Special Nite Cap - Catch Up on Today's Post 4/4/15
Special Nite Cap

Cause and Effect - Badass Teachers Association
Badass Teachers Association: Cause and EffectBy a Washington State TeacherI’m deeply saddened by the demands that are placed upon teachers.I had always been hopeful in my seven years that there was a grade level that would be a little easier (work load) so that I could catch a pace, or feel like I’m ahead of the ball, hopeful that it would get easier, manageable, livable…Always one to get out of m
Whose Side is NYSSBA On? | Bianca Tanis
Whose Side is NYSSBA On? | Bianca Tanis: Whose Side is NYSSBA On?As the opt out movement grows, questions about a parent’s right to refuse and potential loss of school funding persist despite the fact that test refusal has been in full swing for two years now with NO negative consequences for any school districts or students. According to the New York State School Board Association (NYSSBA) 2015ad
Opportunity for All: Contact Congress
Opportunity for All: Contact Congress:Lily to educators: Thank you!Opportunity for All: Contact Congress:Lily recorded this special thank you message for educators who have taken action on ESEA so far.Watch her message then send an email to your senator using the form on the right.Once you're finished, help us gain momentum by spreading the word!Opportunity for All: Contact Congress:Speak up for y
Public education under attack, say parents at forum | Saugerties Times
Public education under attack, say parents at forum | Saugerties Times: Public education under attack, say parents at forum A proliferation of standardized tests, a succession of carrot-and-stick reform proposals coming down from higher levels of government, the promotion of charter schools by the state and federal government, loss of local control a constant threat, teachers forced to conform to
National Day of Action April 8 Overhaul ESEA/NCLB: Less Testing More Learning FairTest
Write Congress to demand less testing, an end to high stakes. | FairTest: FairTest National Center for Fair & Open TestingApril 4, 2015National Day of Action April 8Overhaul ESEA/NCLB: Less Testing More LearningWhat: Call your U.S. Senators and join the Twitter storm/Thunderclap. If we raise our voices together, we can persuade the Senate Education Committee to reduce testin
Dr Boyce Watkins: Atlanta school teachers being sent to prison? Stupid, racist, unacceptable – Financial Juneteenth
Dr Boyce Watkins: Atlanta school teachers being sent to prison? Stupid, racist, unacceptable – Financial Juneteenth: Dr Boyce Watkins: Atlanta school teachers being sent to prison? Stupid, racist, unacceptableI couldn’t help but be taken aback by the recent indictment of 10 Atlanta school teachers over a cheating scandal that involved relatively meaningless standardized tests. While we can’t say
Nearly 13,000 Empty Seats in Chicago Charter Schools – #Chuy2015 #imwithchuy
Nearly 13,000 Empty Seats in Chicago Charter Schools – Increase of more than 1,000 Since 2014 | Raise Your Hand: Nearly 13,000 Empty Seats in Chicago Charter Schools – Increase of more than 1,000 Since 2014Contact:Amy Smolensky, 312-485-0053Wendy Katten, 773-704-0336Raise Your Hand Calls on CPS to Stop Irresponsible School Expansions During Fiscal Crisis and Lowest Enrollment in DecadesChicago – A
The War Report on Public Education | Dr. James Avington Miller Jr
The War Report on Public Education | Dr. James Avington Miller Jr: The Gorilla in the Room: Part 2 in the Series: How did Anti-Public School Corporate Reformers become the Dominant Force in Education Reform?Welcome to Part 2 of The War Report’s Back to the Future Series on the Common Core. In this episode, Dr. Deborah Owens will answer questions from our previous blog and address what she calls “t
WHAT SCHOOLS REALLY NEED TO SUCCEED. | DCGEducator: Doing The Right Thing: WHAT SCHOOLS REALLY NEED TO SUCCEED. Recently, Peter De Witt reported this: Russ Quaglia and his group at Teacher Voice and Aspirations International Center released the Teacher Voice Report.The participants were 8,053 non-administrative school staff consisting of:73% classroom teachers14% certified support staff12% support
City Colleges tuition, bus rapid transit, transparency, leadership all become home stretch mayoral campaign topics #Chuy2015
City Colleges tuition, bus rapid transit, transparency, leadership all become home stretch mayoral campaign topics | Chicago: City Colleges tuition, bus rapid transit, transparency, leadership all become home stretch mayoral campaign topicsMayor Rahm Emanuel on Friday defended his decision to attach another string to his signature offer of free City Colleges tuition to B-student graduates at Chica
