myself on being the craziest person in the room, but there are a few kids who give me a run for my money. For the purposes of this blog I'll call them Fred and Wilma.I usually seat my classes in a horseshoe so as to encourage dialogue. I've moved this class into rows so as to impede it a little. And
Parents offer an earful about the ‘welcoming environment’ :: SI&A Cabinet Report
Parents offer an earful about the ‘welcoming environment’ :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet: JUNE 10, 2014Parents offer an earful about the ‘welcoming environment’by Alisha Kirby(Calif.) It isn’t rare to see a parent wandering around their child’s elementary school in search of an office, classroom or auditorium entrance.But parents gathered a
Must Read: How Bill Gates’ Power Drives Education Policy | janresseger
Must Read: How Bill Gates’ Power Drives Education Policy | janresseger: Must Read: How Bill Gates’ Power Drives Education PolicyPosted on June 10, 2014 by janressegerThe Common Core Standards are the culmination of the wave of accountability-based school reform that has swept the country since the A Nation At Risk report in 1983. Like the other test-and-punish reforms, the Common Core Standards f
K-12 News Network | iPad Watchdog Stuart Magruder’s Re-Appointment: Which Way Will LAUSD Go?
K-12 News Network | iPad Watchdog Stuart Magruder’s Re-Appointment: Which Way Will LAUSD Go?: iPad Watchdog Stuart Magruder’s Re-Appointment: Which Way Will LAUSD Go?admin June 10, 2014The question for many school districts around the country this spring was this: how are they supposed to give computer-based, end-of-year Common Core State Standards (CCSS) tests?For over a year in Los Angeles Unifi
Schools Were Getting Much Safer Until 2010, Government Report Says
Schools Were Getting Much Safer Until 2010, Government Report Says: Schools Were Getting Much Safer Until 2010, Government Report SaysPosted: 06/10/2014 12:03 am EDT Updated: 9 minutes agoPresident Barack Obama signs a series of executive orders about the administration's new gun law proposals in January as children who wrote letters to the White House about gun violence, (L-R) Hinna Zeejah, Taeja
Making Learning Relevant | Connected Principals
Making Learning Relevant | Connected Principals: Making Learning Relevantby sleibowitz • June 10, 2014 • 0 CommentsCC licensed image shared by Flickr user Steve HeathWhat is the purpose of K-12 schooling?Think for a moment before coming up with an answer. Consider what you believe truly matters. Is it preparation for college? Preparation for a career? Support in growing to be an individual who is
Why Philly Needs to Persist the Anger Past Protesting | Philly in Focus
Why Philly Needs to Persist the Anger Past Protesting | Philly in Focus: Why Philly Needs to Persist the Anger Past ProtestingPHILLYACTIVE™ (NEWS THAT GETS PHILLY ACTIVE) The angry protesters shut down the City, but for how long?By Christopher “Flood the Drummer®” Norris6.9.14: Philadelphia – (Politics/Activism): Today’s protest in front of the Urban League of Philadelphia, and later at the Comca
6-9-14 Jersey Jazzman: Unions to Corrupted @GovChristie: "Keep Your Promises"
Jersey Jazzman: Unions to Corrupted @GovChristie: "Keep Your Promises": Unions to Corrupted @GovChristie: "Keep Your Promises"Good:UPDATE, 2:35 p.m.: Six more unions have filed a separate lawsuit against Gov. Chris Christie's pension plan. They are the Communications Workers of America, the Professional Firefighters Association of New Jersey, the American Federation of Teachers
My response to @NCTQ’s attempt to legitimize bullsh!t—#optout! – @ THE CHALK FACE
My response to @NCTQ’s attempt to legitimize bullsh!t—#optout! – @ THE CHALK FACE: My response to @NCTQ’s attempt to legitimize bullsh!t—#optout!JUNE 9, 2014 BY TIMOTHY D. SLEKAR LEAVE A COMMENTIt’s official. Anthony Cody just posted on the Education Bloggers Network that NCTQ will host a “media conference call” to release its 2014 Teacher Prep Review.Please understand that I am not in any way up
Teacher Union President: The Right Is Not Going To Be Won Over On Common Core
Teacher Union President: The Right Is Not Going To Be Won Over On Common Core: Jacob FischlerBuzzFeed StaffRandi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Rebecca Cook / ReutersWASHINGTON — Conservatives won’t ever support Common Core on ideological grounds, but hearts and minds are still winnable when it comes to the education standards.At least that’s what Randi Weingart
There Is Probably No “Crisis” In American Education | Paul Bruno
There Is Probably No “Crisis” In American Education | Paul Bruno: There Is Probably No “Crisis” In American EducationBy PAUL BRUNO | Published: JUNE 9, 2014Here is a chart of educational attainment in the United States since 1940:When you look at that chart, do you see a crisis?No? Me neither.How about in these charts of reading and math achievement on the NAEP for 17-year-olds, broken down by rac
Nite Cap 6-9-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPMarie Corfield: Asm. Ciattarelli to NJs 1%: Keep Calm and Count Your MoneyMarie Corfield: Asm. Ciattarelli to NJs 1%: Keep Calm and Count Your Money: Asm. Ciattarelli to NJs 1%: Keep Calm and Count Your MoneyI'm sure the taxpayers of New Jersey's