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Photo Galleries - DENVER -- Former President George W. Bush paid tribute to Get Smart Schools, a local education reform nonprofit, in brief comments after a roundtable discussion there Thursday morning.After a 30-mi...

Success Charter's Co-Location in District 15 Faces Hurdles - Success Charter Network founder and former Councilmember Eva Moskowitz faces multiple hurdles in her attempt to open a K-8 charter school in the Cobble Hill/ Boerum Hill area next fall. One potenti...

Students visit Occupy L.A. for lesson in democracy - About 30 schoolchildren took a field trip Tuesday afternoon – not to the aquarium – but rather to City Hall, the epicenter of Occupy Los Angeles. The fifth- through eighth-grade students from Sequo...

Schools | Detroit Public Schools grapple with crowded classes - Last Updated: October 19. 2011 1:47PM Jennifer Chambers/ The Detroit News Detroit — Every day, Donnie Hodges totes his backpack into Nolan Elementary School and heads for kindergarten class — searc...

Study Warns School Closings Unlikely to Raise Much Cash - ByKristen A. Graham, The Philadelphia Inquirer (MCT)As it prepares for large-scale school closings, the Philadelphia School District must brace itself for a painful process that probably won't gene...

Chicago math and science scores worst ever - Duncan rode the myth of the Chicago "miracle" all the way to D.C.It's been 16 years since Mayor Richard M. Daley took control of Chicago's school system, bringing with him a school-reform agenda fo...

Elite Club or Catalyst for Change? - Published Online: October 18, 2011Published in Print: October 19, 2011, as Broad Prize: Do the Successes Spread?When the Broad Prize for Urban Education was created in 2002, billionaire philanthrop...

Chicago math and science scores worst ever - Duncan rode the myth of the Chicago "miracle" all the way to D.C.It's been 16 years since Mayor Richard M. Daley took control of Chicago's school system, bringing with him a school-reform agenda fo...

Rahm's model district is in shambles - Mayor Emanuel and schools chief Brizard have been touting Houston, Texas as the model for their longer school day campaign. "If you start in the Chicago Public School system in kindergarten," offer...

High Teacher Turnover at a Success Network School – SchoolBook - Oct. 19, 2011, 1:28 p.m. More than a third of the staff members at a Harlem charter school run by the Success Charter Network have left the school within the last several months, challenging an org...

If You Believe in Miracles, Don't Read This - Bridging Differences - Dear Deborah, Last June, I wrote an op-ed for The New York Times disputing the idea of "miracle schools." With the assistance of two volunteer researchers, Gary Rubinstein and Noel Hammatt, I learn...

Education Secretary Arne Duncan: will serve as long as Obama wants him. In Chicago Thursday. - WASHINGTON--With White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley, Sec. of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Transportation Sec. Ray LaHood saying they will leave at the end of the term, Education Secretary Ar...

Protesters get personal to embarrass city's titans - It's been a rough few weeks for the city's billionaires, bankers and corporate board members.As the Occupy Wall Street movement has gained steam, the city's well-heeled have become the target of pr...

How could a rewrite of NCLB scrap teacher evaluations? - POLITICS MAKES FOR strange bedfellows, but Senate Republicans doing the bidding of teachers’ unions is particularly unexpected. That, though, is what happened when an important provision on teacher...

Occupy the Classroom - Occupy Wall Street is shining a useful spotlight on one of America’s central challenges, the inequality that leaves the richest 1 percent of Americans with a greater net worth than the entire botto...

OCCUPY EDUCATION - This is a collection of adults and children's messages that challenge public school to become something more than it is - messages that dare public school to serve students' passions instead of pol...

Verizon Workers To Join #OWS Friday - Popular This WeekOctober 19, 2011October 18, 2011more» Also Worth ReadingNo related links for this issue category. Tomorrow (Friday) as many as 1,000 Verizon workers will march with Occupy Wall St...

