Why some LAUSD teachers are balking at a new approach to discipline problems - LA Times
Why some LAUSD teachers are balking at a new approach to discipline problems - LA Times: Why some LAUSD teachers are balking at a new approach to discipline problems In a South Los Angeles classroom, a boy hassles a girl. The teacher moves him to the back of the room, where he scowls, makes a paper airplane and repeatedly throws it against the wall. Two other boys wander around the class and then
LA Unified teachers: Suspension ban creating unruly classes | 89.3 KPCC
LA Unified teachers: Suspension ban creating unruly classes | 89.3 KPCC: LA Unified teachers: Suspension ban creating unruly classesTeachers in the nation's second largest school district say a new policy aimed at reducing suspensions is also having another effect: More unruly students in their classrooms.The Los Angeles Times reports teachers blame Los Angeles Unified School District for failing
Use edtech to maximize collaboration and creativity, not pacify learners and collect data | Johnathan Chase
Use edtech to maximize collaboration and creativity, not pacify learners and collect data | Johnathan Chase | LinkedIn: Use edtech to maximize collaboration and creativity, not pacify learners and collect dataWith the Common Core’s emphasis on data-driven instruction there is a misguided focus on using technology to deliver content and collect data rather than cultivate learning and stimulate cogn
Reflections on Teaching » Are you offended?
Reflections on Teaching » Blog Archive » Are you offended?:Are you offended?A recent case of mistaking biology for pornography has hit education. It’s not the first time folks have gotten worked up about exposing the children to unwholesomeness. When I saw this I recalled an interesting moments in my classroom that I had recently.We’re studying human body systems, so I had to give my class the tal
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Ask the Mayor, Ask the Governor
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Ask the Mayor, Ask the Governor: Ask the Mayor, Ask the GovernorHave any burning public education questions for either man? Both are participating in "ask me" forums.MayorAsk Mayor Murray about the issues that matter most to you. This month, KUOW host Marcie Sillman will sit down with the mayor to discuss city issues on Seattle Channel’s Ask the Mayor, w
A Teacher’s Tale recalls urban school troubles and offers ideas for reform | Oklahoma Gazette
A Teacher’s Tale recalls urban school troubles and offers ideas for reform | Oklahoma Gazette - Linkis.com: A Teacher’s Tale recalls urban school troubles and offers ideas for reformDr. John Thompson is known for sharing countless stories from his teaching days at John Marshall High School in blog posts and newspaper columns.The retired educator doesn’t write the stories to reminisce or complain a
CURMUDGUCATION: How Assessment Ruins Standards
CURMUDGUCATION: How Assessment Ruins Standards: How Assessment Ruins StandardsLong time readers know that I do not subscribe to the whole "The standards are swell; it's just those evil tests that screw everything up" school of thought. I think there are plenty of reasons to oppose national standards no matter what standards they are, and plenty of reasons to believe that no set of nation
New Jersey Eighth-grader Has an ELA Assignment on Contracting Herpes from a One Night Stand | deutsch29
New Jersey Eighth-grader Has an ELA Assignment on Contracting Herpes from a One Night Stand | deutsch29: New Jersey Eighth-grader Has an ELA Assignment on Contracting Herpes from a One Night StandOn Tuesday, November 03, 2015, an eighth grader brought the following teacher-made assignment home from his language arts class at Myron L. Powell Elementary School in Cedarville, New Jersey (click on ima
Louisiana Educator: Online Charters. .. . One of the Worst Ways to Spend our School Taxes!
Louisiana Educator: Online Charters. .. . One of the Worst Ways to Spend our School Taxes!: Online Charters. .. . One of the Worst Ways to Spend our School Taxes!A new study by CREDO, the Center for Research on Education Outcomes based at Stanford University, finds that students attending online charter schools across the nation perform at significantly lower levels than comparable students in tra
What in the fresh hell, another ‘viral’ teacher resignation? | @ THE CHALKFACE
What in the fresh hell, another ‘viral’ teacher resignation? | @ THE CHALKFACE: What in the fresh hell, another ‘viral’ teacher resignation?The viral Facebook post follows the same narrative. A teacher leaves her district by and large because of the following:Like many other teachers across the nation, I have become more and more disturbed by the misguided reforms taking place which are robbing my
South Korea: Tops in PISA and Suicide | deutsch29
South Korea: Tops in PISA and Suicide | deutsch29: South Korea: Tops in PISA and SuicideInscription on the Bridge of Life (Seoul, Korea): “Just go and see the person you miss.”In fall 2014, Eric Hanushek, Paul Peterson, and Ludger Woessmann of Education Next published an article entitled, “U.S. Students from Educated families Lag in International Tests.” The article includes three graphics ranking
The Nation’s “Best Test” Scores Released: Test-Based Policies (Evidently) Not Working | VAMboozled!
The Nation’s “Best Test” Scores Released: Test-Based Policies (Evidently) Not Working | VAMboozled!: The Nation’s “Best Test” Scores Released: Test-Based Policies (Evidently) Not WorkingFrom Diane Ravitch’s Blog (click here for direct link):Sometimes events happen that seem to be disconnected, but after a few days or weeks, the pattern emerges. Consider this: On October 2, [U.S.] Secretary of Educ
Unions file respondents’ brief in Supreme Court case that threatens working families - California Teachers Association
Unions file respondents’ brief in Supreme Court case that threatens working families - California Teachers Association: Unions file respondents’ brief in Supreme Court case that threatens working familiesFriedrichs v. CTA seeks to undermine public-sector collective bargainingWASHINGTON—The National Education Association and the California Teachers Association, together with a number of unions, tod
Schooling in the Ownership Society: UNO corruption just the 'tip of the iceberg'. Billions lost to waste, fraud and corruption annually in privately-run charters
Schooling in the Ownership Society: UNO corruption just the 'tip of the iceberg'. Billions lost to waste, fraud and corruption annually in privately-run charters: UNO corruption just the 'tip of the iceberg'. Billions lost to waste, fraud and corruption annually in privately-run chartersUNO boss Juan Rangel was Rahm Emanuel's campaign chairman in 2011. Chicago's $80-million/year UNO charter scand
So I listened to the candidates' forum I was disappointed on how little there was on education.
So I listened to the candidates' forum: So I listened to the candidates' forumyou read that right. I listened. I did not watch. About half an hour before it started the tube on our tv set died, but I still had sound.So I was listening to content and to tone of voice.I also listened to the approximately 15 minutes of discussion afterwards, lead by Chris Matthews. I have a few takeaways, and this
Arts education in all schools needs to be a priority and better funded, advocates say - LA Times
Arts education in all schools needs to be a priority and better funded, advocates say - LA Times: Arts education in all schools needs to be a priority and better funded, advocates sayL.A. Unified School District Arts Education Executive Director Rory Pullens, center, visits Normandie Elementary School. (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times)tting school districts on track to offer state-mandated arts progr
'Teachers Are Your Second Parents'
Teen Mom Shares Heart-Warming Photo of Her Teacher Holding Her Son: 'Teachers Are Your Second Parents' - Yahoo News: Teen Mom Shares Heart-Warming Photo of Her Teacher Holding Her Son: 'Teachers Are Your Second Parents'A single mom has paid tribute to her former teacher by posting a photo on Facebook of him holding her toddler son before her graduation.Kimmy Lopez, who is now 20, said she was an 1
Students in Utah call for transparency in Koch brother gifts - Yahoo News
Students in Utah call for transparency in Koch brother gifts - Yahoo News: Students in Utah call for transparency in Koch brother giftsSALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A group of students at Utah State University are calling for the institution to release information about money donated by the billionaire Koch brothers.Sophomore Diego Mendiola organized a protest Thursday calling on Utah State to be transpar
The 2014 teacher of the year says this is the secret to being a great teacher - Business Insider
The 2014 teacher of the year says this is the secret to being a great teacher - Business Insider: The 2014 teacher of the year says this is the secret to being a great teacherEveryone who stands at the head of a classroom has a different philosophy for how to do the job.For Sean McComb, the mantra is clear: "Love first, then teach."McComb should know. The Council of Chief State School Of
States are spending an average of $407.58 per day, and $148,767 per year, on juvenile incarceration
What Will $150K a Year Get Teens in Juvie? No Diploma - Yahoo News: What Will $150K a Year Get Teens in Juvie? No DiplomaA Michigan boy with ADHD handcuffed for acting out in class, a teen boy in Texas cuffed for building a clock at home, and a teenage girl in South Carolina slammed to the floor of a classroom by a school police officer. Thanks to zero-tolerance classroom discipline policies and t
The Average American Made This Much Last Year, by Level of Education -- How Do You Compare? -- The Motley Fool
The Average American Made This Much Last Year, by Level of Education -- How Do You Compare? -- The Motley Fool: The Average American Made This Much Last Year, by Level of Education -- How Do You Compare?The benefits of a degree are astounding over a lifetime.FOR THE AVERAGE AMERICAN, THROWING YOUR HAT IN THE AIR CAN MEAN A SIGNIFICANT BUMP IN INCOME.If you recently graduated from college -- or for
Vermont to parents: Don’t worry about your child’s Common Core test scores. They don’t mean much. - The Washington Post
Vermont to parents: Don’t worry about your child’s Common Core test scores. They don’t mean much. - The Washington Post: Vermont to parents: Don’t worry about your child’s Common Core test scores. They don’t mean much.It’s not common for education policymakers to tell parents that they can give short shrift to their child’s scores on Common Core standardized tests (or on pretty much any test, for
The Courier » NEA chief: Standardized tests alone don’t provide full picture of schools
The Courier » NEA chief: Standardized tests alone don’t provide full picture of schools: NEA chief: Standardized tests alone don’t provide full picture of schoolsChris Oaks spoke with Lily Eskelsen García, president of the National Education Association.Q: On Friday, you delivered a speech at the City Club of Cleveland on the subject of excellence in public education. But many have accused teacher
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 11/6/15
CORPORATE ED REFORMEARNING OUR PAY: Caprice Young: Don't rule out supporters for superintendent - LA School ReportCaprice Young: Don't rule out supporters for superintendent - LA School Report: EARNING OUR PAY: Caprice Young: Don't rule out supporters for superintendent Among the 43 people identified by the Los Angeles Times this week as potential candidates for LA Unified superintendent were near