Public education, oh how we love to hate it. From the endless standardized testing to the budget cuts that leave our schools looking like they were decorated by a hoarder, it's no wonder we're all a little bit skeptical of the system. But have you ever wondered how public education got so screwed up? Let me give you a hint: it involves billionaires and their thirst for power.
The oligarchy of billionaires has all the money in the world to make things happen. They can buy politicians, buy marketing and research, and convince us all that their way is the only way. And what do they want? To defund colleges and schools at the state level, harass teachers and their unions, and break up communities. And they've been pretty successful at it too.
One of their most successful tactics is the Broad Superintendent's Academy. This program, founded in 2002 by the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation, trains and supports aspiring superintendents. And when I say "supports," I mean they throw money at them until they do their bidding.
The program is highly competitive, with an acceptance rate of around 10%. But once you're in, you're in for a wild ride. You'll learn about educational leadership, policy, and finance. You'll get internships and executive coaching. And you'll be indoctrinated into the oligarchy's way of thinking.
But don't take my word for it. Check out Diane Ravitch's exposé, "Slaying Goliath: The Passionate Resistance to Privatization and the Fight to Save America's Public Schools." It tells the stories of individuals and groups who are resisting the privatization of public schools.
If you've ever seen closed schools, teacher strikes, or parents protesting at school board meetings, you've probably experienced the joy of having a Broad Academy superintendent. And if you haven't, just wait. They're coming for your school district next.
But don't worry, the Broad Foundation has our best interests at heart. That's why they moved the program to Yale University in 2019, following a $100 million gift from philanthropist Eli Broad. Because nothing says "we care about public education" like co-opting academia and advancing your own political agenda.
Some critics have argued that the move to Yale is a sign that the Broad Center is trying to legitimize its education reform efforts. Others have argued that it's just a way to give the program access to Yale's resources. But let's be real, we all know what's really going on here.
The Broad Superintendent's Academy has trained over 1,300 superintendents, of whom over 1,000 are currently employed in education. So if your superintendent seems a little too eager to privatize your school district, chances are they're a Broad Academy graduate.
But don't worry, there are other programs that train superintendents too. And let's not forget that superintendents come and go. They retire, they resign, they get fired. It's a revolving door of incompetence.
So next time you're wondering why public education is so screwed up, just remember: it's all thanks to the oligarchy of billionaires and their thirst for power. And if you want to fight back, join the passionate resistance to privatization and the fight to save America's public schools. Or at least bring some popcorn to the next school board meeting. It's sure to be a wild ride.
The Broad Superintendent's Academy moved to Yale University in 2019, following a $100 million gift from philanthropist Eli Broad. The program, which was founded in 2002, trains and supports aspiring superintendents.
According to the Broad Center at Yale, the program has trained over 1,300 superintendents, of whom over 1,000 are currently employed in education. This includes superintendents in large urban districts, as well as smaller, rural districts.
The Broad Superintendent's Academy is a highly competitive program, with an acceptance rate of around 10%. The program is one year long and includes a mix of coursework, internships, and executive coaching. Fellows in the program learn about a variety of topics, including educational leadership, policy, and finance.
The Broad Superintendent's Academy has been praised for its rigorous training and its focus on diversity. However, it has also been criticized for its close ties to the Broad Foundation, which has been accused of promoting privatization and other market-based reforms in education.
**Here are some additional insights about the Broad Superintendent's Academy move to Yale:**
- * The move to Yale was seen as a way to legitimize the Broad Center's education reform efforts and to give the program access to Yale's resources.
- * Some critics have argued that the move to Yale is a sign that the Broad Center is trying to co-opt academia and to advance its own political agenda.
- * Others have argued that the move to Yale is a positive development, as it will give the Broad Superintendent's Academy access to Yale's world-class faculty and facilities.
**Here are some additional insights about the number of superintendents trained by the Broad Superintendent's Academy and the number that are currently employed in education:**
- * The Broad Superintendent's Academy has trained over 1,300 superintendents, of whom over 1,000 are currently employed in education.
- * This means that the Broad Superintendent's Academy has made a significant contribution to the pipeline of superintendents in the United States.
- * However, it is important to note that the Broad Superintendent's Academy is just one of many programs that trains superintendents.
- * Additionally, it is important to note that the number of superintendents who are employed in education changes over time, as superintendents retire, resign, or move on to other jobs.
Overall, the Broad Superintendent's Academy is a significant player in the field of superintendent training. The program has trained over 1,300 superintendents, of whom over 1,000 are currently employed in education. The program has been praised for its rigorous training and its focus on diversity. However, it has also been criticized for its close ties to the Broad Foundation, which has been accused of promoting privatization and other market-based reforms in education.
Here is some information about the Broad Superintendent's Academy, its move to Yale, and the number of superintendents trained and employed in education:
- - The Broad Superintendent's Academy (BSA) is a program that trains current and aspiring leaders of urban public school systems in the United States. It was founded in 2002 by the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation, a philanthropic organization that supports education reform initiatives. The BSA claims to prepare its participants for the challenges and opportunities of leading large, complex, and diverse school districts. The BSA is not accredited by any educational institution or agency, and its curriculum is not publicly available¹².
- - In December 2019, the Broad Foundation announced that it would invest $100 million to move the BSA and its parent organization, the Broad Center, to Yale University's School of Management (SOM). The move was intended to create a new entity called the Broad Center at Yale SOM, which would offer a free master's degree program in public education management and advanced leadership training for top school system executives. The new center would also conduct research, policy analysis, and convenings on public education issues³⁴.
- - According to the Broad Center's website, over 150 BSA fellows have served as superintendents or chief executives of local and state systems, and over 70 are currently serving in system leader roles. However, some of these graduates have faced criticism, controversy, and resistance from teachers, parents, students, and community members in their districts. Some have also resigned or been fired after short tenures or poor performance¹⁵. A list of all known BSA graduates can be found here⁶.
Bing, 9/19/2023
- (1) AASA | American Association of School Administrators. https://www.aasa.org/SchoolAdministratorArticle.aspx?id=6636.
- (2) . https://bing.com/search?q=The+Broad+Superintendent%27s+Academy.
- (3) Eli Broad’s Superintendent Academy Goes Ivy League. https://capitalandmain.com/eli-broads-superintendent-academy-ivy-league-1208.
- (4) The Broad Center | The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation. https://broadfoundation.org/grantees/the-broad-center/.
- (5) Defend Public Education! - The Broad Superintendents Academy. https://www.pa-sos.org/the-broad-superintendents-acad/.
- (6) The Broad Center | Yale School of Management. https://som.yale.edu/centers/the-broad-center.
- (7) The Broad Network | Yale School of Management. https://som.yale.edu/centers/the-broad-center/the-network.
- (8) About The Broad Center at Yale SOM | Yale School of Management. https://som.yale.edu/centers/the-broad-center/about-the-broad-center.
- (9) Meet the Broad Superintendents | Diane Ravitch's blog. https://dianeravitch.net/2013/08/15/meet-the-broad-superintendents/.
- (10) Boot Camp for Education CEOs - Rethinking Schools. https://rethinkingschools.org/articles/boot-camp-for-education-ceos-the-broad-foundation-superintendents-academy/.
- (11) undefined. http://www.broadacademy.org/fellows/map.html.
- (12) undefined. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadlands_School.