There Are Few Things As Reprehensible as a Scab

There is a special place in Hell for strikebreakers.
Some people kill. Some rape and steal.
But only a filthy, disgusting scab can do all of that in one.
When you take someone else’s job, you’re stealing their bargaining power, killing the community’s chances for their kids, and – yes – raping children who never asked for you, never wanted you, only wanted their teacher back after the strike is over.
This week as 30,000 teachers at Los Angeles Unified School District walked out demanding support for their students and their professions, a few slimy worms have crossed the picket line to keep some of the district’s 900 schools open.
Most parents have kept their children home, but some don’t have that choice. And the district is trying to use that opportunity to justify larger class sizes and fewer resources. While sitting on $2 billion in the bank, they pull out their pockets and play dumb. In the richest state in the country, they want you to believe there isn’t enough money to waste on children.
At least not on these black and brown children!
And whether they mean to or not, the craven, no account, flatulent scabs back them up 100%.
According to the LA Times, the district has students cloistered in holding areas while administrators tell them to fill in workbooks or go on their cell phones or iPads to CONTINUE READING: There Are Few Things As Reprehensible as a Scab | gadflyonthewallblog