Saving Public Ryan
There’s nothing more dangerous than a first year TFAer who is having an easy time. And don’t tell them that they’re having an easy time or they will protest that it is not easy, but actually the toughest thing they’ve ever done in their lives. But the fact is that although most new TFAers are struggling to control their classes and around 10% won’t even complete their first year, a few fortunate souls, for various reasons, have first years that are relatively good.
Ryan Heisinger is a 2013 TFA corps member who I’m on quite friendly terms with. I first became aware of him over a year ago when I critiqued a pro-TFA blog post he had written. At the time Heisinger was a campus representative for TFA and also the leader of the SFER (Students For Education Reform) chapter at the University of Maryland. Heisinger and I have kept in touch through e-mail he has been a guest on two of my rare Spreecast talk shows here
and here
. and I sometimes tease him on Twitter, all in good fun. He seems to be able to take it much better than another first year who I think I might have inadvertently traumatized.

Communicating with people online is an unusual experience since you don’t get to see the person and read their facial expressions. Whether you’re communicating with a someone who is nineteen or someone who is eighty, there is something about seeing black letters on a white screen that is, to me, some kind of great equalizer — minds communicating free of some of the distractions of the terrestrial world. I realize that not everyone on the Internet sees it like I do so I suppose that it can be a bit strange for a young teacher to be receiving pointed Twitter