Alex Johnson, who ducked my interview and at least six candidate forums, asks why Dr. McKenna won’t respond to the Deasy School Report?

He has dodged multiple requests for policy positions, undoubtably because he is a hand puppet for the neoliberal corporate education reformers. — Robert D. Skeels
Neoliberal corporate education reform candidate for Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Alex Johnson holds a Juris Doctor, while I am merely a first year law student. That said, I’ve already learned that one doesn’t response to factual evidence with spurious rumors and outright lies. Johnson somehow never learned that lesson. To wit, in response to my carefully documented list of his recent donors, Johnson made the mendaciousness and shameless claim that the Reverend Jesse Jackson took money to endorse Dr. George McKenna.
Learning nothing from that experience, Johnson responded to the viral article calling him out on his Jackson lie by implying that Dr. McKenna refuses to go on record with his stances on issues:
Absurd on its face, Johnson’s latest statement is problematic in several regards. First, Johnson is not really in a position to talk. I spent roughly ninety days calling, emailing, and tweeting to Johnson, pleading for an opportunity to interview him on his policy positions. The opening quote in this essay is the result of those efforts. Moreover, Johnson missed no less than six community forums during the primary election, including:
- April 14, New Frontier Democratic Club
- DWP Community Room
- April 19, Committee For New South LA
- West Adams Church
- May 8, Black Parent Union
- Betty Hill Senior Center
- May 12, California Community of Elders, reparations United, council of Black Political Organizations and ACCE Alliance of Californians for Alex Johnson, who ducked my interview and at least six candidate forums, asks why Dr. McKenna won’t respond to the Deasy School Report?: