A Big Education Ape Nite Cap

Top Content this Week - The Educator's PLN: Top Content Rank1[image: BYOD in the 21st Century]BYOD in the 21st Century Added by Marc-André Lalande on June 6, 2012 2[image: Does Size Matter?]Does Size Matter? Added by Lisa Mims on June 5, 2012 3[image: Finland's Education Success]Finland's Education Success Added by Thomas Whitby on April 26, 2012 4[image: Flat Classroom & Project Based Learning]Flat Classroom & Project Based Learning Posted by amkamin on May 24, 2012 5[image: Please leave comments and suggest APPS]Please leave comments and suggest APPS Posted by Thomas Whitby on April ... more »
School Tech Connect: Pauline Lipman and Tonya Payne: Making The Case For Democracy: Pauline Lipman and Tonya Payne: Making The Case For Democracy by noreply@blogger.com (Tim Furman) Here's the great Pauline Lipman from UIC, who has been deconstructing the fallacies of the urban ed reform movement here in Chicago for a very long time. Pauline is the epitome of the public intellectual--- she's a scholar of the first order and yet you also see her out there marching with the people impacted by the policies she studies. She's making the case for an elected school board here. Popout G... more »
Florida Charter School Triples Taxpayer-Funded Management Fees | Scathing Purple Musings: Florida Charter School Triples Taxpayer-Funded Management Fees by Bob Sikes From *WFTV*: The charter school industry is growing rapidly in Florida and while the schools are funded solely by tax dollars, current law requires little accountability of how those tax dollars are spent. And Channel 9′s Lori Brown discovered a charter school company operating three Orange County schools recently tripled its management fees. The for-profit management company, Accelerated Learning Solutions out of N... more »
Daily Kos: Does Tone Matter in the Education Reform Debate?: Does Tone Matter in the Education Reform Debate? from plthomasEdD by rss@dailykos.com (plthomasEdD) While shoddy arguments remain the target of freshman composition professors in colleges and universities across the U.S., *ad hominem* attacks, cherry-picking data, strawman arguments, either/or claims, and sweeping generalizations have become the norm in the education reform debate maintaining momentum in both the mainstream and new media. Recently, Ken Libby prompted a Twitter debate concerning the tone of arguments comin...more »
Missouri Education Watchdog: Parents Now Can't Be Trusted on Sunscreen Decisions for their Children?: Parents Now Can't Be Trusted on Sunscreen Decisions for their Children? by stlgretchen "If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law." *Winston Churchill must be turning over in his grave.* Have British parents have apparently become so dimwitted the government is being petitioned to provide sunscreen requirements for children before they can come to school? *Although the school summer holidays are less than two months away, many children are at ris... more »
http://www.southbronxschool.com: Be There or Be Square, June 10 @ 6 PM EDT by noreply@blogger.com (Bronx Teacher) I am appearing on my pal's The Frustrated Teacher's internet radio show tomorrow night at 6 PM EDT. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/tfteacher/2012/06/10/sobronxschool-has-knowledge-proof-of-a-conspiracy I have been asked to be a guest and add clarity to my recent blog posts concerning the disgraced formerprincipal of PS 154, The Bronx, Marsha Elliott. *Call in to speak with the host* *(619) 996-1651*
A story of a factory turned into an art school. « Fred Klonsky: A story of a factory turned into an art school. by Fred Klonsky We are off for a few days in Oaxaca City, Mexico. It is a beautiful colonial city in a state that shares the name. Oaxaca is the birthplace of Benito Juarez. He was the first and last indigenous president of Mexico. Today we met Juan. He works as a guard at the Institute of Arts in San Augustin Etla, about 35 minutes north of Oaxaca City. The Institute is an art school founded by the famous Mexican artist, Francisco Toledo. It is housed in a former textil... more »
School Tech Connect: Chipping Away At Mayoral Control In Chicago: Chipping Away At Mayoral Control In Chicago by noreply@blogger.com (Tim Furman) Here's Jitu Brown starting off today's CODE event at Luther Memorial Church. As I mentioned earlier. CODE volunteers later walked the neighborhoods with petitions for an advisory amendment for an elected school board on the November ballot. As I've said before, I work in one of the suburban districts. The elected school board members are longtime community stalwarts who know how to run a district; I can't imagine the legislature allowin... more »
An Urban Teacher's Education: On Teaching and Learning With High School Freshmen: On Teaching and Learning With High School Freshmen by James Boutin This is the first year I've taught freshman since the 2006-2007 school year (my first year teaching), and it's been challenging. My big learning this year has been about how 14-year-olds think and how to create experiences that expand their learning. I'm afraid the older I get, the more difficult it is for me to remember and appreciate what's happening in their heads. When you enter high school for the first time, the experience is a... more »
Open letter re shocking violation of student privacy rights in Tulsa « Parents Across America: Open letter re shocking violation of student privacy rights in Tulsa by leoniehaimson *We received this message from Melissa Abdo this morning. For more on this abominable violation of parent and student rights by Janet Barresi, the OK State Superintendent of Education, see **Education officials post records of all students with appeals online and commentary by Diane Ravitch, Outrage in Oklahoma. Unmentioned in the below is that all the students with appeals before the state board also ... more »
Jersey Jazzman: "Sorry, I Gotta Teach...": "Sorry, I Gotta Teach..." by Duke I'll try not to make this too whiny, but there's a point I'd like to make that has nagged me for a while: Ken Bernstein, Diane Ravitch, and John Jackson were at Netroots Nation yesterday. I would have loved to have been there, and maybe get a chance to ask a question. But a trip to Providence this time of year is out of the question, so I would have settled for watching the live feed and participating on-line. But it was at 10:30, and I had to teach my Fourth Graders. I don't fault the NN folks for sch... more »
Obama: Teachers not ‘doing fine’ | The Raw Story: Obama: Teachers not ‘doing fine’ By The Christian Science Monitor Saturday, June 9, 2012 13:17 EDT *Teachers not ‘doing fine’: Can Obama find his footing on recovery?* (via The Christian Science Monitor) While downplaying a remark Friday that the US private sector is “doing fine,” President Obama nevertheless focused on stalwarts of the public sector – teachers – for his weekly Saturday address, saying Washington has to spend more to help states re-hire laid-off teachers. “There are plenty of steps we can take, right now, to stren... more »
School Tech Connect: CODE: Working Toward Democracy: CODE: Working Toward Democracy by noreply@blogger.com (Tim Furman) Meet Darius Anderson, a sophomore at Dunbar Vocational Career Academy. Darius was in the Ravenswood area this afternoon, helping volunteers kick of CODE's effort to put an advisory referendum on the November ballot in favor of an elected school board. You know, the *vote*. Enfranchisement. Young people attending our public schools in the city are acutely aware that their families have no voice in the decisions that get made. As you know, the big cities lost thei... more »
Davis & Its Emerging Local Currencies - Davis, CA Patch: Davis & Its Emerging Local Currencies What do you think of locally targeted currencies like Davis Dollars and Aggie Cash? - By Angela Swartz - Email the author - 10:00 am Email Print 1 Comment Upload Photos and Videos ** More than just traditional cash has been flowing Davis cash registers lately. Many businesses have begun to embrace two locally targeted forms of currency: Aggie Cash and Davis Dollars. The university-driven currency, Aggie Cash, is stored on student IDs that function like debit cards in tow... more »
Shame on NPR – Never Underestimate The Power of Parents – National Resolution on High Stakes Testing « Continuing Change: Shame on NPR – Never Underestimate The Power of Parents – National Resolution on High Stakes Testing by gatorbonbc *Response to article entitled, “Five Reasons the Anti-FCAT Resolutions Won’t Work” printed in NPR publication :* *In my opinion, the premise of the writer’s opinion is flawed. The National Resolution on High Stakes Testing, written by parent organizations and endorsed by hundreds of counties across the nation, is not an anti FCAT resolution. It is... more »
Warren: ‘No, Mitt, corporations are not people. Learn the difference.’ | The Raw Story: Warren: ‘No, Mitt, corporations are not people. Learn the difference.’ By David Ferguson Saturday, June 9, 2012 12:19 EDT [image: Print] Share on facebookShare on redditShare on diggShare on twitterShare on farkShare on stumbleupon11 [image: Elizabeth Warren addresses labor leaders] Topics: elizabeth warren ♦ Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney ♦ Providence ♦rhode island In her keynote address on Friday to the Netroots Nation 2012 conference in Providence, Rhode Island, Massachusetts Democratic... more »
Stand for Children, Chicago Public Schools and the teachers union | Seattle Education: Stand for Children, Chicago Public Schools and the teachers union by seattleducation2011 *More and more people are beginning to see the correlation between the agenda of Stand for Children and the push for the privatization of our public school systems as is taking place in the state of Washington.* *To follow is an article A Long Time Comin’: Chicago Teachers Strike Authorization Vote Begins Today posted in Gapers Block that brings it together:* By Ramsin Canon Beginning today, over 20,000 Chic... more »
Woodward and Bernstein: 40 years after Watergate, Nixon was far worse than we thought - The Washington Post: Woodward and Bernstein: 40 years after Watergate, Nixon was far worse than we thought *View Photo Gallery —* A look back at Watergate: The Watergate scandal in pictures, from the break-in to the congressional investigation to President Richard M. Nixon’s resignation. - [image: Smaller Text] [image: Larger Text] Text Size - Print - E-mail - Reprints By Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, Published: June 8 As Sen. Sam Ervin completed his 20-year Senate career in 1974 ... more »
On Jeffries and Charter Schools: One Foot in, One Foot out - Bed-Stuy, NY Patch: On Jeffries and Charter Schools: One Foot in, One Foot out Will his decision to turn away charter school-backed money impact the direction of your vote? - By C. Zawadi Morris - Email the author - June 8, 2012 Email Print Comment Upload Photos and Videos Earlier this week, campaign handlers for Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries announced that Jeffries would not be accepting fundraised money from StudentsFirstNY, an "independent expenditures" campaign – or in other words, a political action... more »
Rainier Beach High School to receive funds from the OfficeMax Give Back program | Seattle Education: Rainier Beach High School to receive funds from the OfficeMax Give Back program by seattleducation2011 We don’t need our schools to be privatized, we need for schools to be supported by our communities any way that they can through these financially challenging times. To follow is a press release from the PTA at Rainier Beach High School: OfficeMax’s philanthropic focus is to alleviate “teacher funded” classrooms. Their intent at Rainier Beach High School is to make a direct impac... more »
The entire California Adult School System faces extinction: Mobilize to stop it the closures June 12th | Dailycensored.com: The entire California Adult School System faces extinction: Mobilize to stop it the closures June 12th by Danny Weil The ugly face of privatization and financialization are not turned solely at our nation’s youth. The loaded guns also have their sites set on doing away with adult public education. Going back to school to sharpen your skills, take the class you always wanted, develop your potential, become a better citizen by sharpening your critical thinki... more »
NYC Educator: Another Lesson for Bill Maher: Another Lesson for Bill Maher by NYC Educator *Last night on Real Time, Bill Maher said it's impossible to fire a teacher. That's patently untrue, and it's irresponsible of him to be propagating such nonsense on the air. I'm reposting this column for him, which originally ran March 30, 2009, just in case he has any passing interest in reality. It's particularly galling to hear boilerplate anti-union crap from someone who makes films about religion as mythology.* It's always illuminating to hear things from people who have not the remot... more »
CTU Has Enough Votes for Strike: Sources | NBC Chicago: CTU Has Enough Votes for Strike: Sources More than 90 percent of teachers give OK to work stoppage, multiples sources tell NBC Chicago By Mary Ann Ahern| Saturday, Jun 9, 2012 | Updated 4:33 AM CDT [image: CTU Has Enough Votes for Strike: Sources] Chicago teachers have shown their solidarity in massive numbers. More than 90 percent of teachers have given the OK for a work stoppage, multiple sources told NBC Chicago. That number is well above the 75 percent needed, by law, to authorize a strike. Chicago Teachers Union spokesm... more »
How a Fair Starting Salary Attracts the Best and Brightest to Teaching | NEA Today: How a Fair Starting Salary Attracts the Best and Brightest to Teaching June 8, 2012 by twalker Filed under Featured News, Salary, Top Stories 2 Comments [image: Email][image: Share] *By John Rosales* When Matt Goldstein graduated in 2005 from Pennsauken High School in New Jersey, his dream was to finish college and return to the school as a teacher. In 2011, after serving as a substitute teacher for several years, Goldstein, 24, became a fulltime teacher at Pennsauken at a starting salary of $53,00... more »
Vallas Explains His Bridgeport Testing Frenzy on National Blog; Just Fails To Tell the Truth - Wait, What?: Vallas Explains His Bridgeport Testing Frenzy on National Blog; Just Fails To Tell the Truth by jonpelto *On May 31, 2012, American education expert Diane Ravitch posted a blog about the decision by Bridgeport’s Interim Superintendent, Paul Vallas, to end the school year with another round of standardized tests.* Yesterday Vallas posted a response on her blog and I, in turn, responded to Mr. Vallas’ comments. It is a long read – but I would urge anyone who is impacted or fo... more »
*BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTS* Netroots Nation Saturday | Uppity Wisconsin coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 6 minutes ago Netroots Nation Saturday | Uppity Wisconsin: Netroots Nation Saturday by Steve Hanson *FOLLOW AT HOME GUIDE FOR SATURDAY, 6/9* The following keynotes and panels will be streaming live. All times are eastern time. Full descriptions of each session are available here. *9 to 10:15 a.m.* - Keynote: Austerity No More: An Economy for the 99% *10:30 to 11:45 a.m.* - Latino Vote Matters: Immigration, Power, and an Interactive Look at the Map - Safeguardi... more »
Netroots Nation Saturday | Uppity Wisconsin: Netroots Nation Saturday by Steve Hanson *FOLLOW AT HOME GUIDE FOR SATURDAY, 6/9* The following keynotes and panels will be streaming live. All times are eastern time. Full descriptions of each session are available here. *9 to 10:15 a.m.* - Keynote: Austerity No More: An Economy for the 99% *10:30 to 11:45 a.m.* - Latino Vote Matters: Immigration, Power, and an Interactive Look at the Map - Safeguarding Democracy: Innovations in Technology and Human Rights - The Inside Game: Progressive Legislative Caucuses at the State... more »
Legal Questions Loom Over High-Achieving Charter Schools Bill as Challenges Move to Appellate Courts | Scathing Purple Musings: Legal Questions Loom Over High-Achieving Charter Schools Bill as Challenges Move to Appellate Courts by Bob Sikes In the *Lakeland Ledger*: TALLAHASSEE | Battles over the Florida Board of Education’s approval of two new charter schools in Polk and Seminole counties are headed to appeals courts, lawyers said Friday. The state board last month overturned county decisions to reject proposals by Renaissance Charter School Inc. to open schools for children in ... more »
Diane Ravitch's blog: LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH ALL WEEK LONG Diane Ravitch's blog [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] A Teacher Talks About Reality dianerav at Diane Ravitch's blog - 1 hour ago In response to my blog about the latest Voucher Follies, this teacher wrote as follows: There’s this little thing about miracles. They are miraculous. Now, don’t tell me. I know. That’s saying the same thing. The thing is, miracles are not normal. They are the stuff that converts normal humans into saints. Saints are rare, [...] Teachers in Australia Stand Up to Bullies dian... more »
Education Research Report: This Week's Education Research Report Impact of African-American teachers in Title I schools Jonathan Kantrowitz at Education Research Report - 18 hours ago Closing the academic gaps in performance among students from diverse backgrounds is a challenge for schools and a mandate from the government. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 has prompted schools and school districts to re-examine elements that impact student achievements. A study completed by a recent graduate from University of Houston's Executive Education Doctorate in Professional Leadersh... more »
School Tech Connect: Pick of the Day: Pick of the Day by noreply@blogger.com (Tim Furman) *Substance News* and *Labor Beat* Popout
Pass / Fail | 89.3 KPCC: Details: LA Unified and UTLA tentatively agree on 10 furlough days for next year By Tami Abdollah [image: Teachers Rally To Highlight Proposed Budget Cuts] Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images School psychologists (L-R) Jimena Delpozo, Lynn Elias and Diana Socier take part in an education budget cuts rally and protest at Pershing Square on May 13, 2011 in downtown Los Angeles, California. The Los Angeles Unified School District and teachers' union have reached an agreement to have teachers take 10 unpaid days off in 2012-13 for a savings of more than $100 million,... more »
WEEKLY ADDRESS: Congress Must Act to Keep our Teachers on the Job | The White House: WEEKLY ADDRESS: Congress Must Act to Keep our Teachers on the Job WASHINGTON, DC— In this week’s address, President Obama urged Congress to take action now to put our teachers back to work in classrooms, because the best predictor of individual and American success in this economy is a good education. In 2009 and 2010, we helped keep hundreds of thousands of teachers on the job, but we must do more, which is why the President sent Congress his jobs bill in September that helps states prevent more l...more »
The Answer Sheet - School Survival Guide for parents (and everyone else). - The Washington Post: [image: Answer Sheet] The trouble with ‘Groupthink’ in school reform Valerie Strauss at The Answer Sheet - 3 hours ago This *was written by educator Anthony Cody, who worked for 24 years in the Oakland schools, 18 years teaching science at a high-needs school and six years as a mentor and coach of teachers. He is a National Board-certified teacher. A version of this post appeared on his Education Week Teacherblog, Living in Dialogue *. Read full article >> [image: Add to Facebook] [im... more »
Schools Matter: Parents and Students March on Pearson Headquarters: Parents and Students March on Pearson Headquarters by Jim Horn Thanks to Lindsey Christ of NY1 for the video: Popout And here is a recent blog post from Diane Ravitch, with a link to her Tuesday commentary and a great comment by one of her readers: On Tuesday, I posted a blog at Bridging Differences (Education Week) called “The Pearsonizing of the American Mind.” The title was a reference to Allan Bloom’s bestselling book of the 1980s, *The Closing of the American *
America’s Student Loan Racket | Dailycensored.com: America’s Student Loan Racket stephenl at Dailycensored.com - 5 hours ago America’s Student Loan Racket by Stephen Lendman This writer’s recent book titled “How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War” includes a chapter on America’s student loan racket. It discusses the issue in... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]] Californians’ $8 trillion in tax surpluses: What to ask your state and local representatives Carl_Herman at Dailyce... more »
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: UTLA REACHES TENTATIVE AGREEMENT TO STABILIZE SCHOOLS BY SAVING JOBS AND RESTORING PROGRAMS + Draft agreement smf at 4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit - 6 hours ago From the UTLA website | http://bit.ly/Mr2UaM Friday, June 08, 2012 :: UTLA reached a tentative agreement today with LAUSD that would stabilize schools and save jobs and programs for the 2012‐13 school year. Jobs and programs saved in all areas Under this agreement, 4,149 full‐time equivalent positions* would be restored. Class sizes and counselor norms will be kept a...more »
This Week’s “Round-Up” Of Good Education Policy-Related Posts & Articles | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…: “Are these the world’s most unusual buildings?” Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 8 hours ago Are these the world’s most unusual buildings? is a slideshow from The Telegraph. I’m adding it to The Best Images Of Weird, Cool & Neat-Looking Buildings (& Ways To Design Your Own). This Week’s “Round-Up” Of Good Education Policy-Related Posts & Articles Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 8 hours ago Here are several recent good ...more »
