nypost.com - An administrator at a Brooklyn high school that saw an unusual surge in Regents test scores last year violated state grading policies by urging teachers to re-score exams that fell just shy of pass...

8:17 p.m. | Updated Chancellor Dennis M. Walcott’s planned event to promote Parents as Partners week, and to discuss the new Common Core curriculum standards, was disrupted Tuesday night when he could not be heard over the din of protesters.
The meeting at the Seward Park High School at 350 Grand Street on the Lower East Side was to feature speakers and a question-and-answer session, according to the Department of Education’s news release.
But as soon as the meeting started, the chancellor was drowned out by about 200 protesters, some of whom were affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement. Others identified themselves as public school teachers and parents. Unable to be heard over the crowd, the speakers, some parents, and Education Department administrators were moved from the auditorium to classrooms upstairs. There, about 100 parents and teachers listened to presentations on the Common Core curriculum.
Police were blocking protesters from following the event participants. Many of the protesters remained in the auditorium, talking, but then dispersed by 7:45 p.m. after declaring victory and reaching consensus that it was time to go.
The protest was publicized as part of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations and participants handed out flyers
POSTED: 4:29 pm PDT October 25, 2011
UPDATED: 5:54 pm PDT October 25, 2011
The Administration has made historic investments in Pell Grants and the American Opportunity Tax Credit to help make college more affordable for millions of current and future students. While college remains an excellent investment for most students, debt may discourage some potential students from enrolling, keeping them from getting the skills they need to compete in the global economy. Some borrowers may struggle to manage their bills and support their families. The need for enough income to make large monthly payments may discourage some graduates from starting a new job-creating business or entering teaching or another lower-paying public service career.
Today, the President announced a series of additional steps that the Administration will take to make college more affordable and to make it even easier for students to repay their federal student loans:
Help Americans Manage Student Loan Debt by Capping Monthly Payments to What They Can Afford
For example:
Borrowers looking to determine whether or not income-based repayment is the right option for them should visitwww.studentaid.gov/ibr .
The CFPB also released the Student Debt Repayment Assistant, an online tool that provides borrowers, many of whom may be struggling with repayment, with information on income-based repayment, deferments, alternative payment programs, and much more. The Student Debt Repayment Assistant is available atConsumerFinance.gov/students/repay
Improve Ease of Making Payments and Reduce Default Risk by Consolidating Loans
To ensure borrowers are not adversely impacted by this transition and to facilitate loan repayment while reducing taxpayer costs, the Department of Education is encouraging borrowers with split loans to consolidate their guaranteed FFEL loans into the Direct Loan program. Borrowers do not need to take any action at this time. Beginning in January 2012, the Department will reach out to qualified borrowers early next year to alert them of the opportunity.
This special consolidation initiative would keep the terms and conditions of the loans the same, and most importantly, beginning in January 2012, allow borrowers to make only one monthly payment, as opposed to two or more payments, greatly simplifying the repayment process. Borrowers who take advantage of this special, limited-time consolidation option would also receive up to a 0.5 percent reduction to their interest rate on some of their loans, which means lower monthly payments and saving hundreds in interest. Borrowers would receive a 0.25 percent interest rate reduction on their consolidated FFEL loans and an additional 0.25 percent interest rate reduction on the entire consolidated FFEL and DL balance.
For example:
Provide Consumers with Better Information to Make College Selection Decisions
“Know Before You Owe” Financial Aid Shopping Sheet.
The CFPB is soliciting feedback on how to further improve the form, especially looking for input from college students and their families. They can go to the CFPB's website (http://consumerfinance.gov/students/knowbeforeyouowe ) where an online ranking tool will provide the public with an opportunity to weigh in on the financial aid shopping sheet.
Today, one of my perpetually tardy students came in. I left my door open and, as usual, I let him in without little fanfare, because it’s not a situation I need to do a lot of yelling for. I told him good morning. He reciprocated. After I got to walking around, I noticed a student passing him work that had little relevance to math. Without yelling, I told the parties, “I need you to get back to work.” They nodded and waited until I walked away. However, I noticed they continued to make it a discussion that, frankly, took them away from the task at hand. I can understand the worry of not having homework done in the class, but there’s this pressing urgency I have in my class because I know the skills necessary for them to get to high school in mathematically sound shape.
This doesn’t matter much to the student; rather, he wanted to complete someone else’s assignment in my class and told me under no uncertain terms that he wasn’t going to do my work at all. I nodded and simply stated that both the giver and recipient of homework (that they ought not copy from one another anyways) would have this
October 25, 2011
Dear County and District Superintendents and Charter School Administrators:
County and district superintendents who provided a charter school with a facility in the 2009–10 school year (July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2010), as authorized under Proposition 39 (California Education Code [EC] Section 47614), have the opportunity to review and respond to the information (per-square-foot data) reported to the California Department of Education (CDE) by select charter schools. This data is available on the CDE Proposition 39 and Charter Schools
Web page at http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/cs/as/proposition39.asp by selecting the per-square-foot charge Microsoft Excel file.
Proposition 39, introduced on the November 2000 ballot, amended EC Section 47614 with the intent that public school facilities should be shared fairly among all public school pupils, including those in charter schools.
The State Board of Education adopted regulations (Title 5 California Code of Regulations sections 11969.1–11969.4 and 11969.6–11969.11) to define key provisions. These regulations also require the following:
If you would like to submit a comment, please contact Celina Torres, Education Programs Consultant, Charter Schools Division, by e-mail at ctorres@cde.ca.gov. If you have questions regarding this subject, please contact Ms. Torres by phone at 916-327-5929.
Tom Torlakson
nypost.com - An administrator at a Brooklyn high school that saw an unusual surge in Regents test scores last year violated state grading policies by urging teachers to re-score exams that fell just shy of pass...
6lawrence.com - By Theo Hayes on October 21, 2011 LAWRENCE - The U.S. Department of Education's Assistant Secretary of Special Education, Alexa Posney, promoted President Obama's Jobs Act on Friday during a tour o...
nypost.com - Just one out of every four students who started high school in 2007 went on to graduate in 2011 prepared for college under a first-ever city measure aligned with City University of New York entranc...
kdvr.com - DENVER -- A year after Colorado saw the most expensive U.S. Senate race in the entire country, an election that's seen more than $600,000 in campaign contributions might seem like a low budget affa...
blogs.edweek.org - Dear Deborah,Have you been following the evolving story of the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind? I have, and it is disheartening. Instead of ditching this disastrous law, senators are trying...
shankerblog.org - Several weeks ago, a survey of college admission directors and enrollment managers conducted by Inside Higher Education sparked considerable media coverage about an issue that is not entirely new: ...
broadeducation.org - ACHIEVEMENT FIRSTwww.achievementfirst.org The Broad Foundation supports the New York City expansion of Achievement First, which aims to deliver high-quality education for low-income and minority st...
preaprez.wordpress.com - Mary is an IEA member concerned about her pension. Mary has heard from me that she should go to the IEA website for current information. That’s what Mary does. There Mary finds a featured video of ...
wrex.com - Poplar Grove (WREX) - The North Boone Education Association pickets outside the North Boone School District's headquarters for what they call a fair contract. They've been working without a contrac...
huffingtonpost.com - NEW YORK -- While on Wall Street many protesters decry economic inequality, and in Washington, D.C. debates continue over federal education policy, teachers across the country are occupying their c...
nytimes.com - Only one in four students who enter high school in New York City are ready for college after four years, and less than half enroll, according to the A-through-F high school report cards released on...
schoolingintheownershipsociety.blogspot.com - Education reforms translate into big money for private groups writes Sarah Garland in the Oct. 24th American Prospect. Following the 2001 No Child Left Behind Act, states paid millions of dollars a...
stanforddaily.com - Over 1,000 attendees gathered Saturday morning in Maples Pavilion for the sixth annual Reunion Homecoming Roundtable at Stanford, titled this year “Education Nation 2.0: Redefining K-12 education i...
truth-out.org - For the past couple of months, Steve Brill’s new book has served to step up the eternally-beneath-the-surface hypothesis that teachers’ unions are the primary obstacle to improving educational outc...
dailykos.com - has been proposed by Democrats Abroad in France. As you will see in the text of the document, which appears below the fold, it was submitted to DA Resolutions Committee on September 14, 2011, and...
michaelklonsky.blogspot.com - BBA's project in Newark In the new issue of Kappan, Pedro Noguera describes the theory and practice behind a Broader, Bolder Approach (BBA) initiative in Newark which links community-based reform w...
kappanmagazine.org - Pedro A. Noguera PEDRO A. NOGUERA (pedro.noguera{at}nyu.edu) is the Peter L. Agnew Professor of Education at New York University. In Newark, N.J. the Broader, Bolder Approach (BBA) reform plan is d...
nola.com - Saturday's elections for seats on the state board of education did not immediately resolve the struggle over public schools in Louisiana. But they did leave John White, the top school official in N...
michaelklonsky.blogspot.com - I wonder why the Democrats, living abroad in France, seem to have it much more together than the ones in the White House, Congress and the DOE? Here's the education platform they want the Democrati...
dnainfo.com - The High School of Graphic Communication Arts received an "F" in this year's progress report. (DNAinfo/Jill Colvin) MANHATTAN — Just 38 percent of Manhattan high schools earned "A" grades and only ...
schools.nyc.gov - Department of Education Will Host Events During Week of October 24th to Boost Parent Involvement Schools Chancellor Dennis M. Walcott today announced that the Department of Education will host a se...
teateachers.org - By Liana HeitinEducation officials in Tennessee are taking flak from teachers and unions for rushing the implementation of a new teacher-evaluation system that will eventually undergird tenure deci...
edweek.org - When the Broad Prize for Urban Education was created in 2002, billionaire philanthropist Eli Broad said he hoped the awards, in addition to rewarding high-performing school districts, would foster ...
blogs.orlandosentinel.com - Online or virtual education — the kind getting pushed hard in Florida now – has grown from a “novelty to a movement” in strong need of governmental oversight, according to a new report by the Natio...
huffingtonpost.com - NEW YORK -- While on Wall Street many protesters decry economic inequality, and in Washington, D.C. debates continue over federal education policy, teachers across the country are occupying their c...
dailykos.com - An Imagine charter school in Melbourne, Florida, got an F grade last year. The school is in trouble not just over grades but over financial struggles. Many of the problems are due to the involveme...
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Administration Announces Student Loan Changes | FDL News Desk:Administration Announces Student Loan Changesby David Dayen(photo: Kyle James)There was an expectation of a new announcement from the O...
edupln.com - The Government cuts in public services have hit all Local Authorities (LA's) hard, although it is arguably the smaller Unitary Authorities and the schools within them who have lost the most. Being ...
nycschoolhelp.com - I am getting a lot of questions about Success Charter Schools' plans to open new schools in District 15, 14 and 13. Charter schools like any school should be judged individually on their own merits...
npr.org - Enlarge Paul Sancya/AP Education Secretary Arne Duncan visited Oregon earlier this month, and he heard from an Oregon City teacher who complained about the rules of a performance-based pay bonus gr...
gothamschools.org - “The people’s mic” could drown out discussion of curriculum standards at tonight’s unusual Panel for Educational Policy meeting. The Department of Education has convened an off-schedule and highly ...
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - City's playing teacher's pet? Bias against public school, cry parents:City's playing teacher's pet? Bias against public school, cry parentsBY MARK MORALES DAILY NEWS WRITERTuesday, October 25th 201...
ednewsparent.org - Well, this is a moot point now since it seems that politicians in potato-producing states have stopped the USDA from setting limits on potatoes in school lunch. It seems that potatoes will still be...
baycitizen.org - Grace Rubenstein for The Bay Citizen Third graders in the Oakland Unified School District, which was taken over by the state in 2003The number of California school districts at risk of financial co...
momsrising.org - WASHINGTON, D.C.—I just got back from the Blogalicious Conference, an annual gathering of African American and Latina women bloggers. I couldn’t be more excited. I learned that some Latina MomsRisi...
blogs.edweek.org - 21074 « Transparency Watch: Secret (For Now) NCLB Waiver Judges | MainTexas Gov. Rick Perry, who is in a furious race for the GOP presidential nomination, unveiled a flat tax plan today that also t...
nytimes.com - Oct. 25, 2011, 6:01 p.m. Parents and students at Public School 137 in Manhattan held a rally on Tuesday outside the elementary school in protest of budget cuts and a recent ‘F’ grade on the school’...
scholasticadministrator.typepad.com - Campus Cash TAPPED/Hechinger: Mathematica was paid more than $500,000 to design the model for the Washington, D.C., public schools. Pearson began marketing Teacher Compass, a new teacher-observatio...
dissenter.firedoglake.com - Ed. note: Kevin is on a tour of Occupation sites in the Midwest. He’ll be visiting the sites, talking to and interviewing occupiers, and getting a feel for where they are and what they need. He’ll ...
ascd.typepad.com - Educators working to reform grading and reporting often find that some of their strongest opposition comes from parents and community members. Most parents remember grades from when they were in sc...
washingtonpost.com - D.C. public school second-graders will take the DC CAS for the first time this spring, part of an effort to expand the pool of teachers eligible to be evaluated on the “value-added” they bring to s...
latimesblogs.latimes.com - Apparently, the 99% includes university students too. As of Sunday, the fervor from Occupy Los Angeles and similar movements across the nation trickled down to Westwood where a group of about 20 st...
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - IEA update. How your dues are being used. Part two. « Fred Klonsky's blog:IEA update. How your dues are being used. Part two.by Fred KlonskyLet us suppose Mary is an IEA member, concerned about her...
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Why We Can’t Fire Our Way to Urban School Reform | Edwize:Why We Can’t Fire Our Way to Urban School Reformby Christina CollinsA recent SchoolBook article on the high teacher turnover at one of Eva ...
saveseattleschools.blogspot.com - One thing is clear - there were people in the district who just did not want the MLK, Jr. Building to go to an affluent private school. Didn't matter the price - it was a non-starter. The issue w...
northjersey.com - TRENTON — A program that had kept as many as 15,000 children busy after school has fallen victim to New Jersey budget cuts and the bad economy. NJ After 3 plans to close next week. The private, no...
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Anti-Bullying Music Video::Anti-Bullying Music Video: “To All You Guys,” by Eric Baraoby cynthiaHere’s an original song and music video from a graduate of the Berklee College of Music. Eric Barao w...
thenotebook.org - School vouchers have taken another step forward in Pennsylvania. And they're taking charter school reform with them. On Tuesday, an amended version of Senate Bill 1, as the measure is known, was ap...
vidayfamilia.univision.com - Un importante panel de funcionarios y expertos en educación participaron en el foro “Tu Educación Es Nuestro Futuro” conducido por Jorge Ramos desde el Newseum, en Washington DC, para buscar soluci...
vidayfamilia.univision.com - Las mejores becas para estudiantes latinos Hispanic Scholarship Fund. El HSF ofrece premios a estudiantes matriculando en una secundaria o universidad, y también a estudiantes de universidades comu...
news.firedoglake.com - It’s sad that it took the demise of the CLASS Act for the media to take notice that the problem the measure was trying to solve, long-term care, is both serious and growing. But whether or not the ...
quickanded.com - High school diploma does not equal college readiness. One-quarter of New York City high school graduates are prepared for college, according to state report cards released Monday. It was the first ...
nea.org - NEA Campaign Against Bullying Educators Standing Up Against Bullying NEA's Bully Free Pledge Taker Vincent Pompei This high school counselor makes his office and his school a safe place for all stu...
gothamschools.org - Yesterday’s high school progress reports release put 60 schools on existential notice. Fourteen high schools got failing grades, 28 received D’s, and another 14 have scored at a C or lower since at...
gothamschools.org - NHD Research Made Easy: Online, Accessible, and Free Thursday, October 27th, 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm New York Public Library, Stephen A. Schwarzman Building Learn how to access primary and secondary sour...
coopcatalyst.wordpress.com - Hey Coop-ers, I haven’t posted much to this blog yet but wanted to reintroduce myself. I’m the Communications Director of IDEA, an organization that has much in common with the Coop. Kirsten Olson ...
thenotebook.org - In his ongoing effort to curb violence at South Philadelphia High School, Principal Otis Hackney brought in a little star power Tuesday. Philadelphia Eagles running back Ronnie Brown, in conjunctio...
educationresearchreport.blogspot.com - ΩThis new report from the Strengthening Science Education in California initiative reveals that students have little access to high quality science education in California elementary schools. Inten...
