Detroit's Teach For America Recruits Stuck In Middle Of Broader Battle

When corporations avoid paying taxes, public education gets shortchanged.
NEA Research has created a series of charts that reflect the cost – in lost federal dollars for education – of corporate tax avoidance based on Citizens for Tax Justice’s analysis. The charts cover:
See The Cost of Corporate Tax Avoidance for more information. - Mainstream media outlets like Huffington would rather focus on the circus instead of the substance. The press, including Huffington Post, got all in a tizzy about a video of Chicago Teachers Union ... - “I love my job,” Secretary Duncan said at the close of yesterday’s second #AskArne Twitter Town Hall, moderated by education journalist John Merrow. Merrow covered a wide-range of education topics ... - This is the second in a series of three posts about charter schools. Here is the first part. As discussed in a previous post, there is a fairly well-developed body of evidence showing that charter ... - Twenty years of reform efforts and programs targeting low-income families in Chicago Public Schools has only widened the performance gap between white and African-American students, a troubling tre... - Newt Gingrich is beginning to feel the inevitable glare of the spotlight that follows a rise of fortunes in the presidential sweepstakes.Bloomberg News reported Tuesday night that Mr. Gingrich rece...
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Posted: 11/16/11 10:32 PM ET
When Brenda Belcher, principal of the new Benjamin Carson High School of Science and Medicine, interviewed Mo Torres this past summer for a position teaching Spanish, he seemed like a good fit.
"It was a match," Belcher recalled in a phone interview on a recent busy Friday. "I just felt it."
What Belcher found out only later is that Torres is no ordinary teacher. He's a corps member with Teach for America, a nationwide alternate certification program that has drawn 200 young teachers with mostly no experience and little training to Detroit over the past year and a half as part of the organization's second shot at success in the Motor City.
TFA Detroit members teach both in traditional public schools and in charter schools. They are the