WHAT’S NEXT *IF* DEASY IS OUT? Speculation abounds
… Even the LA School Report is playing the parlor game! by Vanessa Romo, LA School Report | http://bit.ly/1rbuC0j September 17, 2014 9:41 am :: The possibility that LA Unified Superintendent John Deasy will no longer be at the helm of the nation’s second largest school district – whether by choice or by force – is looming ever larger as the deadline for his annual evaluation
Ginny Mancini Gives Back To The Music That Nurtured Her
Steve Lopez, Los Angeles Times columnist | http://lat.ms/1uUnep9 17 Sept 2014 :: Ginny Mancini, widow of Henry Mancini, has been generous with Boyle Heights' Neighborhood Music School Neighborhood Music School picks benefactor Ginny Mancini as the honoree for its 100th anniversary celebration Ginny Mancini gets lots of solicitations delivered to her Westwood home, thanks to her many
By Veronica Rocha, LA Times | Caption Heat wave | Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times The setting suns sets clouds aglow as they pass over the Los Angeles skyline. Franklin High student tweets about students walking out amid intense heat Old air conditioners are malfunctioning all over the L.A. school district As intense heat continued its stranglehold on the Los Angelse area,
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 9-16-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: Letters to the editor: SUPT. DEASY IS A DISTRACTION FOR LAUSDReaders React: Letters to the editor and readers' opinions. | LA Times http://lat.ms/1o0jDlo 16 Sept 2014 To the editor: Los Angeles Unified School District Supt. John Deasy got it right. At this point, the iPad scandal is not an internal LAUSD problem, it's a political issue. It became so fro