I would say Rahm is pretty close to Tea Party perfect. | Fred Klonsky #DumpRahm #Chuy2015
I would say Rahm is pretty close to Tea Party perfect. | Fred Klonsky: I would say Rahm is pretty close to Tea Party perfect.APRIL 4, 2015There is a perfect sense of irony in the story of Rahm refusing to release the emails between his administration and billionaire pension investor Michael Sacks.The irony in the situation became apparent to me when I saw that the local Chicago Tea Party endorsed
Criminals in Atlanta or Test and Punish Propaganda? | BustED Pencils
Criminals in Atlanta or Test and Punish Propaganda? | BustED Pencils: Criminals in Atlanta or Test and Punish Propaganda? This week we witnessed how amazingly fragile the test and punish paradigm really is. Teachers were proclaimed criminals for cheating on high stakes standardized tests. Why? Not because they are truly criminals. Rather these teachers are now criminals to serve as a warning to
Noam Chomsky on the Dangers of Standardized Testing | Creative by Nature
Noam Chomsky on the Dangers of Standardized Testing | Creative by Nature: Noam Chomsky on the Dangers of Standardized Testing “The assessment itself is completely artificial. It’s not ranking teachers in accordance with their ability to help develop children who will reach their potential, explore their creative interests. Those things you’re not testing.. it’s a rank that’s mostly meaningless. An
Join April 8 national call-in day to #CutFedTests | Parents Across America
Join April 8 national call-in day to #CutFedTests | Parents Across America: Join April 8 national call-in day to #CutFedTests The Testing Resistance and Reform Spring Alliance, of which PAA is a member, is calling for a day of action for ESEA and testing next Wednesday, April 8.On that day we are asking you to call your Senators and, if you tweet, send out and retweet others’ Twitter messages usi
Students Last: New Titles Help Students Cope With High Stakes Testing
Students Last: New Titles Help Students Cope With High Stakes Testing: New Titles Help Students Cope With High Stakes TestingAs students around the country prepare to take and fail a battery of state exams based on the Common Core standards, Amazon.com has complied a list of books to help them and their parents cope.Mending Jose's Broken Heart, "Even though we find out that Jose has failed th
Jersey Jazzman: New York's Absurd Debate About Teacher Evaluations & Test Scores
Jersey Jazzman: New York's Absurd Debate About Teacher Evaluations & Test Scores: New York's Absurd Debate About Teacher Evaluations & Test Scores From this side of the Hudson, the controversy in New York this week over test scores and teacher evaluations makes New Jersey's education policy debates look relatively sane.And that's no small trick.Of course, there was already plenty to hate a
What Autism Means in My Family - Reflections on Teaching
Reflections on Teaching » Blog Archive » What Autism Means in My Family: What Autism Means in My FamilyIt’s Autism Awareness Week. Just so you’re aware, I have autism in my family.Apparently there is some controversy in autism, centering around who speaks for the autism community. Since I’m the adult in the house with a blog, I’ve been the one speaking about autism in our family. My being more neu
How to Grow Good Teachers
How to Grow Good Teachers: How to Grow Good TeachersAPRIL 4, 2015 BY NANCY BAILEY LEAVE A COMMENTHere is how those who have power could help teachers in public schools if they really wanted to. They are in no special order. I included these in the post about Nancie Atwell the other day, but I think they are worthy of standing alone. I didn’t want them overshadowed by the Nancie Atwell discussion.T
Parents and Teachers Meet in a New York Minute (or 5 if They’re Lucky) - NYTimes.com
Parents and Teachers Meet in a New York Minute (or 5 if They’re Lucky) - NYTimes.com: Parents and Teachers Meet in a New York Minute (or 5 if They’re Lucky)NEA - Try This: The New Parent-Teacher Conference http://bit.ly/1IeqvcL On parent-teacher conference day at Stuyvesant High School in Manhattan last week, scores of tense parents bunched together in the lobby, penned in behind yellow caution ta
Teachers union president calls for North High principal's ouster
Teachers union president calls for North High principal's ouster - Worcester Telegram & Gazette - telegram.com: Teachers union president calls for North High principal's ousterLisa Dyer, principal of North High School, speaks during a meeting March 19 at Worcester City Hall on safety issues t the school. At right is Meghan Milonopoulos, lead teacher for safety and accountability at the school.
