Karen Lewis for Chicago mayor? Laughable

By Arlene Jones
Lastly why do I think a Karen Lewis candidacy is laughable? Because it stands for: Lewis' All-Chicago Unites Gays, Hispanics, Asians & Blacks: Loose Emanuel! L.A.U.G.H.A.B.L.E!
A recent poll for mayor had Toni Preckwinkle easily beating Rahm Emanuel for mayor. That is not a hard thing to imagine when one considers that the current mayor isn't popular with the majority of city residents. Truth is—he isn't a "real" Chicagoan. He spent his formative years in the suburbs, his children are too good to go to the Chicago Public Schools (CPS), and his ambitions are grander than just being the mayor of this hick town. So when Preckwinkle held a press conference and said she wasn't interested in running, I'm sure the mayor kissed the ground she walks on.
The next person who if the election were held who could win against the mayor was Karen Lewis. She is the feisty head of the Chicago Teachers Union and the woman who the mayor once told, "F U Lewis." Something I might add that he has been doing to the rest of us in this city—but I digress. There is no love lost between the two of them. Karen Lewis was raised in Chicago and went to CPS.
When the witty people on the mayor's staff were told of the poll results, their response was loud and clear: Laughable.
Now I must confess that I did agree with Rahm's staff. The image of a mayoral race featuring Karen Lewis vs. Rahm Emanuel did have me laughing. I was Karen Lewis for Chicago mayor? Laughable | Articles | News | AustinWeeklyNews.com: