Lessons From New Orleans
nytimes.com - Before Hurricane Katrina, more than 60 percent of children in New Orleans attended a failing school. Now, only about 18 percent do. Five years ago, less than a quarter of the children i...

About 50-75 protesters picketed a conference hosted by Bush's Foundation for Excellence in Education Thursday in San Francisco. Those protests came in part because of its inclusion of News Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Rupert Murdoch, who last year launched an education division within the global media conglomerate that also includes the conservative leaning—and some say teacher unfriendly—Fox News Network, as well as a British newspaper recently indicted in aphone-hacking scandal.Apparently, these plebes actually have the temerity to want to ask questions!
During the Q&A session, Steve Begley, a blogger from the K-12 News Network, asked
For months, possibly years, I’ve been waiting for this Barack Obama to make an appearance to the general public:
Hot-damn. The Barack Obama of 2008 made an appearance again at the MLK Memorial today to thousands of people watching in DC and on CSPAN. (For full text, here’s more.) I was not aware that any version of the President would show up to this memorial today, but if I did, I would have asked this one to come. This is the one I swung open the curtains for, the one I pulled the lever with. This is the one I cast my post-destructive-George-Bush-the-2nd upon, and whom I believed that, despite his positions on education, would improve the bottom line for those who needed this help the most. This is the same Barack Obama who I thought would walk
This is a classic instance of retaliation under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the ADA. I hope the parent pursues an OCR complaint and other remedies. She and others needing help with lawless school districts might want to join the Council of Parents, Advocates, and Attorneys (COPAA) at www.copaa.org and
Ordinarily, an annual savings of $267 million to state government is nothing to sneeze at. But when you’re talking about New Jersey’s unfunded liability of $54 billion to public workers’ pension funds, there really isn’t much to say except “gesundheit.”
Because that savings, which the Christie administration was crowing about last week, is a drop in
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