The Education Edition (Part 1) « Cooperative Catalyst - I am very happy to say that I spent my weekend occupying Wall Street. During this time, I had the amazing opportunity to speak with people who are not only angry, but hopeful. They are individuals ...

10 consequences of state cuts to public higher education « RESTRUCTURING Public Hi Ed - Posted: October 9, 2011 | Author: Teri Yamada | Filed under: politics, public higher education, state budget | Tags: defunding education, MPR, state budget, tuition | MPR reporter Alex Friedrich bl...

Educators, police officers take part in anti-bullying workshop - A student calls a classmate a loser, a nerd or teacher’s pet. Is that something that needs to be handled under the state’s new law against harassment, bullying and intimidation? That was one of the...

Dear Mr. Mulshine – Please check your “facts” « School Finance 101 - I was reading this column by Paul Mushine yesterday in which Mr. Mulshine opines about the exorbitant property taxes being paid by our Governor. Now, personally, I’d prefer to keep our Governor out...

Teacher who sparred with Christie runs for office - Ben Smith - October 20, 2011 Marie Corfield, a New Jersey teacher whose clash with Chris Christie at a town hall meeting made big headlines, is running for N.J. state assembly: Then came a phone call from Joey...

Occupy the Classroom - Occupy Wall Street is shining a useful spotlight on one of America’s central challenges, the inequality that leaves the richest 1 percent of Americans with a greater net worth than the entire botto...

QUESTIONABLE RESEARCH « Teachers Fight Back - QUESTIONABLE RESEARCH « Teachers Fight Back:QUESTIONABLE RESEARCHby alkleenI was reading an AARP magazine and saw a small article about the lack of civics knowledge among American eighth graders. ...

Dallas ISD Superintendent Michael Hinojosa could take top job at Cobb County schools in Georgia | Dallas ISD Blog - By MATTHEW HAAG and TAWNELL D. HOBBSDallas ISD Superintendent Michael Hinojosa is a finalist for the superintendent of Georgia's Cobb County School district, sources say.The school district, the st...

State to develop kindergarten test as part of Early Learning bid - Starting in 2014, children will have to take a test when they start kindergarten, according to a commitment New York State has made to boost its chance of winning up to $100 million in the federal ...

Citing “abuses,” teachers union says it is wearying on eval talks - The teachers union is threatening to curb its efforts toward new teacher evaluations if the Department of Education doesn’t remind principals again that the old evaluation system is still in place....

Jersey Jazzman: False Gods Are Not Appeased By Human Sacrifices - Jersey Jazzman: False Gods Are Not Appeased By Human Sacrifices:False Gods Are Not Appeased By Human Sacrificesby DukeI noticed a few folks today beating up Andrew "Eduwonk" Rotherman on the Twitte...

Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » Senate committee debate on ESEA moves ahead; hearing set for 11-8 - Update stories from Ed Week here and here on the status of ESEA in the Senate HELP committee, which has set a hearing on the proposal for November 8: …the bill’s sponsors, Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, ...

ESEA moving in HELP committee « Parents Across America - ESEA moving in HELP committee « Parents Across America:ESEA moving in HELP committeeby pureparentsUpdate stories from Ed Week here and here on the status of ESEA in the Senate HELP committee, which...

Race To The Top Early Education Challenge Receives Applications From 35 States, D.C. And Puerto Rico - The U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services announced today that 35 states, Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico have submitted applications for the Race to the Top Early Learning Ch...

Working Group Proposal for Communication & Networking | Occupy Together #ows - Working Group Proposal for Communication & Networking | Occupy Together:Working Group Proposal for Communication & NetworkingOctober 20th, 2011 · Ella · AnnouncementsNo commentsPeople are occupying...

Beaverton School District seeks local option levy to maintain programs, class sizes - BEAVERTON -- At least a few grumblers are out there when it comes to the Beaverton School District Local Option Levy, but they appear to be outnumbered by supporters. So far, no one has organized a...

