Big Education Ape: Ed News Now - Even with all of its faults, I’m sticking with the union | Thoughts on Public EducationEven with all of its faults, I’m sticking with the unionSharePosted on 3/31/11 • Categorized as UnionsBy Peter...

coopmike48 - On Monday night I posted a blog pointing out that President Obama's remarks at a town hall meeting seemed to undermine Department of Education policies. I received a request for a correction to my ...

mikeklonsky - When you’re immersed in the jargon of your profession it can be difficult to step back and reflect on the meanings and implications of everyday words. Recently it struck me how often we talk about ...

DianeRavitch - On April 4, 1968, 43 years ago in Memphis, a long struggle for human rights and human dignity ended in the tragic assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., but it brought economic justice and th...

mikeklonsky - Published Online: March 29, 2011Updated: March 30, 2011 Sen. Christopher Coons, D-Del, left, speaks with Delaware Secretary of Education Lillian Lowery outside of a science classroom at Howard High...

mikeklonsky - The Buzz: Teachers union calls for tax hike on high-income earners - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento BeeThe Buzz: Teachers union calls for tax hike on high-income earnersShar...

coopmike48 - PASBO says No Child Left Behind goal by 2014 not attainable - News - Daily ReviewPASBO says No Child Left Behind goal by 2014 not attainableBY ERIC HRIN (STAFF WRITER)Published: April 2, 2011ARTICL...

coopmike48 - If the Souls of Schools are Lost in One Location, They Can be Lost Anywhere « Failing SchoolsIf the Souls of Schools are Lost in One Location, They Can be Lost AnywhereAPRIL 1, 2011by markfriedman1...

Media6 - Legislature giving apple to charter schools, rather than teachers? Teachers in Florida will have no job security under the merit pay bill that Gov. Rick Scott signed into law last week, but charter... ![]() ![]() leoniehaimson | - The timing of President Obama's condemnation of "just teaching to the test," as he prepared for a televised address on Libya, was illustrative. Given the President's "to do" list, it would be unrea...

mikeklonsky - To view our videos, you need toenable JavaScript. Learn how.install Adobe Flash 9 or above. Install now. Then come back here and refresh the page. A Brooklyn charter school is looking for a new h... ![]() ![]() leoniehaimson | - Textbook standards: California lawmakers fight over bill to teach students about gay people's contributions - latimes.comCalifornia lawmakers fight over bill to teach students about gay people's co... ![]() ![]() coopmike48 | - Here's what are conservative friend James Wigderson had to say about Prosser's botching of the Merryfield case back in 2008 in a column entitled "Would you trust your kid to Prosser?":While not on ... ![]() ![]() coopmike48 | - Our nation is potentially one step closer to seeing an end to Abstinence-Only Education. Earlier this month, legislation was re-introduced in Congress seeking an end to this limited form of sexuali... ![]() ![]() coopmike48 | - Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips said on Friday that Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) threw members of the conservative movement "under the bus" by making critical remarks about budget cuts propo...

mikeklonsky - videoHow did President Obama go from “anti-colonial” to “neo-colonial” in less than a month? Judge Andrew Napolitano took a detour from the regular civil liberties/end the Fed fare on Freedom Watch... ![]() ![]() coopmike48 | - What Jeb Bush doesn’t like to admit - The Answer Sheet - The Washington PostWhat Jeb Bush doesn’t like to admitBy Valerie StraussThere is a big hole in the story Jeb Bush tells when he talks about ...

coopmike48 - This is why so many laugh at and deride FAUX News. Who would operate like this if the objective is to be, well, objective? FAUX News is not a legitimate news operation. It is nothing more than an e...

coopmike48 - Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: April's foolsApril's foolsby Mike KlonskyFinn, far right.No joke, Finn is stil a teacher basherAlways tops on my list of April fools is Checker Finn, wing-nut-in-chie... ![]() ![]() coopmike48 | - Need 200 points to win! Thank you to our fans. Team Deep Dive: Lois Berning, Jeanne Brown, Gloria Christman, Stanley Paul Cook, Kathleen Cudahy, Joan Dahlin, Mark Giffin, Michael Jenkins, Ashley Le...

coopmike48 - Yesterday, to a decent amount of fanfare, the Department of Heath and Human Services released its draft regulations for the establishment of accountable care organizations (ACOs). The idea is that ...

coopmike48 - Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Pilsen neighborhood school kids ingesting toxic leadPilsen neighborhood school kids ingesting toxic leadby Mike KlonskyAlderman Solis, supported by Rahm, is taking bi... ![]() ![]() coopmike48 | - Senator Barbara Goodwin (DFL-Fridley) says the Republican proposed cut of 15% to the state’s agencies is on top of a recent 11% cut. Senator Goodwin says those cuts, combined with putting all state...

coopmike48 - One of the most awesome students I have ever come across did not get into his first choice of colleges. But, the school told him that is he applied some additional information, it is possible the...

coopmike48 - Last week, I wrote a fairly popular post titled How Stress Affects Our Students (& Their Parents) — Plus, How We’re Trying To Help. In it, I shared the results of new research studies, and explaine...

coopmike48 - California State University, Sacramento, is expanding the types of degrees students can earn in environmental studies.The university is now offering bachelor of science and bachelor of arts degrees...

coopmike48 - Stand in Soliditary - California Teachers AssociationStand in SoliditaryLocation: NationwideThe anniversary of Dr. King’s death, labor unions, civil rights organizations, and religious leaders will...

coopmike48 - "Where free unions and collective bargaining are prohibited, freedom is lost."
