James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."

SPECIAL Mid Day Banana Break 9-11-14 #edchat #edreform
Big Education Ape - Mid Day Banana BreakThe teaching profession is becoming less gray and less green, but more teachers are leaving poor schoolsMuch ink has been devoted to the teaching profession’s increasingly gray and green complexion — the profusion of teachers at the two extremes of the age spectrum. There are lots of veteran teachers older than 50. Meanwhile, school systems have hired hundre
NEA President Salutes Florida Educators For Focusing on the Whole Child | NEA Today
NEA President Salutes Florida Educators For Focusing on the Whole Child | NEA Today: NEA President Salutes Florida Educators For Focusing on the Whole ChildSeptember 11, 2014 by twalker Filed under Featured News, Top StoriesBy Brenda ÁlvarezNEA President Lily Eskelsen García traveled to Florida this past week (Sep. 4-5) as part of the Association’s Back-to-School tour, where she visited schools i
So There’s A Moratorium. Now What? | Taking Note
So There’s A Moratorium. Now What? | Taking Note: So There’s A Moratorium. Now What?by JOHN MERROW on 11. SEP, 2014 in 2014 BLOGS, COMMON CORE Those seeking a moratorium on using high stakes tests to judge teachers seem to have gotten what they asked for. What happens now?Remember that a “moratorium” is nothing more than ‘a suspension of activity.’ It does not imply any pro-active behavior or a r
Embrace The Common Core – IQ2 Debates For the Motion: Carmel Martin, Michael Petrilli Against the Motion: Carol Burris, Frederick Hess
Embrace The Common Core – IQ2 Debates: Illustration by Thomas JamesTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2014In K-12 education, there is nothing more controversial than the Common Core State Standards, national academic standards in English and math. Adopted by more than 40 states, they were developed, in part, to address concerns that American students were falling behind their foreign counterparts and graduati
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Byrd-Bennett promised not to close any more schools. But that doesn't mean she can't militarize them.
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Byrd-Bennett promised not to close any more schools. But that doesn't mean she can't militarize them.: Byrd-Bennett promised not to close any more schools. But that doesn't mean she can't militarize them.Study war no more...?The Sun-Times reports:No teachers teach in this school. No students are enrolled. It has nearly no budget. The principal sits miles away in anot
New York Times Ignored Teacher Input on Eva Moskowitz | Daniel Katz, Ph.D.
New York Times Ignored Teacher Input on Eva Moskowitz | Daniel Katz, Ph.D.: New York Times Ignored Teacher Input on Eva MoskowitzThe September 7th New York Times Magazine ran a story by Daniel Bergner called “The Battle for New York Schools: Eva Moskowitz vs. Mayor Bill de Blasio”. Bergner’s piece reads as an astonishing piece of hagiography to appear in the paper of record, ignoring any substant
Louisiana Educator: Higher Student Expectations?
Louisiana Educator: Higher Student Expectations?: Higher Student Expectations?What is an acceptable level of performance for an 8th grade math student? All public school teachers are required to set student learning targets (SLTs) each year for each classroom of students. Where should the passing scores be set and what is an acceptable level of student failure? One good point of reference should b
9-11-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): Morning Read: LA Unified board enforces email deletion ruleMorning Read: LA Unified board enforces email deletion rule L.A. school board approves contract to destroy emails after a year The Los Angeles Unified School District took steps this week to enforce rules under which emails are deleted after one y
9-11-14 Curmudgucation - Forever Less Than, Frederick Douglass, and No Excuses
CURMUDGUCATION: Forever Less Than, Frederick Douglass, and No ExcusesMy esteemed colleague and exceptional citizen journalist over at Edushyster has an interview up that is well worth your time to read.She talks to Joan Goodman, director of the TFA program at U Penn, about the no excuse charters of Philadelphia (among other things, the piece is a reminder that we can not knee-jerkingly sort good g
New Testing Makes No Sense | The Crucial Voice of the People
New Testing Makes No Sense | The Crucial Voice of the People: New Testing Makes No Sense Two “Super Supers” came to Idaho to bring us their wisdom. It is always good to listen to the voices of experience; it helps clarify things. It certainly threw light on some issues for me.Dr. David P. Driscoll (MA) and Dr. Eric Smith (FL) were brought to Idaho by the Albertson Foundation, which has been financ
Principals’ Perspectives on Value-Added |
Principals’ Perspectives on Value-Added |: Principals’ Perspectives on Value-AddedPrincipals are not using recent teacher evaluation data, including data from value-added assessment systems, student surveys, and other student achievement indicators, to inform decisions about hiring, placements, and professional development, according to findings from a research study recently released by researche
Lecker: Our real national standards - StamfordAdvocate
Lecker: Our real national standards - StamfordAdvocate: Lecker: Our real national standardsWe now know that the fiction that the Common Core State Standards are nationally agreed-upon standards that grew from some grassroots movement in the states is manufactured hype. It is now broadly understood that these standards were developed behind closed doors under the direction of two private organizati
Morning Wink 9-11-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSWe coddle bad cops, vilify good teachers - Salon.comWe coddle bad cops, vilify good teachers - Salon.com: We coddle bad cops, vilify good teachersWe defer to cops even when they kill, and scapegoat schools for the ills America has given up on. This must changePAUL ROSENBERG Matt Damon as Colin Sullivan in "The Departed" (Credit: Warner Bros. Ente
We coddle bad cops, vilify good teachers - Salon.com
We coddle bad cops, vilify good teachers - Salon.com: We coddle bad cops, vilify good teachersWe defer to cops even when they kill, and scapegoat schools for the ills America has given up on. This must changePAUL ROSENBERG Matt Damon as Colin Sullivan in "The Departed" (Credit: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.)The killing of Michael Brown brought a great many things into focus — so many t
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-11-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Frank Breslin: A Moral Vision of SchoolingThese days we seem to have forgotten what schools are for. Our national leaders see them only as economic institutions, preparing students for careers and college. Business leaders see them as workplace training. Frank Breslin, a retired high school teacher of German, Latin, and history, ha
9-11-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: We coddle bad cops, vilify good teachers - Salon.comWe defer to cops even when they kill, and scapegoat schools for the ills America has given up on. This must change ---Paul RosenbergIn my inept manner, I've been trying to make this point. Teachers: Wear Blue Handcuffs on Tuesday to Suppor...Thanks to Vera for coming to my rescue: Vera Pavone: Why there must be accountability for
K-12 Leaders & Laggards Circa 2014: How the States Are Doing :: Frederick M. Hess
K-12 Leaders & Laggards Circa 2014: How the States Are Doing :: Frederick M. Hess: K-12 Leaders & Laggards Circa 2014: How the States Are Doingby Frederick M. Hess • Sep 11, 2014 at 10:04 amCross-posted from Education Week Print Send RSS ShareToday the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is releasing its 2014 report Leaders & Laggards: A State-by-State Report Card on K-12 Educational Effectiven
9-11-14 Wait What? - CEA Education Forum 2014 – September 13, 2014
Wait What?: CEA Education Forum 2014 – September 13, 2014The Connecticut Education Association will be holding their forum with the gubernatorial candidates on Saturday, September 13, 2014 with a follow up CEA Political Action Committee meeting scheduled for September 17, 2014. Having fallen short on the number of signatures needed to qualify for the November ballot, I will not be participating, b
9-11-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: 1,700 Categorized Links For IB Theory Of Knowledge Course© 2012 Chris Potter, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio As regular readers know, I’ve been accumulating teaching/learning resources for the International Baccalaureate Theory of Knowledge class ever since I began to teach it a few years ago. The collection is now up to nearly
9-11-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Chicago Tonight. Pension debate goes AWOL in the governor’s race.Click here for link to WTTW Chicago Tonight. There were Ralph Martire, Dan Montgomery, Bruce Dold and John Tillman to talk about pension reform and the Illinois Governor’s race on WTTW’s Chicago Tonight. Host Carol Marin laughingly calle
9-11-14 Answer Sheet
Answer Sheet: Kindergarten teacher: ‘There is a good possibility I will be fired but…’Teachers are increasingly speaking up about the onslaught of standardized tests that students in all grades — including kindergarten — are required to take in public schools today. Some are refusing to administer the tests, which can result in a teacher being dismissed for a breach of contract. Here is a letter
Shanker Blog » The Fatal Flaw Of Education Reform
Shanker Blog » The Fatal Flaw Of Education Reform: The Fatal Flaw Of Education ReformPosted by Matthew Di Carlo on September 11, 2014In the most simplistic portrayal of the education policy landscape, one of the “sides” is a group of people who are referred to as “reformers.” Though far from monolithic, these people tend to advocate for test-based accountability, charters/choice, overhauling teach
9-11-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: The District's Real ResponseThis is good news.It's beginning to look like Seattle Public Schools is finally going to take real action in response to the reported rape of November, 2012 and how that case exposed district failures in both prevention and response to sexual assault and harassment complaints. The real action from the District now includes improvements t
9-11-14 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter: The Common Core Dissertation on 9 + 6by Jim Horn / 1min hide // savePrimary Common Core Math Termsfrom Boerne County, TX ISD:2 by Jim Horn / 10min 9-10-14 Schools Matter All WeekSchools Matter: Outraged at the coreSent to the Washington Post, September 9, 2014The Post says that progressives are "uncomfortable with the role of the Gates foundation and new tests associated wit
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 9-11-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: Updated: LA SCHOOL BOARD TO RECONSIDER ITS EMAIL ARCHIVING POLICY by Annie Gilbertson| 89.3 KPCC | http://bit.ly/1owOzcV School board member Monica Ratliff in her former classroom at San Pedro Street Elementary. Rebecca Hill/KPCC September 10, 06:11 PM :: The Los Angeles Unified School District said Wednesday the board will revisit its email archiv
9-11-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: The California PAR Program- How Teachers Unions Have Collaborated in the Removal of Veteran Teachers and Helped “Whiten” The Teaching Profession
With A Brooklyn Accent: The California PAR Program- How Teachers Unions Have Collaborated in the Removal of Veteran Teachers and Helped “Whiten” The Teaching Profession.During the last fifteen years, the teaching profession in the United States has undergone a massive upheaval. The average length of a teaching career has declined to 5 years; many veteran teachers have left the profession, either v
9-11-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): Imagine: On Bravado and Humility, 11 September 2014On the eve of 9/11 2014, President Obama admitted, “Still, we continue to face a terrorist threat,” adding: We cannot erase every trace of evil from the world, and small groups of killers have the capacity to do great ha
9-11-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: Garcetti endorses Torlakson in state superintendent racehttp://laschoolreport.com/garcetti-endorses-torlakson-state-superintendent-race/ Garcetti endorses Torlakson in state superintendent race Mayor Garcetti Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti today endorsed state Superintendent Tom Torlakson in his bid for reelection against Marshall Tuck, a former charter school executive. Cit
9-11-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: De Blasio Caves To Charter School SectorIf there was ever a time when Mayor de Blasio could tell Governor Cuomo to go @#$% himself, this is the time.Cuomo needed de Blasio's help in securing the Working Families Party ballot line last May, something that was very important to Cuomo since the woman who might have gotten that line had de Blasio not helped Cuomo out - Zephry Te
We will not be silent: What parents want around state accountability | Philadelphia Public School Notebook
We will not be silent: What parents want around state accountability | Philadelphia Public School Notebook: We will not be silent: What parents want around state accountabilityBy Helen Gym on Sep 11, 2014 09:38 AMShare on emailMore Sharing ServicesCOMMENTS (0)PRINTPhoto: Parent United for Public EducationParents United's Robin Roberts, with Sen. Larry Farnese (3rd from right) and Sen. Vincent Hugh
empathyeducates – The Wal-Mart-ization of Education: Wal-Mart Wants Classrooms to Run More Like a Business, Teachers Are Fighting Back
empathyeducates – The Wal-Mart-ization of Education: Wal-Mart Wants Classrooms to Run More Like a Business, Teachers Are Fighting Back: The Wal-Mart-ization of Education: Wal-Mart Wants Classrooms to Run More Like a Business, Teachers Are Fighting BackWalMart | FacebookBy Randi Weingarten and Joe Hansen | Originally Publish at Huffington Post. September 3, 2014 12 PM EDT Updated: September 3, 2014
9/11/2014 – Real Leadership For Education Progress
9/11/2014 – Real Leadership For Education Progress: 9/11/2014 – Real Leadership For Education ProgressSeptember 10, 2014 SubscribeTHIS WEEK: U.S. Teachers Work Harder For Less … We’re #1 On Cutting Education Spending … Anti-Testing Movement Grows … Teaching In Ferguson … Government Partnering With College Debt CollectorsTOP STORYRecognizing Real Leadership For Education Progress: Mayor Bill de Bla
The recent visual and virtual reminder of the need for strong student privacy laws | Crazy Crawfish's Blog
The recent visual and virtual reminder of the need for strong student privacy laws | Crazy Crawfish's Blog: Crazy Crawfish's BlogZesty Louisiana Education PoliticsThe recent visual and virtual reminder of the need for strong student privacy lawsPosted on September 11, 20142I think the internet just exploded. At least, that’s what I’m thinking based on the number of articles I’ve seen come out in t
Texas School Funding Once Again Ruled Unconstitutional | janresseger
Texas School Funding Once Again Ruled Unconstitutional | janresseger: Texas School Funding Once Again Ruled UnconstitutionalPosted on September 11, 2014 by janressegerFor a at least a dozen years now we’ve been operating across the country as though we can simply command that public schools do better and expect them to accommodate our expectations. Nothing required of us at all as citizens. Teache
#Commoncore Proponents Roll Out New Video: Make the Grandfather Look Stupid. That’s the Ticket. | Missouri Education Watchdog
#Commoncore Proponents Roll Out New Video: Make the Grandfather Look Stupid. That’s the Ticket. | Missouri Education Watchdog: #Commoncore Proponents Roll Out New Video: Make the Grandfather Look Stupid. That’s the Ticket.The Common Core proponents want to change hearts and minds and use emotion to garner support. Here’s their first foray into becoming, well, more warm and cuddly so parents will
Vergara v. California highlights the need for a teacher-powered educational strategy | The Hechinger Report
Vergara v. California highlights the need for a teacher-powered educational strategy | The Hechinger Report: Vergara v. California highlights the need for a teacher-powered educational strategyBy Carrie BakkenThe Vergara v. California ruling that every student has a Constitutional right to learn from an effective teacher has been labeled bold — but it actually mirrors the counterproductive strateg
Sacramento Bee Teacher Bashing Update: Sacramento News & Review
Sacramento News & Review - So dreamy - Bites - Opinions - September 11, 2014: So dreamySacramento city schools still dealing with problems of yesteryearBy Cosmo Garvin Last week, Bites reported on the sacking of Sacramento Bee editorial-page writer Pia Lopez.There are some good reasons to question the fairness of her firing. But Bites didn’t forget that Lopez was a driving force behind some of
NYC Educator: In the Beginning...