Panel talks about education reform in communities of color - According to data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, Black and Hispanic 17-year-olds are achieving math at the level of White 13-year-olds. This is just one shocking statistic ab...

Newly announced group wants a say in DISD's superintendent search | Dallas ISD Blog - A recently announced group, called the Coalition for an Accountable System of Education (CASE), has come out with a list of desired characteristics for Dallas ISD's next superintendent.The group, w...

Quick Hits (10.20.11) - ESEA continues. A number of amendments have been approved – and ditched – during today’s Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) committee meeting. At the time we posted this, senators...

Rappin' Randi: While Schools Decay, We Can't Turn Away #EDreform - Randi Weingarten: While Schools Decay, We Can't Turn Away:Randi WeingartenPresident, American Federation of TeachersGET UPDATES FROM RANDI WEINGARTENLike61While Schools Decay, We Can't Turn AwayPos...

New caution for US universities overseas - It's a modern version of the quest for "gold, God and glory" that drove explorers overseas in centuries past. For the last decade, American college presidents have been obsessed with expanding abro...

Occupy North Dakota - They're Hiring - North Dakota is booming, flush with oil and jobs Protesters at Occupy Wall Street may not have a coherent list of demands but they have one central, unifying theme: jobs. More precisely, the lack o...

Occupy Wall Street and the Awakening in America: “Making petrified conditions dance by singing them their own tune.” - From Ken Knabb and the Bureau of Public SecretsTHE AWAKENING IN AMERICA (Analysis of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement)“A radical situation is a collec...

High School Dropout Rates For Minority And Poor Students Disproportionately High - Debate over the No Child Left Behind revision continues on the Senate floor as lawmakers attempt to find middle ground on how the education law should be changed, and how it can best serve students...

Early-Learning Race to Top Contests: 35 State Applicants - Politics K-12 - By guest blogger Sean CavanaghThirty-five states, plus the District of Columbia, are vying for a piece of the $500 million Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge, a competition meant to spawn inn...

Parents Push for More Opportunities for Special Ed Students – SchoolBook - Oct. 20, 2011, 3:01 p.m. Crammed on the water-slick steps of Tweed Courthouse on Wednesday, dozens of parents tried to elbow their way through the glass doors and past security, all vying for the c...

Stop The Spectra Pipeline | Meet-Up at Liberty Square at 5 P.M. For Die-In at P.S. 41 - OWS is fighting to strengthen democracy, and to end the domination of big money interests. Fracking is a clear example of how the power of money trumps common sense and controls our democracy. Frac...

In Denver, Bush touts school leadership - Editor’s note: This story was written by our partners at KUSA 9News. Former President George W. Bush says he continues to have a “great passion” for education even though he considers himself to on...

HechingerEd Blog | Studies point to principal training as ‘cost - Often in reform efforts focused on teacher effectiveness, principals are overlooked. Two new studies examining the National Institute for School Leadership, a for-profit company that works in 19 st...

Save Seattle Schools Community Blog: History of Charter Schools; Second in the Series - Save Seattle Schools Community Blog: History of Charter Schools; Second in the Series:History of Charter Schools; Second in the Seriesby Melissa WestbrookTo note; again, not hugely comprehensive bu...

Hoy en la Semana de la Educación - No te pierdas la programación de hoy por Univision. - Thinkstock LLC/Picture Quest Hoy, jueves 20 de octubre, el tema central es "Recursos financieros y aplicaciones para college", como parte de la...

Navigating Technology and Art at a School of Contradictions - In the 19th Century, the London Bridge was a marvel of technology and an example of artistic creativity, and nearly a century later, one innovative American town dismantled the original masonry of ...

Potato farmers vs. school kids - The Answer Sheet - No longer will I think of Dan Quayle when the admittedly obscure subject of potatoes and schools arises. (Remember when he, the vice president, misspelled potato at an elementary school in 1992, pu...