Keep Washington Out of Your Kid's School - Bloomberg View
Keep Washington Out of Your Kid's School - Bloomberg View: Keep Washington Out of Your Kid's School What do Republicans want federal education policy to look like? In the mid-1990s, they wanted to abolish the Department of Education. A few years later, President George W. Bush wanted to use federal dollars to make states reform their schools. Right now, Republicans are divided about what they want
Rep. Kraus announces passage of Charter School Reform Bill from Ohio House - The Beacon
Rep. Kraus announces passage of Charter School Reform Bill from Ohio House - The Beacon | Port Clinton News, Marblehead News, Oak Harbor News, Lake Erie Islands News: Rep. Kraus announces passage of Charter School Reform Bill from Ohio House State Representative Steve Kraus (R-Sandusky) voted in support of House Bill 2, legislation that adds revisions and increased oversight to the state’s charter
Right and Left against the state: education without classes
Right and Left against the state: education without classes: Right and Left against the state: education without classes Education reform, whether promoted by the Left or Right, often fails to deeply address the class-based issues driving the alleged "failure" of the educational system.Right"...we used to have all these individual performers who would sing before we had pre-recorded
Basta Ya! A video about opting out in Spanish. Please share. | Seattle Education
Basta Ya! A video about opting out in Spanish. Please share. | Seattle Education: Basta Ya! A video about opting out in Spanish. Please share.Padres en Nueva York se unen a un movimiento nacional que rechaza los exámenes estandarizados bajo el nuevo estándar académico conocido como Common Core.Dora TaylorBasta Ya! A video about opting out in Spanish. Please share. | Seattle Education:
Powerful Video: Future of New York State Education | deutsch29
Powerful Video: Future of New York State Education | deutsch29: Powerful Video: Future of New York State EducationOn March 31, 2015, the New York State Assembly proved that budgeting well takes a back seat to “budgeting badly but on time.”Even before the official vote was taken, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie knew that the budget would pass the Democrat-controlled Assembly because “the people of th
Charter schools still a D.C. hot-button issue - The Washington Post
Charter schools still a D.C. hot-button issue - The Washington Post: Charter schools still a D.C. hot-button issueFor years, District residents have forecast — for better or worse — a future where charter schools consumed neighborhood schools. And with charter school enrollment growing every year for nearly two decades, that day has seemed not too far away.But this year, the percentage of students
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 4/3/15 #Chuy2015 #rahmssecretemails
Special Nite Cap - Catch Up on Today's Post 4/3/15Special Nite Cap CORPORATE ED REFORM Click here to go to Jesus "Chuy" Garcia for Mayor of Chicago Website#Chuy2015 #imwithchuy#DUMPRAHMThe mayoral runoff is going to be a shitstorm | #Chuy2015 #imwithchuyThe mayoral runoff is going to be a shitstorm | Bleader | Chicago Reader: The mayoral runoff is going to be a shitstorm Many y