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Randi Weingarten on Teacher Bashing | TIME Ideas | TIME.com:Randi Weingarten RespondsThe president of the American Federation of Teachers begs to differ with Rotherham's column, "Let’s Talk Honestl...
ed.gov - WASHINGTON, DC – TODAY at 4:40PM EDT, the White House will host an on the record conference call with Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Director of the Domestic Policy Council Melody Barnes to di...
ed.gov - The U.S. Department of Education's Equity and Excellence Commission will hold its fifth meeting Wednesday in Washington, D.C. Established Feb. 2 by the Education Department, the commission is taske...
scholasticadministrator.typepad.com - October 25, 2011 | Posted At: 03:05 PM | Author: Alexander Russo | Category: Best of the Blogs & Pundits , Foundation Follies , Media Watch , Urban Ed #edcolo @ednews Following up on recent coverag...
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Save Seattle Schools Community Blog: Stand For Children stands with Carr, Sundquist and Martin-Morris (but not Maier?):Stand For Children stands with Carr, Sundquist and Martin-Morris (but not Maie...
blogs.denverpost.com - (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)President Barack Obama will talk about ways students can manage their debt at the speech tomorrow on the Auraria campus. WASHINGTON — White House officials confirmed this m...
huffingtonpost.com - This article comes to us courtesy of The Hechinger Report.BALDWIN PARK, Calif. –- The end of the school day in Patty Sanchez’s kindergarten class at Geddes Elementary School is not so different fro...
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - California Partnership Academies Report - Year 2011 (CA Dept of Education):Partnership Academies Linked to Graduation, College ReadinessTorlakson notes findings 'confirm what I saw in my own classr...
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - A Look at State Aid Cuts in New York State 2011-12 « School Finance 101:A Look at State Aid Cuts in New York State 2011-12by schoolfinance101Following is another in my school finance geeky series o...
bluejersey.com - promoted by the_promised_land Hello Blue Jersey community. My name is Maria DeFilippis, President of AFT Local #2375 representing the full and part time faculty at Raritan Valley Community College...
good.is - For our most recent challenge, we asked you to redesign the report card so that it's visually appealing, informative, and inspirational, and gives context to student achievement. We received so man...
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Schooling in the Ownership Society: Big money to be made in the teacher evaluation biz:Big money to be made in the teacher evaluation bizby Mike KlonskyEducation reforms translate into big money fo...
momsrising.org - Every October, National Work and Family Month gives me flashbacks. When I became pregnant, I was a manager at a high-tech company. My job was at least fifty hours a week and, given a recent merger,...
boston.com - WASHINGTON—The personal financial details of as many as 5,000 college students were temporarily laid bare for other students to view on the Education Department's direct loan website earlier this m...
blogs.edweek.org - Lowering the the costs of state pension programs for teachers and other public workers is highly desirable, but it's also messy, and the savings are not immediate, notes a new report, which highlig...
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - The grade-in at #OWS. Going viral. « Fred Klonsky's blog:The grade-in at #OWS. Going viral.by Fred KlonskyWhen we got back to where we were staying in Brooklyn after going to Occupy Wall Street on ...
dailynews.com - The Los Angeles Unified School District's police force is adopting a more moderate truancy policy in an effort to reduce what was seen as unfair targeting of some students. Community groups had com...
edsource.org - Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, is calling on Governor Jerry Brown to come forward with his own “comprehensive” plan for the sta...
chicagonow.com - By Alexander Russo, today at 10:09 am Today's news is that the Board is going to consider extending the extended learning incentives to charter schools at tomorrow's monthly meeting, that Superinte...
blogs.edweek.org - Most governors are fond of talking about education—why it needs to be improved, how they're going to improve it, the consequences of not improving it, and so on.But when governors attempt to use th...
thedailyriff.com - "Parents could turn the system on its head if they weren't so caught up in outmoded mentalities about education forged in the stable economy of the 1950s (but profoundly misguided in today's chaoti...
scholasticadministrator.typepad.com - October 25, 2011 | Posted At: 11:48 AM | Author: john thompson | Category: (Who Cares What) Research Says , John Thompson , Teachers & Teaching , Technology Is Scary Morgan Smith of the Texas Tribu...
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Hechinger Report | Companies, nonprofits making millions off teacher effectiveness push:Companies, nonprofits making millions off teacher effectiveness pushby Sarah GarlandNew education reforms oft...
educationfrontblog.dallasnews.com - The other day, my colleague Rodger Jones handed me some interesting information about graduation rates from Texas colleges, which the DMN's Holly Hacker has been reporting about recently.If you tak...
boston.com - WASHINGTON—The personal financial details of as many as 5,000 college students were temporarily laid bare for other students to view on the Education Department's direct loan website earlier this m...
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Districts are still fearful of teachers communicating with students using Facebook | Dangerously Irrelevant:Districts are still fearful of teachers communicating with students using Facebookby dr.s...
whitehouse.gov - The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release October 25, 2011 Military medics are on the front lines everyday saving lives; they are the battlefield’s first responders. Yet m...
democraticunderground.com - Source: Atlantic WireThe most pervasive sound at Zuccotti Park, and one of the neighbors' biggest complaints, is that of a group of drummers pounding the skins, and organizers now fear their inabil...
millermps.wordpress.com - By SABRINA TAVERNISE Published: October 24, 2011 NYTimes PARMA HEIGHTS, Ohio — The poor population in America’s suburbs — long a symbol of a stable and prosperous American middle class — rose by mo...
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Report details problems with full-time virtual schools - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post:Report details problems with full-time virtual schoolsby Valerie StraussWith millions of public high ...
dissidentvoice.org - (On the set of WTFN’s new public affairs show Mind over Media, host Romana Clay is seated at a kidney-shaped table around which are large mock-ups of various newspapers and web pages. Over her righ...
privatizationwatch.org - HeadlinesOH: Feds will give turnpike study money to Ohio if changes are made The U.S. Department of Transportation will give Ohio permission to use federal money to study privatization of the Ohio ...
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Lesson Study Works! An Interview with Dr. Catherine Lewis - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:Lesson Study Works! An Interview with Dr. Catherine Lewisby Anthony CodyResearch consistently...
joannejacobs.com - High school students will be guaranteed no-cost access to “early college” classes under the Pathways to College program, which is part of the Harkin-Enzi bill reauthorizing the Elementary and Secon...
signonsandiego.com - “Because of the need for reducing the tax burden, class sizes were increased, teachers’ salaries were lowered and drastic economies applied.” – From the San Diego Unified School District’s official...
therepublic.com - INDIANAPOLIS — The superintendent of the state's largest school district requested a state investigation Monday into his allegations that charter schools are turning away homeless and disabled stud...
reuters.com - By Jim Christie SAN FRANCISCO | Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:25pm EDT SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - When California lawmakers reached a deal to close a $10 billion budget gap in June, critics warned the agreemen...
technorati.com - Every once in awhile you see an article come up about Federal Student Loan programs and this week I saw two. Reuters published an article a few days ago suggesting some fuzzy math by FinAid.org's M...
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Noguera: School reform is community reform:Noguera: School reform is community reformBBA's project in NewarkIn the new issue of Kappan, Pedro Noguera describes the th...
mercurynews.com - Click photo to enlarge Arushi Sharma (l), Alexis Velasquez (center) and Tanroop Singh (cq)(r) concentrate on dissecting owl pellets during a fourth-grade science lab at Brookvale Elementary School ...
education.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com - Learning the ins and outs of the latest technology is a lot like learning to swim or ride a bike: The younger you are, the more naturally it comes. This is troubling news for parents who already fe...
oregonlive.com - TIGARD -- Online learning for the Tigard-Tualatin School District could be a reality as soon as next semester, although the specifics still need to be ironed out.The school board gave the green lig...