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Recovery School District closures and changes can leave families with whiplash | NOLA.com
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Recovery School District closures and changes can leave families with whiplash | NOLA.comRecovery School District closures and changes can leave families with whiplashPublished: Monday, July 04, 20...

Recovery School District closures and changes can leave families with whiplash
nola.com - Whenever Linda Acker's daughter, Ariel, finally settled into a new school, word came that it was time to move.All told, Ariel has attended five different high schools during the past six years, a p...

Cops in schools too costly: CPS - Chicago Sun
suntimes.com - By ROSALIND ROSSI Education Reporter July 3, 2011 9:10PM Since 2009, CPS had been paying the Chicago Police Department $8 million a year to station two officers at roughly 100 high schools for eigh...

A Failing School? Not to These Students
nytimes.com - Everyone knows Jamaica High is a bad school. The past two years, it has received D’s on its report card from the city and been labeled persistently dangerous by the state. In February, ...

At NEA convention, mixed feelings among teachers for Obama ahead of 2012 vote
washingtonpost.com - CHICAGO — When her union endorsed Barack Obama for president in 2008, retired Montgomery County teacher Jane Stern wrote checks to his campaign and spent hours calling voters in swing states to sup...

Live Twitter stream on
coopmike48 Skiers Hit the Sunny Slopes This Holiday Weekend - The Bay Citizen -http://goo.gl/1Vsxdabout 1 hour ago · reply · retweet · favorite
mikeklonsky Chicago priorities: No money for school security http://bit.ly/kgQ4UT But "Slow Eddie" Burke gets 5 full-time cops.http://bit.ly/lJmdJ2about 1 hour ago · reply · retweet · favorite
mikeklonsky Chicago PD charges CPS $25 million/yr for 2 cops/hi school.http://bit.ly/kgQ4UT No wonder system broke. Then there's Daley's limo drivers.about 1 hour ago · reply · retweet · favorite
EducationSee all
Jersey Jazzman: Corporate Reformers: Truly Clueless
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Jersey Jazzman: Corporate Reformers: Truly CluelessCorporate Reformers: Truly Cluelessby DukeBob Braun's interview with South Jersey Democratic boss George Norcross focuses on education. It is a tr...

Holding your nose and closing your eyes. « Fred Klonsky's blog
preaprez.wordpress.com - The big votes at the NEA were today. Tomorrow is just an endless stream of New Business Items that are notorious time sucks. A good amount of RA time today was spent on a proposal on accountability...

#NEARA11 Holding your nose and closing your eyes. « Fred Klonsky's blog
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Holding your nose and closing your eyes. « Fred Klonsky's blogHolding your nose and closing your eyes.by Fred KlonskyThe big votes at the NEA were today. Tomorrow is just an endless stream of New B...

PoliticsSee all
Ald. Ed Burke's bodyguards questioned
articles.chicagotribune.com - Finance Committee chairman kept police protection in racially charged eranow critics doubt need in tight budget times (Antonio Perez, Chicago Tribune)When Ald. Edward Burke arrives at City Hall, it...

NEA's Delegates Approve Obama Endorsement, Dues Increase - Teacher Beat
blogs.edweek.org - Despite a lot of hand-wringing, delegates to the National Education Association's Representative Assembly approved an early endorsement for President Barack Obama, and by a good margin: 5,414 deleg...

Biden Rips Republican Attacks On Labor Unions « CBS Chicago
chicago.cbslocal.com - Vice President Joe Biden (Credit: Ron Sachs-Pool/Getty Images)CHICAGO (CBS) – Vice President Joe Biden has been in Chicago, speaking to a nationwide teachers union, saying Republicans are attemptin...

Art & EntertainmentSee all
A Failing School? Not to These Students
nytimes.com - (Page 2 of 2) James Eterno, Jamaica’s representative to the teachers’ union, has been portrayed in the news media as a man who cares more about preserving jobs than — as the mayor never tires of sa...

#NEARA11 - NEA Standing Strong Theme Song
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - NEA - NEA Standing Strong Theme SongNEA Standing Strong Theme SongRepresentative Assembly Has a New Theme SongJuly 02, 2011By Cindy LongAt the official opening of the 2011 Representative Assembly t...

It’s Official: A Teenager Now Lives At The White House…Happy Birthday Malia Obama! « CAFFEINATED POLITICS
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - It’s Official: A Teenager Now Lives At The White House…Happy Birthday Malia Obama! « CAFFEINATED POLITICSIt’s Official: A Teenager Now Lives At The White House…Happy Birthday Malia Obama!JULY 4, 20...

