Here's how we do it in Chicago.A conversation with Karen Lewis, CTU president and Jitu Brown, education organizer for the Kenwood Oakland Community Organization (KOCO), narrated by SOS National Steering Committee member Dr. Michael Klonsky.
We Come Together in the Fight for Education Rights
In May 2012, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's teacher contract offer was denounced as an "insult."
"On every issue, they offered counters to his "reform" agenda of privatization, charter schools, longer school day,and test-based teacher evaluation....After more than 4,000 CTU members poured out of the Congress Theater, they were joined by rallying supporters across the street in Grant Park, with the groups merging into a sea of red-shirted marchers. As they proceeded up Michigan Ave. and then west on Adams, they were greeted with signs of support from onlookers -- a group of custodians, some medical techs, hard-hatted construction workers and retail clerks. Even the mayor's bike cops, many of whom had been used against the anti-NATO demonstrators on Saturday, now were wearing CTU buttons and posing for pictures hugging union marchers.
As the current negotiations move into high gear, Rahm would do well not to underestimate the level of solidarity and commitment on the part of the teachers. I didn't find any who wanted a strike. But neither did I find any who weren't ready to walk if pushed to the wall." ~ Mike Klonsky
We Can Fight Together for Education Rights Nationwide!
Let Us Save Our Schools
In Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and Denver. In Florida, Michigan, and Wisconsin too, in cities and the countywide, we can build a fighting teachers union with parent and community support. We will discuss how. When?
Save Our Schools WebinarBuild a United Teachers Union with Local Support
with Karen Lewis, Jitu Brown
and Narrator Dr Michael Klonsky
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
9 PM Eastern Daylight Time [EDT]
Of course to get the fullest measure of unity you can join us in D.C. Write the People's Education Platform. Speak with Civil and Human Rights Advocates as well as Education experts. Shanta Driver, Nancy Carlsson-Paige, Deborah Meier and Rose Sanders, will speak and share at the SOS People's Education Convention this coming August 3-5 at the beautiful Marriot-Wardman Hotel in Washington, DC. Click here to registerfor the SOS Convention - and we'll see you online this Tuesday the 17th at the SOS Webinar!