The Civil Rights Lawsuit Against Betsy DeVos's High School Alma Mater

Title IX and Gender Equity Advocates—
As we await Betsy DeVos’s next move to weaken Title IX
enforcement, would you spread the word that her own high school alma mater,
Holland Christian Schools, is now being sued for violating Title IX? When
the US Secretary of Education’s own alma mater flouts its responsibilities
under Title IX we begin to understand the pervasive disregard for Title IX
compliance that includes the majority of public schools nationwide.
SSAIS today announces the lawsuit that directly stems from its
work with the survivor’s family.
You can help by:
- forwarding this email or the link to
- posting and tweeting the short
video SSAIS prepared about the lawsuit, DeVos, and OCR: Video link: or
- tweeting about the lawsuit. Please use the link to the video:
- sharing the press release link on the SSAIS
Media Inquiries page:
Suggested DeVos specific tweets:
Title IX enforcement K-12 is so lax that even @BetsyDeVosED’s alma mater has evaded the law. Now it’s being sued. #MeTooK12
Title IX also applies to private K-12 schools that receive
federal funding. But @BetsyDeVosED’s
alma mater doesn’t think so. That’s why it’s being sued for violating Title IX.
Doesn’t @BetsyDeVosED
think the students at her K-12 alma mater deserve to be protected by Title IX? After
all, it received over $660K in federal funds. Find out what the lawsuit means
private AND public school families. #MeTooK12
Betsy DeVos is proud of her high school alma mater, Holland
Christian School. Is she proud that they’re being sued for violating Title IX?
Isn’t it ironic that @BetsyDeVosED’s
alma mater, Holland Christian School, is being sued for violating Title IX?
SSAIS announces the lawsuit and explains its importance. #MeTooK12
Why doesn’t @BetsyDeVosED’s
alma mater know about Title IX? What does this mean for all students?
Find out why Holland Christian School is being sued. #MeTooK12
Private school specific tweets:
Private K-12 schools that receive federal funds often deprive
students of their Title IX rights. Confusing guidance from OCR is part of the
problem. Here’s why @BetsyDeVosED’s
alma mater is being sued. #MeTooK12
Private K-12 schools that receive federal funds often don’t know
their obligations under Title IX and deprive students of their rights. That’s
why @BetsyDeVosED’s
alma mater is being sued for violating Title IX. #MeTooK12
If Title IX is good enough for public schools, why isn’t it good
enough for @BetsyDeVosED’s
alma mater? SSAIS announces the lawsuit against Holland Christian Schools.
SSAIS specific tweets:
Betsy DeVos’s K-12 alma mater received over $660K from the US
Dept. of Agriculture. But the school flouts Title IX. Now they’re being sued
after the survivor learned her rights from SSAIS. @BetsyDeVosED #MeTooK12
After their daughter’s Title IX rights were violated in a public
high school, SSAIS helped another family sue Betsy @BetsyDeVosED’s alma mater, Holland Christian School. #MeTooK12
Link to video transcript:
Holland Christian Schools being sued for Title IX violations - News - Holland Sentinel - Holland, MI - on @hollandsentinel h/t Bill Ries-Knight (Steelhoof)
Holland Christian Schools being sued for Title IX violations - News - Holland Sentinel - Holland, MI - on @hollandsentinel h/t Bill Ries-Knight (Steelhoof)
Big Education Ape: To Understand Betsy DeVos’s Educational Views, View Her Education - The New York Times -
Big Education Ape: Mother Jones on Betsy DeVos’ Sheltered Background (and More) | deutsch29 -
Big Education Ape: Dutch Treat: Detsy DeVos and the Christian Schools Movement - LA Progressive -

Big Education Ape: Mother Jones on Betsy DeVos’ Sheltered Background (and More) | deutsch29 -