LivingSee all
In A Frederick Douglass State Of Mind [Long Live The 4th] | The Jose Vilson
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - In A Frederick Douglass State Of Mind [Long Live The 4th] | The Jose VilsonIn A Frederick Douglass State Of Mind [Long Live The 4th]by JoseWho can blame people for feeling unpatriotic on a day like...

Glenn Beck Says \'Adios\' and Heads to Ole Mexico, I Mean Texas
hispanicallyspeakingnews.com - In case you slept through the audible sigh of relief from the political left and the gushing tears from the ultra right - Glenn Beck’s Fox Network show is NO MAS as of this Thursday.Fear not for th...

Thousands Rally In Atlanta Against Immigration Law : NPR
npr.org - Enlarge Erik S. Lesser/AP Tomas Martinez shouts slogans while leading thousands of people in a march through downtown Atlanta in protest against Georgia's strict new immigration law on Saturday. Er...

StoriesSee all
“There’s gonna be fireworks!” :: Sabrina Stevens Shupe
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - “There’s gonna be fireworks!” :: Sabrina Stevens Shupe“There’s gonna be fireworks!”Posted by TeacherSabrina on July 4th, 2011Maybe it’s just me, but “Fireworks”, The Declaration of Independence son...

When fireworks go wrong! | Being Latino Online Magazine
beinglatino.wordpress.com - Fireworks don’t hurt people, silly people who don’t use safety precautions when handling fireworks hurt people. Here are some examples of when fireworks go wrong! Fireworks FailSee more at BuzzFeed...

Never too late: Declaration signers being honored
northjersey.com - CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — It's William Whipple's turn to be recognized. The New Hampshire merchant is one of the lesser-known signers of the Declaration of Independence. This year, there are plans for W...

TragicSee all
ExxonMobil attempts to limit oil spill on Yellowstone River
latimesblogs.latimes.com - Workers on Sunday attempted to limit the spread of an oil spill from an ExxonMobil pipeline in Montana's Yellowstone River, as state officials promised outraged residents more government oversight ...

July 4th: On alert for illegal fireworks, brush fires
latimesblogs.latimes.com - For the Fourth of July, crews are on high alert in the Angeles National Forest amid concern that illegal fireworks could spark brush fires. Although higher elevations have retained some moisture — ...

French nuclear power plant explosion heightens safety fears
democraticunderground.com - Source: The GuardianAn explosion sparked a fire at a French nuclear power station on Saturday, just two days after the authorities found 32 safety concerns at the plant.The blaze at the Tricastin p...

#eduRead this paperSee all
Jersey Jazzman: Corporate Reformers: Truly Clueless
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Jersey Jazzman: Corporate Reformers: Truly CluelessCorporate Reformers: Truly Cluelessby DukeBob Braun's interview with South Jersey Democratic boss George Norcross focuses on education. It is a tr...

In A Frederick Douglass State Of Mind [Long Live The 4th] | The Jose Vilson
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - In A Frederick Douglass State Of Mind [Long Live The 4th] | The Jose VilsonIn A Frederick Douglass State Of Mind [Long Live The 4th]by JoseWho can blame people for feeling unpatriotic on a day like...

#NEARA11 Holding your nose and closing your eyes. « Fred Klonsky's blog
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Holding your nose and closing your eyes. « Fred Klonsky's blogHolding your nose and closing your eyes.by Fred KlonskyThe big votes at the NEA were today. Tomorrow is just an endless stream of New B...

#neara11See all
Holding your nose and closing your eyes. « Fred Klonsky's blog
preaprez.wordpress.com - The big votes at the NEA were today. Tomorrow is just an endless stream of New Business Items that are notorious time sucks. A good amount of RA time today was spent on a proposal on accountability...

NEA goes after Education Secretary Arne Duncan - The Answer Sheet
washingtonpost.com - National Education Association delegates blasted Education Secretary Arne Duncan, passing a resolution that orders the NEA president to “communicate aggressively, forcefully, and immediately” to Pr...

#NEARA11 Holding your nose and closing your eyes. « Fred Klonsky's blog
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Holding your nose and closing your eyes. « Fred Klonsky's blogHolding your nose and closing your eyes.by Fred KlonskyThe big votes at the NEA were today. Tomorrow is just an endless stream of New B...