George H. W. Bush: A Tribute and a Happy Memory of My Time in D.C.
I’m in an airplane, flying from NYC to L.A., where I will attend the annual dinner of LAANE, the Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy. This group fought for and won a battle to raise the minimum wage. I believe and hope they will join the struggle to support public schools and save them from the clutches of the billionaires.
As I fly, I’m watching the state funeral of President George H.W. Bush. The services are very moving. People speak of his decency, his sense of honor, his humility, his dignity, his loyalty to friends and family, his patriotism, his sense of duty and courage (he volunteered for combat duty in World War II right out of high school). Trump is sitting in the front row, scowling and looking uncomfortable. It’s not about him.
The former Prime Minister of Canada spoke about Bush’s devotion to improving the environment, assuring that we have clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. Others spoke of his support for the Americans with Disabilities Act. Still others referred to his steady hand as the Soviet Union dissolved and the Cold war ended. I broke down and cried when his son George W. said that he takes comfort in knowing that his dad is now hugging Robin (the daughter who died of leukemia at age 3) and holding Barbara’s hand. Because I hope sometime I’ll meet Steven, who died of the same disease at age 2.
I won’t pretend that I saw a lot of him when I worked in his administration. I did not.
When I was Assistant Secretary of Education for the Office of Research and Improvement during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, I made only one trip to the Oval Office.

I was invited to join Secretary Lamar Alexander and Deputy Secretary Continue reading: George H. W. Bush: A Tribute and a Happy Memory of My Time in D.C. | Diane Ravitch's blog
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