Severe Need Breakfast Reimbursement in the SBP
This Management Bulletin supersedes MB SNP-03-2016 clarifying severe need
breakfast reimbursement eligibility.
20 minutes ago
byLaura ClawsonFollowforDaily Kos Labor
The New York Times' Michael Winerip asks why, with the Office of the Inspector General in the Department of Education "investigating whether Washington school officials cheated to raise test scores during Ms. Rhee’s tenure," Secretary of Education Arne Duncan would think it appropriate to join a panel also featuring Rhee to discuss, of all things, "the use of education data."
Mr. Duncan doesn’t think [there's a problem], according to his spokesman, Justin Hamilton. “It’s irresponsible for a New York Times columnist to presume guilt before we have all the facts,” Mr. Hamilton wrote in an e-mail. “Our inspector general is