NYC Educator: In the Beginning...: In the Beginning...I'm continually frustrated the first few weeks of school. Here I am in a classroom, but it's not really my class yet. I'm struggling to learn names, my kids come from all over the world and it turns out in many parts of the world they use names that are wholly unfamiliar to me. No matter how many years I teach, that doesn't seem to get any easi
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: A ray of hope in Chicago
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: A ray of hope in Chicago: A ray of hope in ChicagoWhile the mayor and his City Council minionsargue over which IG should investigate their own bad behavior, it's pretty clear now that there will be two viable, progressive opponents running against Rahm and his machine in next year's election -- CTU President Karen Lewis and the council's Progressive Caucus leader Bob
9-10-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: City of Seattle Pre-K InitiativeHere's a thread to discuss the City of Seattle's pre-k ambitions and their co-ordination, or lack thereof, with Seattle Public Schools.by Charlie Mas / 1h hide // saveThe District's Title IX PR EffortSeattle Public Schools has a real problem with Title IX compliance. They knew about this problem for years and took no action. Recent
Louisiana’s NCLB Waiver, Complete with Promised CCSS and PARCC | deutsch29
Louisiana’s NCLB Waiver, Complete with Promised CCSS and PARCC | deutsch29: Louisiana’s NCLB Waiver, Complete with Promised CCSS and PARCCSeptember 10, 2014No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was not reauthorized in 2007. Nor was it reauthorized in 2008. Nor has it been reauthorized in 2014.NCLB, with its nonsense “100 percent proficiency in reading and math by 2014,” has been lingering on legislative lif
In Newark–finally, some heroes, some risk-takers | Bob Braun's Ledger
In Newark–finally, some heroes, some risk-takers | Bob Braun's Ledger: In Newark–finally, some heroes, some risk-takersStudents hold the line against efforts by mounted policeman to break throughNewark’s public schools will be saved from privatization only if supporters are willing to take risks. Yesterday, Newark finally saw some risk takers–the high school students and handful of adults who blo
History Scholars Criticize Social Studies Textbooks | The Texas Tribune
History Scholars Criticize Social Studies Textbooks | The Texas Tribune: History Scholars Criticize Social Studies Textbooksby Bobby BlanchardSept. 10, 201427Comments Comment Republish Email Tweet RecommendEnlargecredit: Ross RamseyREFERENCE MATERIALAffirmative Action Alien Cartoon From Proposed TextbookPDF (280.8 KB) downloadScholars recruited by the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund are criti
Teachers For Social Justice: Talking with Students about Ferguson
Teachers For Social Justice: Talking with Students about Ferguson: Talking with Students about FergusonSEPTEMBER 10, 2014 LEAVE A COMMENTChicago State University'sCenter for Urban Research and Education (CURE)Presents...2014-15 Lecture SeriesSeptember Event*Talking with Students about FergusonMeaningful Classroom Dialogue about What Happened in Ferguson & What it MeansPanel/Discussion with CSU
Michelle Rhee, Education's Lightning Rod, Shifts Focus | C-Notes | OZY
Michelle Rhee, Education's Lightning Rod, Shifts Focus | C-Notes | OZY: Michelle Rhee's Next Frontier: Q&A With the Former D.C. School HeadWhy you should careMichelle Rhee’s fingerprints are all over today’s debates on the best way to educate our kids. W hen Michelle Rhee ends her tenure as CEO of education policy advocacy group StudentsFirst, as she announced Aug. 13, it will be the first tim
Nite Cap 9-10-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPThe question is how do Mayor Johnson’s words measure up to his deeds, Sandronsky Cities of OpportunitySandronsky Cities of Opportunity: Cities of Opportunity?By SETH SANDRONSKYSacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, a second-term Democrat, kept the city’