Taking Education for Granted « Cooperative Catalyst: Taking Education for Granted by aliciarice I remember the moment that I fell in love with my host father. I had been working with the Land Reform Community for a couple of weeks at this point. It was the project period for my globalization and development program in Thailand, and I had decided to work with a community of scavengers. Working together, we created a two-fold project: a survey about the people living in their community and a documentary highlighting some of the individuals. The morning of the survey, around ten of... more »
*U.S. Department of Education Previews RTT4* * *
*Shop Til You Drop * *Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's * *June Shopping Spree* *What did Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's Corporate Millions buy? * *Our Public Schools. * *She plans to spend even more in November. * *Don't let Corporate Reformers Buy * * * *Our Public Schools!* * * * * * * * Beware of AstroTurf Ed Reformers * * * *Just Like Michelle Rhee's Students first only BETTER* * * *Astroturf lobbying refers to political organizations or campaigns that appear to be made up of grassroots activists but are actually organized and run by corporate interests seeking to furthe... more »
Teachers union and L.A. school district reach pact to save jobs - latimes.com: Teachers union and L.A. school district reach pact to save jobs [image: Deasy] The Los Angeles Unified School District and the teachers union reached a tentative agreement Friday that would prevent thousands of layoffs in exchange for one year of pay reductions. Under the accord, teachers would lose 10 days of pay and students would lose five days of their school year. The pact mirrors agreements reached by other employee unions. The agreement must still by ratified by teachers and approved by the L.A. B... more »
tomhayden.com - Peace Exchange Bulletin - Woodward-Bernstein: Watergate was About Vietnam and the Anti-War Movement: WOODWARD-BERNSTEIN: WATERGATE WAS ABOUT VIETNAM AND THE ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT [image: Date]FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 2012 AT 3:28PM | [image: Print Article]PRINT ARTICLE | [image: Email Article]EMAIL ARTICLE | [image: Comment]POST A COMMENT President Richard M. Nixon tells a White House news conference in 1973 that he will not allow White House Counsel John Dean to testify on Capitol Hill in the Watergate investigation. (Photo: Charles Tasnadi/AP)In the permanent struggle over mem... more »
Robert Reich (Why the Public's Growing Disdain for the Supreme Court May Help Obamacare): Why the Public’s Growing Disdain for the Supreme Court May Help Obamacare FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 2012 The public’s growing disdain of the Supreme Court increases the odds that a majority will uphold the constitutionality of Obamacare. The latest New York Times CBS Poll shows just 44 percent of Americans approve the job the Supreme Court is doing. Fully three-quarters say justices’ decisions are sometimes influenced by their personal political views. The trend is clearly downward. Approval of the Cou... more »
tomhayden.com - Peace Exchange Bulletin - Loni Hancock: What to Do About Dirty Money?: LONI HANCOCK: WHAT TO DO ABOUT DIRTY MONEY? [image: Date]FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 2012 AT 1:15PM | [image: Print Article]PRINT ARTICLE | [image: Email Article]EMAIL ARTICLE | [image: Comment]POST A COMMENT A correspondence between Tom Hayden and Senator Loni Hancock (D-CA9): An excellent and alarming analysis. We need to reopen the discussion about Public Financing and $$ in Politics. But how? Let's discuss. Loni Hancock Damned if I know. But here’s my thought: 1. Keep public shaming and discredit...more »
2012 Summer Meal Service Sites - Food Programs (CA Dept of Education): 2012 Summer Meal Service Sites Provides parents and referral agencies with a list of locations where children may receive free nutritious meals during school vacation and off-track periods. Please call site contact to confirm participation. This data is current as of June 5, 2012; sites approved after this date may be posted at a later date. Entities wishing to serve meals under the Summer Food Service Program should contact the sponsor listed. Image Map Select a county to display a list of locat