IEA/NEA Representative Assemby: Meet and Greet – Attila the Hun and Genghis Kahn
Incredibly, the two gubernatorial candidates, Pat Quinn and Bruce Rauner, are both scheduled to appear before the IEA RA (Illinois Education Association Representative Assembly) on April 11. Read/view HERE.
Both Quinn and Rauner will be gloating. The IEA has not created, searched for, discovered or supported a truly pro-teacher candidate for well over a few decades. After listening politely, IEA members will again be faced with IEA “leadership” asking for the support and votes for the lesser of two evils. (This assures that evil will win, continue and worsen with each election.) It’s like endorsing either Attila the Hun or Genghis Kahn.
Actually, a puppet comparison is more appropriate: the Puppet Theater of the Absurd.

Billionaire Bruce Rauner (R) found a Sarah Palin sound-alike who is also similar in appearance, Evelyn Sanguinetti. Watch and listen how she blatantly blames all teachers in teacher unions as failures (2:25) and talks about nasty spending, taxes, pensions and big government. She says that she needs to cut those things based the fact that she and Rauner have no actual knowledge or experience with any of those things – “Neither one of us has been in Springfield.” (See 2:50). View via Fred Klonsky’s blog HERE.
Hopefully, the IEA representatives will all be brandishing pitchforks as these puppets recite their corporate takeover of public schools and public services. Whichever pair of candidates nominally takes public office, the actual winner will be the Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago, ALEC and the billionaire investors who are members.